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572 animals received veterinary care in indigenous zones during the first quarter of 2019
SAN JOSÉ—During February and March, Humane Society International/Latin America, together with the National Animal Health Service, the College of Veterinary Doctors and the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University, participated in health fairs organized by the Asociación Costa Rica
Victory: Dow AgroSciences beagles will head to Michigan Humane Society for TLC and happy futures
Dow AgroSciences will release the beagles who were being used in a pesticide test to the Michigan Humane Society where they will be cared for and readied for adoption into loving homes. This is the exact outcome we have been working toward for many months now, since our undercover investigator found
Juan Valdez joins the global cage-free egg movement
BOGOTÁ—Juan Valdez, with approximately 300 locations in Colombia, announced a new policy to improve animal welfare in its supply chain, committing to sourcing only cage-free eggs. The company worked with Humane Society International, a leading global animal protection organization, on the adoption
PHOTOS & VIDEO – Cyclone Idai: Animals receive emergency aid from Humane Society International
BEIRA, Mozambique—A team of animal rescue experts from animal charity Humane Society International is providing emergency aid to animals in some of the areas hardest hit by Cyclone Idai. HSI’s team has been working in Malawi and Mozambique, providing much needed food, medicine and care to sick
Breaking: Senate bill to outlaw animal testing for cosmetics in Canada tabled in House of Commons
OTTAWA -- Canada is positioned to become the world’s 40 th country to prohibit cosmetic testing involving animals following today’s introduction of the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act (Bill S-214) into the House of Commons. The bill was passed by the Senate and has been introduced by Conservative Shadow
New EU fisheries legislation falls short in preventing needless deaths of dolphins, porpoises and whales
STRASBOURG (16 April 2019)—At the European Parliament’s final plenary session before the EU elections, MEPs voted in favour of a new Regulation on the conservation of fishery resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures, following many months of difficult negotiations
Avon joins Humane Society International's #BeCrueltyFree campaign calling for a worldwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics
LONDON—Avon Products, Inc. (NYSE: AVP), today announces its support for a worldwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics by backing Humane Society International on its #BeCrueltyFree initiative. The campaign is leading legislative reform to prohibit cosmetics testing on animals in all major global
Western Cape Communities are eating green: HSI/Africa and the Western Cape Government launch the first South African plant-based cooking course for communities
CAPE TOWN -- Humane Society International/Africa (HSI/Africa), in collaboration with the Western Cape Government: Health, Western Cape on Wellness (WoW!) Healthy Lifestyles Programme has developed and launched a novel Healthy Plant-Based Cooking course for community members on practical plant-based
Dépôt à la Chambre des communes d’un projet de loi du Sénat visant à interdire au Canada les tests sur les animaux pour les cosmétiques
OTTAWA -- Avec la présentation du projet de loi sur les cosmétiques sans cruauté (S-214) à la Chambre des communes par Marilyn Gladu, députée du parti conservateur et porte-parole en matière de santé, le Canada est en passe de devenir le 40e pays du monde à interdire l’expérimentation animale dans
Avon se une a la campaña #BeCrueltyFree [#no a la crueldad animal] de Humane Society International que hace un llamamiento en pro de la prohibición mundial de las pruebas de productos cosméticos realizadas en animales
LONDRES — Avon Products, Inc. (NYSE: AVP), anuncia el día de hoy su respaldo a la prohibición mundial de las pruebas de productos cosméticos realizadas en animales, dando su apoyo a Humane Society International en su iniciativa #BeCrueltyFree. La campaña están a la vanguardia de la reforma
Lawsuit Prompts U.S. Officials to Consider Protecting Giraffes
WASHINGTON—After a prod from a lawsuit filed by conservation groups, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that giraffes may qualify for protection under America’s Endangered Species Act. The 2018 lawsuit — brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, Humane Society International
VIDEO: Dog meat found on sale at Shanghai restaurant as the city prepares to host World Dog Show 2019; 22 dogs rescued from its slaughterhouse supplier
WASHINGTON – As Shanghai prepares to host the 2019 World Dog Show despite global condemnation of China’s brutal dog meat trade, Chinese campaigners have exposed the sale of dog meat at restaurants in the same city as the major canine event. In addition to identifying the restaurants, Humane Society
Yucatan celebrates four consecutive years of a cruelty-free fiesta
IZAMAL—For the fourth consecutive year, the cruelty-free Fiesta de San Bartolo replaced Kots Kaal Pato, the brutal Yucatan ritual of stringing up animals inside piñatas and beating them to death or cutting off their heads. Humane Society International/Mexico has been working on the ground with local
Friends of HSI, HSI/Canada & Chiots Nordiques complete 17th free spay-neuter clinic, treating 162 stray and wandering animals in Matimekush, Qc
MONTREAL – Humane Society International/Canada recently completed its 17 th free veterinary clinic in partnership with Friends of HSI and Chiots Nordiques (northern puppies). The veterinary response team examined, treated, sterilized and/or vaccinated 162 animals during its deployment (162 animals
La 17e clinique de stérilisation gratuite organisée par Friends of Humane Society International, HSI/Canada et Chiots Nordiques prend fin - au total, 162 animaux errants auront été traités à Matimekush au Québec
MONTRÉAL – Humane Society International/Canada a récemment organisé sa 17 e clinique vétérinaire, en partenariat avec Friends of HSI et Chiots Nordiques. Lors de son déploiement, l’équipe vétérinaire d’intervention a examiné, traité, stérilisé et/ou vacciné 162 animaux (162 animaux examinés, 133
Korean chefs collaborate with Humane Society International to urge Koreans to swap dog meat soup for plant-based dishes for Boknal
SEOUL—As Boknal - the three hottest days of the year according to the lunar calendar—begins in South Korea, Humane Society International/Korea and vegan chef Ahn Baek-Rin have joined forces to encourage consumers to swap dog meat soup, or “bosintang”, for delicious plant-based recipes instead. The
Embedding cage-free egg production within sustainability programs: lessons from the hospitality sector
BANGKOK—Cage-free egg sourcing is becoming a sustainability priority for the Southeast Asian hospitality sector. To better understand how sustainability procurement managers are responding, and to support and accelerate further progress, Humane Society International convened a virtual workshop of
Humane Society International celebrates a legacy of care for 60+ abandoned laboratory chimps through civil war and Ebola crisis in Liberia
LIBERIA—Animal protection charity Humane Society International, and its sanctuary Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge Liberia, are celebrating World Chimpanzee Day with a moving tribute to colleague Joseph Thomas who died in January this year after more than 40 years of dedicated care for over 60
Na pomoc szympansom
Organizacja broniąca praw zwierząt Humane Society International (HSI) i prowadzony przez nią azyl dla szympansów z okazji Światowego Dnia Szympansa, w tym roku chcą szczególnie upamiętnić Josepha Thomasa. Thomas przez ponad 40 lat opiekował się 60 szympansami, wykorzystywanymi wcześniej do badań w
BREAKING: UK National Food Strategy recommends 30% less meat and 30% more fruit and veg to protect Brits’ health and combat climate change
LONDON—The much-anticipated release of Part 2 of the National Food Strategy (NFS), which recommends Brits cut back on meat by 30% over the next ten years, contains ‘bold, visionary and urgent’ recommendations that Government must act upon, says Humane Society International/UK. The landmark report