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Zakrwawiony i martwy nosorożec rozpoczyna nową kampanię na rzecz zakazu importu trofeów do Unii Europejskiej
Kraków—Międzynarodowa organizacja zajmująca się obroną zwierząt Humane Society International/Europe rozpoczyna kampanię przeciwko okrutnym polowaniu dla trofeów, aby zakończyć proceder zabijania dzikich zwierząt dla rozrywki. Z raportu, który przygotowała HSI/Europe wynika, że w latach 2014-2018 do
BREAKING: Win for lab animals! European Parliament votes in favour of plan to end animal experiments
BRUSSELS—The European Parliament has adopted a resolution vote calling on the European Commission to establish an EU-wide Action Plan for the active phase out of the use of animals in experiments by defining milestones and targets to incentivise progress in the replacement of animals with non-animal
Z OSTATNIEJ CHWILI: Zwycięstwo dla zwierząt laboratoryjnych! Parlament Europejski głosuje za projektem zakończenia doświadczeń na zwierzętach
BRUKSELA—Parlament Europejski przyjął rezolucję wzywającą Komisję Europejską do ustanowienia unijnego planu działania na rzecz aktywnego odchodzenia od wykorzystywania zwierząt w eksperymentach naukowych poprzez zdefiniowanie etapów i celów pośrednich mających zachęcić do zastępowania zwierząt
MPs unanimously call on British Government to ban UK fur imports and sales during Westminster Hall debate
LONDON—In Parliament’s first fur debate since leaving the European Union, MPs from across the political spectrum have called on the government to ban the sale and import of real animal fur in Britain. All 18 of the MPs who spoke did so in favour of a ban during yesterday’s Westminster Hall debate
Joaquin Phoenix, Billie Eilish, Moby, Lily Cole, Stephen Fry, Leona Lewis, Ricky Gervais among stars urging COP26 climate conference to put animal agriculture on the agenda
LONDON—Some of the world’s biggest celebrity advocates for plant-based diets, including Moby, Billie Eilish, Joaquin Phoenix, Alan Cumming, Alicia Silverstone, Leona Lewis, Lily Cole and Stephen Fry, have written to Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma MP, president of the COP26 climate change conference to be held
Joaquin Phoenix, Billie Eilish, Moby, Lily Cole, Stephen Fry, Leona Lewis, Ricky Gervais e Martin Freeman tra le star che chiedono che l’allevamento sia messo all’ordine del giorno della 26ª Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici
ROMA/LONDRA—Alcune delle più grandi celebrità del mondo, tra cui Martin Freeman, Moby, Billie Eilish, Joaquin Phoenix, Alan Cumming, Alicia Silverstone, Leona Lewis, Lily Cole e Stephen Fry, si sono mobilitate per il clima. In una lettera congiunta a Alok Sharma, presidente della 26a Conferenza
Humane Society International and the National Animal Health Service provide disaster aid to animals in Costa Rica
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica—Whether under a temporary tarp, in a shack or with a looming rainstorm, teams provided emergency veterinary care for 1,250 pets after flooding occurred in the Costa Rican Caribbean and northern areas. Humane Society International, in conjunction with the National Animal Health
Humane Society International y SENASA brindan ayuda post desastre a animales en Costa Rica
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica— Ya fuera bajo un toldo provisional, en un ranchito o con amenaza de lluvia, 1.250 mascotas (en su mayoría, perros y gatos) recibieron atención veterinaria de emergencia gratuita, luego de las inundaciones que afectaron el Caribe y la zona norte de Costa Rica. Humane Society
Yves Saint Laurent and Brioni drop fur, to make global luxury leader Kering Group completely fur free
PARIS—Kering, one of the world’s largest luxury fashion companies and parent company to some of the biggest names in fashion–including Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta and Brioni– announced today that it is going completely fur-free. The announcement is a
Humane Society International/Korea’s anti-dog meat campaigners welcome President Moon’s hint of a dog meat ban
SEOUL—In response to South Korean President Moon’s reported suggestion that it could be time for South Korea to ban dog meat, Humane Society International/Korea’s dog meat campaigner Nara Kim issues this response from Seoul: “As a Korean who has visited many dog meat farms and seen the appalling
