Found 3897 results
Shark Finning Regulations
Existing regulations The first multi-lateral organization to address the issue of shark finning was the UN Food and Agriculture Organization which, in 1999, produced its International Plan of Action for Sharks, recommending the full utilization of sharks. Since then, the UN General Assembly and some
Factory Egg Farms in Mexico
At odds with the country's tradition of small, independent, rural farms, the majority of Mexico's commercial eggs, meat, and dairy products now come from large intensive confinement facilities. These operations, known as animal factories (or factory farms), fail to provide for many of the animals'
Campaign Against Factory Farming in India
HSI's Factory Farming Campaign in India seeks to raise awareness about the conditions under which animals in India are reared, and to empower both activists and every-day consumers to live more compassionate and sustainable lives. The vast majority of commercial egg and meat products in India come
Swim-with-the-Dolphins Attractions in the Caribbean and Elsewhere
In 2004, The HSUS published a web article that examined the current global situation regarding the growth of dolphinariums and swim-with-the-dolphins (SWTD) attractions. At that time, we knew of at least 14 operational SWTD exhibits in the Caribbean, with seven or eight more in the planning stages
Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP)
The Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP) is a legally binding, multilateral agreement that entered into force in February 1999. The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) implements and provides the Secretariat for the program. This agreement was established
Gestation Crates
Pigs are intelligent, highly social animals, yet many sows (female pigs) around the world are treated as piglet-producing units at factory farms that use intensive confinement systems. These sows suffer through rapid cycles of impregnation, giving birth, and nursing. During their four-month
Ivory trade and CITES
Elephants in Africa are being slaughtered on an unprecedented scale. In 2012, more than 35,000 of them—or close to 100 per day—were killed for their tusks. Things turned particularly ugly in 2013, when more than 300 fell victim to cyanide poisoning by poachers in Zimbabwe. If things continue at this
Sharks on the Shelf: Shark Products
Sharks are killed for many reasons: for sport, as targets of intensive commercial fisheries, and as accidental bycatch of fisheries that target other large fish such as swordfish and tuna. A variety of species of rays, which are related to sharks, are also caught by commercial fisheries. Sharks
Shark Biology Contributes to Population Decline and Fishery Collapses
Sharks are known as "K-selected" species, which means that they have a life history strategy featuring slow growth, delayed maturation, long gestation, and the production of few young. Many shark species grow only a few centimetres per year, reaching maturity at perhaps seven or eight years of age
As human populations have increased, so have populations of our companion animals. In fact, communities around the globe now face a daunting challenge: overpopulation of humans' best friends. Whether in the markets of India, the mountains of Peru, or the fishing villages of Mexico, unwanted dogs and
Why the Canadian Government Supports the Commercial Seal Hunt
"Mr. Speaker, I would like to see the 6 million seals, or whatever number is out there, killed and sold, or destroyed and burned. I do not care what happens to them…the more they kill the better I will love it." - John Efford, former Canadian Minister of Natural Resources Opinion polls consistently
The Plight of Chimpanzees in West Africa
Our closest relatives face many threats. © Veer At one time, Africa's chimpanzee population was believed to have been one million, but today, there are no more than 150,000 individuals left. Wild chimpanzees are already extinct in four of their former range countries on the continent, and their
FAQs about CITES
What is CITES? The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES) is a treaty that governs the international trade in endangered plants and animals. Signing the treaty is voluntary; over 170 nations have signed and ratified CITES to date. The treaty contains
Human Health Concerns of Whale Meat
Whales are particularly vulnerable to environmental contaminants, including organochlorines—such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and dioxin—and heavy metals, such as methylmercury. Each of these environmental contaminants tends to accumulate in the bodies of
Animal conservation groups unite to urge the European Union to protect giraffes from wildlife trade
BRUSSELS—International animal conservation and protection organisations -- the Born Free Foundation, Humane Society International, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Pro Wildlife, Animal Defenders International, and the National Resource Defense Council -- are calling on European Union (EU)
Eight reasons to eat plant-based and save water for World Water Day 2019
WASHINGTON – For World Water Day on 22 March, Humane Society International is urging consumers to eat a more plant-based diet to help combat the significant contribution to water scarcity across the world. Water security is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet, so World Water Day is the
Celebrities call on the European Union to protect giraffes from wildlife trade
BRUSSELS—Alesha Dixon, Martin Clunes OBE, Deborah Meaden, Anneka Rice, Susan George, Virginia McKenna OBE, Brian Blessed OBE, Fiona Shaw CBE, Steve Backshall and Lucy Watson have written to EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella urging him to support a proposal by African nations to protect the
U.S. poll shows strong support for protecting elephants and keeping trophy hunting ban in Botswana
WASHINGTON—A newly released public opinion poll of registered voters in the United States shows overwhelming disapproval of a proposal to lift the ban on trophy hunting in Botswana and to initiate regular culls of the country’s elephants. On February 21, a Botswanan cabinet subcommittee recommended
Gadhimai devotees urged not to transport animals for mass sacrifice during Nepal’s Gadhimai Mela 2019
PATNA -- Humane Society International/India has joined with Bihar’s Department of Animal Husbandry, People for Animals and local organization Jag Jagran Sansthan to urge devotees of the Gadhimai festival in Nepal not to transport or sacrifice animals during the event this year in November
Humane Society International/Canada calls on BC Government to halt sickening cruelty of wildlife ‘killing contests’
MONTREAL – HSI/Canada is calling on the BC provincial government to take immediate action in stopping all ‘wildlife killing contests’ across the province and enact the necessary legislation to make any and all future contests illegal. In wildlife killing contests, contestants pay a fee and compete