Found 3897 results
Bullfighting: How you can help
The following is a list of ways you can help end the cruel spectacle of bullfighting: 1. Never attend a bullfight, and educate your family, friends, and coworkers, encouraging them to never attend bullfights. 2. Wherever you live, speak out against all government support for or promotion of
Provoking Aggression in Bulls
A bullfight is commonly depicted as “a dramatic struggle between man and beast,” ( 1) feeding the popular myth that bulls are fierce and violent creatures. Bullfighting spectators may agree as they witness the bull charge at the bullfighter, occasionally causing injury and even death. Former
Human Toxicology Project
Humane Society International (HSI) Europe is actively working to put an end to animal testing—permanently. In partnership with affiliates The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Humane Society Legislative Fund, HSI is campaigning globally to promote greater reliance on proven non-animal
Equine Issues
Through owner education and hands-on care, we're helping to improve life for working equines. HSI In many developing countries, working equines serve important roles as transportation and labor. In some areas, they form the basis of the rural economy. The poorly maintained routes over which they
Alternatives in Product Testing
Alternatives to the use of animals in product testing include the elimination of redundant or needless study requirements, the replacement of animal tests with non-animal methods, and the modification of animal-based tests to both reduce the number of animals used and to minimise pain and distress
Hop to It, Europe!
Update: On 19 February 2009, HSI Europe celebrated a major milestone in this campaign following a move by the European Commission and Member States to accept 21st century cell-based methods as full and complete replacements for cruel and outdated skin irritation tests using rabbits and other animals
Alternatives in Scientific Research
In contrast to product testing, in which some animal use is required by law, there is no law requiring the use of animals to study basic biology, or the pathology and treatment of human illness. Here, animal experiments are a carry-over from the early days of biology and medicine. Increasingly
Validation of Animal Tests
Although some animal tests in use today were created nearly 80 years ago, most have never been formally validated (i.e., assessed in multiple laboratories to see if they reliably give the correct answers). However, there is a great deal of scientific evidence that some of the most common animal
Transatlantic Regulatory Co-operation
In light of today’s global marketplace, a meaningful reduction in animal testing can only occur if different countries are prepared to recognise and accept the results of validated alternative methods. Otherwise, companies will be forced to perform different tests to satisfy different national
Scientific Research
The great majority of animal use for experimental purposes can best be described as “curiosity-driven” research. Animals who have been purpose-bred, captured from the wild, or purchased from pounds, animal shelters, and animal brokers can be subject to a seemingly limitless variety of experimental
Product Testing
A large number of laws and regulations have been enacted worldwide to control the marketing of drugs, vaccines, food additives, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and other substances of potential toxicological concern. Such regulations often prescribe a specific regime of toxicity testing to
Outdated Testing Methods
In the time since the most commonly used toxicity tests were conceived, there has been a revolution in biology and biotechnology. Advances in tissue engineering and robotics have given birth to rapid “high throughput” in vitro (cell culture) systems, while emerging technologies such as
Legal Obligations
As public opposition towards animal testing has grown, animal use has been broadly prohibited where alternative methods are “reasonably and practicably available” (e.g., EU Directive 86/609 and legislation in the U.S. states of California [PDF], New Jersey [PDF] and New York [PDF]). Animal testing
Animal Welfare Considerations - UPDATE
Some toxicity tests consume hundreds or thousands of animals per substance examined (e.g., lifetime cancer studies consume approximately 400 rats and 400 mice; a study of birth defects and developmental toxicity consumes 1,300 rats and/or 900 rabbits; and a study of sexual fertility and reproduction
Primates in Traditional Medicine and as Hunting Trophies
When it comes to human exploitation of primates, the animals are often just as valuable dead as they are alive. Their parts may be used in traditional medicine by people in some cultures and their bodies stuffed as hunting trophies by others. Worldwide demand for primate skins, meat and body parts
Primates as Pets, in Entertainment and in Research
Living primates, whether captive-bred or wild-caught, have been exploited by humans for exotic pet trade, for our entertainment and in biomedical research. In each case, people have put their own needs and desires first, without enough thought for what is best for the animals. The pet trade The pet
Primates as Bushmeat
Smoking bushmeat. Heather E. Eves A woman shops for bushmeat at a local market. Richard G. Ruggiero In many parts of the world, apes and monkeys are killed for consumption by humans. Bushmeat is classified as meat from a wild animal, and while apes only make up a small percentage of the bushmeat
Destruction of Primate Habitat
There are 6 billion humans on the planet today, and with that number come all of the demands of supporting life. People need land to live on and to harvest food from. There are minimal limitations on how much land each person can own, and people are playing “finders, keepers” with natural resources
Habitat Protection in Latin America
When sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices are implemented, both wildlife and farmers can benefit. HSI’s habitat protection and cacao program serves to educate and empower local cacao producers in Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua to improve their production techniques to
Shark Species in Peril
Many shark species are in peril of extinction. In the Northwest Atlantic, all recorded shark species, with only one exception, have declined by more than 50 percent since 1988. In addition, there has been: An 89 percent decline in hammerhead sharks in the Northwest Atlantic since 1988. An 80 percent