More than 40 NGOs call for ban on elephant ivory trade in Canada to help save African elephants
MONTREAL—As the Canadian government’s public consultation on elephant ivory trade comes to an end, Humane Society International/Canada, Elephanatics, and more than 40 Canadian and international NGOs, together representing tens of millions of supporters globally, have signed on to a letter calling on
Plus de 40 organisations non gouvernementales appellent à l’interdiction du commerce de l’ivoire d’éléphant pour sauver les éléphants d’Afrique
MONTRÉAL—Alors que la consultation publique du gouvernement canadien sur le commerce d’ivoire d’éléphant tire à sa fin, Humane Society International/Canada, Elephanatics et plus de 40 autres organisations non gouvernementales canadiennes et internationales, représentant toutes réunies des dizaines
Sodexo Singapore and Humane Society International announce collaboration to add more plant-based food options to menus across Singapore education sector
SINGAPORE—Sodexo Singapore and Humane Society International are pleased to announce a new collaboration to increase plant-based menu options for Sodexo's education sector accounts across Singapore. HSI’s Plant-Based Solutions program will train Sodexo chefs on plant-based cooking techniques and work
Preventing the next pandemic: MEPs, experts, researchers and leading NGOs discuss One Health, emerging infectious diseases and wildlife trade
BRUSSELS (28 Sept. 2021)—The emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is widely thought to have passed to humans from bats via intermediate species sold in wildlife markets, has highlighted the fact that the trade in wildlife—both legal and illegal—poses a significant threat to human health. Today
Cecil the lion’s heirs may be the next trophy hunting target
WASHINGTON—The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society International and Humane Society Legislative Fund sent a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week calling out that the agency is not fulfilling its mandate under the Endangered Species Act by allowing imports of African
Neuigkeiten zur Kampagne für Importverbot von Jagdtrophäen
Unsere Kampagne für ein Importverbot von Jagdtrophäen geschützter Tierarten nach Deutschland ist erfolgreich gestartet! Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über die Aktionen und wie Ihr mitmachen könnt. Gemeinsam stoppen wir den Import von Jagdtrophäen geschützter Tierarten nach Deutschland. Weil bedrohte Tiere
Il cortometraggio Save Ralph vince il suo primo premio europeo al Roma Creative | International Short Film Festival
ROMA– Save Ralph, l'acclamato “mockumentary” che segue le vicende della cavia Ralph, animato con la tecnica della stop-motion, ha vinto il premio come miglior corto d'animazione al Roma Creative Contest, il Festival Internazionale di Cortometraggi di Roma. La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta
Veterinarians with smart phones and syringes go door-to-door to tackle rabies in India’s dogs
DHARWAD —Veterinarians from Humane Society International/India went door-to-door in the remote villages of Dori and Dopenatti in Dharwad, southwest India for World Rabies Day, giving free anti-rabies vaccinations to owned, yet free-ranging dogs as part of a regionalised drive to better protect both
75,504 global citizens urge Minister Creecy to finalise plans for a New Deal for People and Wildlife
A weighty 75,504 global citizens (including at least 9,011 voices from South Africa) are calling on Minister Barbara Creecy and her Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) to implement the New Deal for People and Wildlife, as outlined in the draft Policy Position on the
Ralph, das wortführende Kaninchen der Humane Society International, fordert Europäer auf, sich der Bewegung gegen Tierversuche anzuschließen
Als Reaktion auf die zunehmenden Versuchsanforderungen der europäischen Chemikalienbehörden, die mit verheerenden Folgen für Tiere in Labors verbunden sein können, hat sich die virale Sensation Ralph – das wortführende Kaninchen für die Humane Society International – auf nach Europa gemacht, um