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Teufelskreis durchbrechen: HSI/Europe unterstützt Katzenkastrationsprojekt in Schleswig-Holstein
BERLIN—Millionen Straßenkatzen leben in Deutschland - oft unbemerkt und ungesehen. Sie sind nicht nur krank, verletzt und/oder unterernährt, sondern sie vermehren sich auch unkontrolliert. Obwohl diese Situation eines der größten Herausforderungen für den deutschen Tierschutz darstellt, ist das
Friuli Venezia Giulia: presentata in Consiglio regionale una mozione contro l’allevamento in gabbia
MILANO—Con una mozione presentata questa settimana, la Consigliera M5S Rosaria Capozzi chiede al Consiglio regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia di promuovere la transizione cage-free e di assicurare che in tutte le mense pubbliche della Regione i prodotti di origine animale utilizzati provengano da
Le organizzazioni per la protezione degli animali accolgono favorevolmente l’impegno della Commissione europea a riformare la legislazione sul benessere animale e vietare l’allevamento in gabbia
ROMA—Le organizzazioni italiane per la protezione degli animali parte della coalizione End the Cage Age* accolgono con favore l’ impegno formulato ieri dalla Commissione Europea di presentare nel 2026 la promessa riforma della legislazione sul benessere animale, iniziando dalla proposta di vietare
Legge di bilancio 2025, scartati gli emendamenti volti a contrastare i combattimenti tra animali
ROMA—Tra gli emendamenti alla Legge di bilancio 2025 approvati dalla Commissione Bilancio della Camera dei Deputati, non risultano presenti né l’emendamento 82.0180, a prima firma dell’On. Susanna Cherchi, né l’emendamento 119.03, a prima firma dell’On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, che avrebbero
Macello e ristorante di carne di cane in Vietnam chiude dopo 20 anni, il proprietario si unisce al programma Models for Change per porre fine al commercio di carne di cane
DONG NAI, Viet Nam—Una struttura che fungeva da macello e da ristorante di carne di cane nel distretto di Trang Bom, nella provincia vietnamita di Dong Nai, ha chiuso dopo vent’anni, come parte del programma Models for Change dell’organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society
Dog meat restaurant and slaughterhouse in Viet Nam closes business after 20 years, owner joins Models for Change program to end the dog meat trade
DONG NAI, Viet Nam—A dog meat restaurant and slaughterhouse in the Trang Bom district of Viet Nam’s Dong Nai province has closed after 20 years as part of the Models for Change program by animal protection charity Humane Society International. Launched in Viet Nam in 2022, the program helps people
Restaurant und Schlachthof für Hundefleisch in Vietnam schließt nach 20 Jahren; der Besitzer nimmt am „Models for Change“-Programm teil, um Hundefleischhandel zu beenden
DONG NAI, Viet Nam /Berlin—Ein Hundefleisch-Betrieb, eine Kombination aus Restaurant und Schlachthof, im Landkreis Trang Bom in der Provinz Dong Nai in Vietnam hat nach 20 Jahren seine Türen geschlossen. Dies geschah im Rahmen des „Models for Change“-Programms der Tierschutzorganisation Humane
Animal charity Humane Society International to become “Humane World for Animals” to better encompass mission
BRUSSELS (14 th February 2025) ― Animal charity Humane Society International today announced it will change its name to Humane World for Animals to establish clarity in its mission to create lasting change for animals across the European Union and around the world. The change takes effect today and
Globale Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International wird zu Humane World for Animals und verstärkt Präsenz in Deutschland
Berlin, 14. Februar 2025 – Seit über 70 Jahren kämpft Humane World for Animals – ehemals Humane Society International – weltweit gegen die Ursachen von Tierquälerei und Tierleid, um einen nachhaltigen Wandel zu bewirken. Heute schließt sich die Organisation mit ihrem in den USA ansässigen Pendant
L’organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International, attiva in Italia dal 2020, diventa “Humane World for Animals” per mettere in risalto la sua missione e la sua presenza globale
MILANO (14 febbraio 2025)—L’organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International, attiva in Italia dal 2020, ha annunciato oggi il suo nuovo nome, Humane World for Animals, volto a rendere ancora più chiara la sua missione di generare un cambiamento duraturo per gli animali in
Organizacja Humane Society International w Polsce zmienia się w Humane World for Animals, aby jeszcze skuteczniej realizować swoją misję ochrony zwierząt
Warszawa, 14 lutego 2025 r. – Organizacja ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International w Polsce ogłosiła, że zmienia swoją nazwę na Humane World for Animals , by podkreślić znaczenie swojej misji, którą jest trwała poprawa losu zwierząt w Polsce i na całym świecie. Zmiana wchodzi w życie dzisiaj i
Humane Society International în Romania devine "Humane World for Animals”, pentru a reflecta mai bine misiunea organizației
București (14 Feb. 2025) – Humane Society International, organizație pentru protecția animalelor activă în România din 2019, anunță că își va schimba numele în Humane World for Animals. Noul nume a fost ales pentru a reflecta faptul că misiunea organizației este să realizeze schimbări pe termen lung
Animal charity Humane Society International UK to become "Humane World for Animals” to better encompass mission and global presence
LONDON—Animal charity Humane Society International UK today announced its rebrand to Humane World for Animals to establish clarity in its mission to create lasting change for animals in the UK and around the world. The change takes effect today and underscores the organisation's global impact while
The role of animals in humanitarian crises
Animals are a source of profound comfort and support during times of crisis. From the recent challenges of displacement due to conflict to disasters, our connection to animals provides not only psychological relief but also essential practical support. Service and companion animals are often crucial
Statement on former Pentagon official’s guilty plea for dogfighting
Last week, a former Pentagon official pled guilty in federal court to dogfighting and racketeering crimes. The Department of Justice investigation of the onetime public information officer for the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense detailed his 20-year history of dogfighting
New report confirms NYC Public Schools reduced overall emissions by over 40% through plant-powered meals
The Humane Society of the United States has released an environmental report detailing how New York City Public Schools have significantly reduced their carbon emissions through the implementation of the plant-based meal program, Plant-Powered Fridays. The program, which has led to a 42% reduction
New polling reveals 84% of Scots support ban on caging pigs in farrowing crates
EDINBURGH—New polling commissioned by leading animal protection organisation Humane World for Animals UK (formerly called Humane Society International UK) and conducted by The Diffley Partnership reveals that an overwhelming majority—84%—of the Scottish public reject the use of farrowing crates for
Two former pet tigers celebrate their February anniversaries at Texas sanctuary
MURCHISON, Texas—Two tigers once kept as pets—Loki in Houston and Elsa in San Antonio—arrived at their new home, Black Beauty Ranch, in February 2019 and 2021, respectively. The animal sanctuary is home to nearly 600 animals saved from cruelty and neglect and is part of Humane World for Animals
Approximately 250 dogs and puppies rescued from alleged cruelty at two puppy mills in Milburn, Oklahoma
Editor's note: This release has been updated to reflect the final count of animals removed from the property. The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office with the rescue of approximately 250 dogs and puppies as part of an alleged cruelty case at two
As New Jersey legislators move to stop the puppy mill-to-pet store pipeline, new evidence links Garden State puppy stores to cruel mass breeding facilities
TRENTON, New Jersey—State Senators Brian Stack, D-Hudson, and Raj Mukherji, D-Jersey City, and Assemblywomen Shama A. Haider, D-Englewood, and Luanne M. Peterpaul, D-Asbury Park, have introduced legislation that will prohibit the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet shops, effectively cutting off