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Cencosud commits to selling only cage-free eggs in Chile
SANTIAGO DE CHILE—Cencosud, the largest multinational retail company in Chile, has announced it will sell exclusively cage-free eggs in its own brand by 2025 and all eggs at two of its major chains by 2028. Cencosud operates in Chile under several supermarket brands, including Jumbo, Spid 35 and
Tokyo’s hopes of a “green” Summer Games can’t be realised while Japan continues killing whales
LONDON—Ahead of the Tokyo Summer Games starting this week, promoted by the Japanese government as the "greenest games ever", animal protection groups have written to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to say that Japan can’t win gold for the environment until it stops the cruel and unsustainable practice
Igrzyska nie będą „zielone” dopóki Japonia będzie dalej zabijać wieloryby.
W piątek 23 lipca rozpoczynają się w Tokio XXXII Letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie. Japońskie władze promują je jako najbardziej zielone igrzyska w historii. Jak jednak przekonują w liście otwartym do premiera Yoshihide Suga organizacje ochrony zwierząt, Japonia nie zdobędzie złotego medalu w ochronie
Café Toscano is committed to purchasing only cage-free eggs
MEXICO CITY—Café Toscano, a cafeteria restaurant with four locations in Mexico (Roma, Condesa, Lomas and Polanco) has committed to exclusively obtaining eggs from cage-free hens throughout its supply chain during the year 2021. With this announcement, Café Toscano will make a positive impact on the
Café Toscano se compromete a comprar solo huevos libres de jaulas
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO—Café Toscano, el restaurante cafetería con cuatro ubicaciones en México (Roma, Condesa, Lomas y Polanco) se ha comprometido a obtener exclusivamente huevos de gallinas libres de jaula en toda su cadena de suministro durante el año 2021. Con este anuncio, Café Toscano tendrá un
Bryan Adams, William Shatner, Robert Bateman and other notable Canadians join HSI/Canada in calling for a ban on elephant ivory trade
MONTREAL—Seventeen renowned Canadian artists and scientists have signed an open letter calling on the Canadian government to take urgent action to prohibit elephant ivory trade. In the past century, the African elephant population, which is currently listed as critically endangered/endangered by the
Bryan Adams, William Shatner, Robert Bateman et d’autres Canadiens et Canadiennes de renom joignent leur voix à celle d’HSI/Canada pour revendiquer l’interdiction du commerce de l’ivoire d’éléphant
MONTRÉAL—Dix-sept artistes et scientifiques canadiens de renom ont signé une lettre ouverte invitant le gouvernement canadien à intervenir de toute urgence pour interdire le commerce de l’ivoire d’éléphant. Au cours du siècle dernier, le nombre d’éléphants d’Afrique, qui figurent sur la liste des
South Korea laboratory animal statistics reveal shocking figures of animal suffering
SEOUL—The annual statistics on laboratory animal use for 2020 revealed disappointing trends with regards to animal testing in South Korea. According to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, 4,141,433 animals were used for testing in 2020, up 11.5% compared to the previous year (3,712,380 in 2019)
동물실험 실태 조사 결과, 연이은 증가세 기록
국제 동물보호단체 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 HSI)이 늘어나는 동물실험 조사 결과에 대해 대안 마련을 위한 공공과 민감의 동참 필요성을 제기했다. 농림축산검역본부가 발표한 2020년 실험동물 사용 실태에 따르면 2020년 실험된 동물의 수는 414만 1,433마리로 전년 대비 11.5% 증가했다. 5년전 287만 여 마리가 실험 된 2016년 수치와 비교했을 때에 비하면 43.8%가 늘어난 수치다. 한편 지난 19일 법무부는 ‘동물은 물건이 아니다’라는 동물의 법적 지위
Organizations come together to help laboratory animals in South Korea
SEOUL—Animal protection organization Humane Society International/Korea (HSI/Korea), cosmetics brand Lush Korea and civic group People for Non-human Rights (PNR) have teamed up for laboratory animals by launching a petition to support the Act on the Promotion of Development, Dissemination and Use of
