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휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, 환경부 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’ 도입 환영
- 사람과 동물 모두를 위한 과학계 발전에 큰 도약 기대 동물보호단체 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 HSI)은 환경부가 소개한 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’ 발표에 대해 환영의 입장을 28일 밝혔다. 앞서 지난 9월 환경부는 온라인 토론회를 개최하여 동물대체시험법 활용을 크게 확대하기 위한 계획을 담은 화학안전과 동물복지 실현 정책을 소개했다. 이는 HSI를 포함해 국내시험기관, 독성 전문가, 화학물질 컨설팅 기업 등으로 꾸린 TF팀이 모여 각
Undercover-Recherche enthüllt Auktionshaus des Grauens
BERLIN—Eine aktuelle Undercover-Recherche von „Humane Society of the United States“ und „Humane Society International“ (HSI) in Iowa/USA deckt die erschütternde Realität der Trophäenjagdindustrie auf. Verdeckte Videoaufnahmen einer viertägigen Versteigerung zeigen, dass Tausende Jagdtrophäen
Shocking undercover investigation exposes auction house of horrors where over 550 hunting trophies are sold to the highest bidder
WASHINGTON—A shocking undercover investigation recently conducted in Iowa by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International found what can only be described as a massive garbage bin of the trophy hunting industry. A four-day event where thousands of animals—including at
L’asta degli orrori: Un’indagine shock svela una licitazione di oltre 550 trofei di caccia
ROMA—Una recente e scioccante indagine sotto copertura, condotta nello stato americano dell’Iowa, da Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) e Humane Society International (HSI) ha svelato un triste risvolto dell’industria della caccia al trofeo. Il video documenta un macabro evento, della durata
Wstrząsające tajne śledztwo przeprowadzone niedawno ujawniło okrutne praktyki związane z polowaniami dla trofeów
Wstrząsające wyniki tajnego śledztwa ujawniają działalność domu aukcyjnego, w którym sprzedano ponad 550 trofeów myśliwskich. Łapy, czaszki, nogi, uszy, pazury, kości, skóry oraz całe ciała zwierząt, w tym gatunków zagrożonych i bliskich zagrożenia, ukazują okrutne skutki polowań na trofea. Chociaż
Leading plant-based companies support NGOs and public in urging COP26 to act on meat and dairy reduction to tackle climate change
GLASGOW—Some of the world’s biggest plant-based food manufacturers and investors including Beyond Investing, Eat Just, Linda McCartney Foods and Wicked Kitchen have added their voice to #TheCowInTheRoom campaign at the COP26 climate change conference, calling on world leaders to stop ignoring animal
HSI/Canada applauds BC government’s decision to ban mink farming
MONTREAL—In the wake of multiple outbreaks of COVID-19 on BC fur farms—and a recent incident in which infectious mink escaped from a quarantined facility—the provincial government has announced a phase-out of mink farming by April 2023. In the past 18 months, hundreds of COVID-19 outbreaks have
COP26’s lack of advocacy for livestock reduction is a ludicrous failure, says Humane Society International
LONDON—As COP26 prepares to reveal the final pledges focused on cutting emissions from energy, transport and other sectors, campaigners from Humane Society International, one of the largest global animal protection NGOs in the world, say the total omission of targets to reduce livestock farming and
Lipsa dezbaterilor pe reducerea creșterii animalelor, marele eșec al summitului de la Glasgow
LONDRA—În timp ce Conferința pentru Schimbări Climatice de la Glasgow (COP26) se pregătește să dezvăluie angajamentele finale concentrate pe reducerea emisiilor din energie, transport și alte sectoare, campaignerii Humane Society International, unul dintre cele mai mari ONG-uri de protecție a
Shocking investigation reveals foxes with diseased eyes, deformed feet, missing ears & obesity on supposedly ‘high-welfare’ Finnish fur farms
LONDON—An undercover investigation by Humane Society International/UK and Finnish animal campaigners Oikeutta Eläimille reveals deplorable conditions and distressing animal suffering on fur farms in Finland, a country that has exported more than £11million of fur to the UK since 2000 despite the
Harrods’ staff tell secret shopper that animals in fur farms ‘don’t suffer’ and have ‘their own private space’ ‘like Battersea’
LONDON—Sales staff representing global designers Yves Salomon, Moncler and Max Mara in the fur salon at London’s Harrods department store, provided misleading information about conditions for animals on fur farms to a secret shopper filming for animal protection charity Humane Society International
Legge di bilancio, on. Brambilla e HSI: studio ed emendamento per chiudere e riconvertire gli allevamenti di visoni in Italia
ROMA—Dalla sospensione dell’attività alla chiusura definitiva degli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia. E’ questo l’obiettivo dell’emendamento alla legge di bilancio annunciato oggi dall’on. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, presidente dell’Intergruppo parlamentare per i diritti degli animali e della
President Moon’s cabinet will discuss a dog meat ban next week
SEOUL—The South Korean government has announced that the cabinet will launch a formal discussion next week on how to proceed with actions to address the increasingly controversial dog meat industry, news welcomed by Humane Society International/Korea which has rescued almost 2,500 dogs from South
Action Plan to transition to animal-free innovation—the concrete way forward
BRUSSELS— The Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals organised an extraordinary meeting on Accelerating the transition to animal-free innovation, in partnership with Eurogroup for Animals and Humane Society International/Europe. This special session featured a roundtable panel debate
Help farm animals
If you want to help farm animals, we want to help you! Learn more here. We have all kinds of information available. Watch a video Read a pdf
Spanish hunting fair glorifies the slaughter of imperiled wildlife, ignoring calls to end trophy hunting
MADRID—Humane Society International/Europe found that at least 54 outfitters at one of EU’s largest hunting fairs, Cinegética, were selling trophy hunts for internationally protected species. Trophy hunters and industry gathered at the fair in Madrid to congratulate each other and brag about another
Una feria de caza española celebra la matanza de animales salvajes protegidos, ignorando las peticiones para acabar con la caza de trofeos
MADRID—Humane Society International/Europe descubrió que en una de las mayores ferias de caza de la UE, Cinegética, al menos 54 empresas y proveedores vendían trofeos de caza de especies protegidas internacionalmente. Cazadores de trofeos y líderes de la industria se reunieron en Madrid en, para
Hiszpańskie targi łowieckie gloryfikują rzeź zagrożonych dzikich zwierząt, ignorując apel o zakończenie polowań dla trofeów
MADRYT—Humane Society International/Europe ustaliło, że co najmniej 54 dostawców usług na jednych z największych targów łowieckich w UE, Cinegética, sprzedawało polowania dla trofeów na gatunki chronione międzynarodowym prawem. Organizatorzy polowań dla trofeów i zainteresowani nimi myśliwi zebrali
Canadian government introduces groundbreaking legislation to ban cosmetics animal testing and trade
*Editor's note: This text has been updated to reflect that the Budget Implementation Act (Bill C-47) has now officially been tabled in Canadian Parliament. OTTAWA, Ontario—The Canadian government has today tabled measures through the Budget Implementation Act that would prohibit testing cosmetics on
Le gouvernement canadien introduit une législation sans précédent pour interdire l’expérimentation animale dans le cadre des cosmétiques et du commerce de produits cosmétiques testés sur les animaux
*Note de la rédaction : Ce texte a été mis à jour pour refléter que la Loi d'exécution du budget (projet de loi C-47) a été officiellement déposée au Parlement Canadien. OTTAWA, Ontario—Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement canadien a présenté des mesures visant à interdire l’expérimentation animale dans les