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, ‘동물대체시험법 촉진법’ 서명 캠페인 전개
국제동물보호단체 ‘휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(이하 HSI)’은 ‘동물대체시험법 개발 및 보급, 이용 촉진에 관한 법률’ 제정안(이하, 동물대체시험법 촉진법안) 통과를 촉구하는 서명 캠페인을 8월 5일 목요일부터 전개한다. 본 캠페인은 프레쉬 핸드메이드 코스메틱 브랜드 러쉬코리아(Lush Korea), 동물권연구변호사단체 피엔알과 함께한다. 농림축산검역본부 실험동물 실태 조사에 따르면 실험동물 수는 2016년 약 287만 마리에서 2020년 약 414만 마리로 약 44% 증가했다. 미국이나 유럽에 제약회사는 사람의 신체 기능을
Research collaboration aims to improve well-being for elephants and co-existence with people
CAPE TOWN—Humane Society International/Africa (HSI/Africa) and the Elephant Reintegration Trust (ERT) have joined forces in a research project that could change the way that elephants are managed in South Africa in the future. Nine reserves are currently part of the research project, with more due
Einer der bekanntesten Löwen in Simbabwe fiel Trophäenjäger zum Opfer
BERLIN—Der international bekannte und 12-jährige Löwe namens Mopane wurde letzte Woche von einem mutmaßlich amerikanischen Trophäenjäger außerhalb des Hwange-Nationalparks in Simbabwe geschossen. Die Umstände erinnern an die Tötung des Löwen Cecil vor sechs Jahren im selben Gebiet und haben einen
Another majestic lion was killed in Zimbabwe, allegedly by an American hunter
WASHINGTON—A majestic lion named Mopane was allegedly killed by an American hunter outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe last week. Mopane’s death has sparked international outcry with details surrounding his killing similar to those of Cecil the lion, slaughtered in 2015 in the same area
Un altro possente leone è stato ucciso in Zimbabwe, presumibilmente da un cacciatore americano
ROMA—Un possente leone di nome Mopane sarebbe stato ucciso da un cacciatore americano fuori dal Parco Nazionale di Hwange, nello Zimbabwe, la scorsa settimana. La morte di Mopane ha suscitato proteste internazionali; i dettagli emersi sulla sua uccisione sarebbero simili a quelli del leone Cecil
Kolejny lew zabity dla trofeum przez amerykańskiego myśliwego w Zimbabwe
KRAKÓW—Znany turystom i przewodnikom turystycznym lew o imieniu Mopane, który żył w Parku Narodowym Hwange w Zimbabwe został zabity przez amerykańskiego myśliwego. W tym celu wywabiono zwierzę z obszaru parku. Ta historia przypomina trgiczne zdarzenie z udziałem lwa Cecila zabitego w podobnych
Another majestic lion was killed in Zimbabwe, allegedly by an American hunter
LONDON—A majestic lion named Mopane was killed allegedly by an American hunter outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe last week. Mopane’s death has sparked international outcry with details surrounding his killing similar to those of Cecil the lion, slaughtered in 2015 in the same area. With
Chilean bill banning cosmetics animal testing passes initial Health Commission review with unanimous support
SANTIAGO DE CHILE—A federal cruelty-free cosmetics bill championed by Humane Society International and Te Protejo passed the first stage of review by the Health Commission within the Chilean Chamber of Deputies with bipartisan political support, regulatory backing and the support of cosmetics
Dog meat traders to be prosecuted for the first time in Indonesian history after truck with 78 dogs intercepted by police
KULON PROGO, Indonesia—Indonesia’s first ever prosecution of dog meat traders under animal health laws is set to go ahead, officials have confirmed, in what the country’s animal campaigners hope will be a major turning point in the demise of the brutal trade. Kulon Progo District Police intercepted
More than 50 global NGOs call on COP26 to formally acknowledge animal agriculture as major climate change contributor at this year’s conference
LONDON—More than 50 animal protection, environmental and food justice organisations from around the globe have written to Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma MP, president of the COP26 climate change conference organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), calling on the UNFCCC