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Nella Giornata Mondiale della Salute appello ai governi di tutto il mondo per intervenire sulle criticità del coronavirus e vietare il commercio di specie selvatiche per ridurre il rischio di future pandemie
ROMA/WASHINGTON–I governi di tutto il mondo hanno ricevuto oggi un appello urgente e un white paper scientifico da parte di Humane Society International per chiedere un'azione immediata volta a vietare il commercio, il trasporto e il consumo di animali selvatici - in particolare i mammiferi e gli
Zhuhai seconda città cinese a vietare il consumo di carne di cani, gatti e animali selvatici
ROMA/PECHINO—La città di Zhuhai, nella provincia del Guangdong, è diventata la seconda città della Cina continentale a vietare il consumo di carne di cani, gatti e fauna selvatica. Si tratta di un passo importante che gli attivisti della Humane Society International sperano darà inizio ad un vero e
Un no dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità alla chiusura dei mercati di fauna selvatica sarebbe un fallimento per la protezione della salute pubblica
ROMA/WASHINGTON—Secondo quanto diffuso dall’Associated Press, uno scienziato dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità non sosterrebbe la chiusura dei mercati di animali vivi, come quello di Wuhan, in Cina, collegato alla diffusione del COVID-19. Stando a quanto riferito, i commenti in questione
Europe: Prioritise human-predictive, non-animal approaches to cancer research
The European Commission is inviting public input on its strategy for beating cancer. Currently, more than 1 million animals are used each year in European cancer research, funded by taxpayers to the tune of millions of euros. Yet despite the high welfare cost to animals, industry reports reveal that
China’s wildlife farmers offered buy-out to grow plants instead of porcupines in COVID-19 crackdown
WASHINGTON—Wildlife farmers in two provinces in mainland China are being offered a government buy-out to facilitate a move away from breeding wild species for consumption, as part of the country’s crackdown on the wildlife trade in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The plans, published on May 15 th
BREAKING: Wuhan, China, bans eating of wildlife in response to COVID-19
WASHINGTON—The Chinese city of Wuhan, which was the first to record human cases of COVID-19, has banned the consumption of all wildlife. This follows similar bans in the cities of Beijing, Shenzhen and Zhuhai, and an as-yet temporary nationwide ban on wildlife consumption. Unlike the other cities
European Commission will start supporting plant-based diets in new Farm to Fork Strategy, but “chickened out” of removing EU funding for meat promotion
BRUSSELS—The European Commission will promote a shift to planet-friendly plant-based diets, according to its long-awaited Farm to Fork Strategy published today. As well as tackling climate impacts of food, reducing obesity rates and cancer prevention are cited as key health reasons why meat
Allevatore di cani da carne sudcoreano abbandona l’attività per coltivare ortaggi con l'aiuto e l'approccio pionieristico di Humane Society International
ROMA/SEOUL–Più di 70 cani sofferenti, trovati da Humane Society International in un allevamento di carne di cane della Corea del Sud, hanno avuto una seconda chance grazie alla decisione dell’allevatore di abbandonare l’attività. Dopo aver allevato cani per quasi 40 anni, Nakseon Kim ha colto al
Just weeks ahead of Yulin dog meat festival, China’s Agriculture Ministry officially confirms dogs are companions, not for eating
WASHINGTON—Just three weeks ahead of China’s infamous Yulin dog meat festival at which thousands of dogs are killed for consumption, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has made official its declaration that dogs are companions and not “livestock” for eating. The official announcement
Trade deal marks new era in intergovernmental cooperation between the EU and Vietnam on animal welfare and wildlife protection
BRUSSELS/HANOI—Today’s ratification of the free trade agreement with the European Union by the Vietnamese National Assembly heralds a new era of intergovernmental cooperation on animal welfare and wildlife protection between the two. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
A poche settimane dal festival di Yulin, il Ministero dell'Agricoltura cinese conferma ufficialmente che i cani sono compagni e non cibo
ROMA/WASHINGTON—A solo tre settimane dall’inizio del festival di Yulin, il noto evento cinese durante il quale migliaia di cani vengono uccisi per il consumo umano, il Ministero dell'Agricoltura e degli Affari Rurali della Cina ha reso ufficiale la sua posizione che i cani sono compagni e non
VIDEO: Shocking investigation shows foxes beaten and skinned alive on Asia fur farm, for fur that could be sold in UK shops
LONDON—Disturbing video footage released by Humane Society International/UK reveals shocking suffering of thousands of foxes and raccoon dogs enduring miserable lives and painful, protracted deaths on fur farms in Asia. Foxes were filmed being repeatedly bludgeoned over the head, resulting in
VIDEO: indagine scioccante in undici allevamenti asiatici rivela volpi bastonate e scuoiate vive, la cui pelliccia potrebbe essere venduta anche in Italia
ROMA—I video inquietanti rilasciati da Humane Society International Italia mostrano la scioccante realtà di migliaia di volpi e cani procione che vivono in condizioni miserabili e soffrono morti atroci negli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia in Asia. Le volpi sono state, infatti, filmate mentre
Statement on racial injustice
We have watched the events of the past week with great sadness and anguish. We must grapple with the poisonous legacy of racism that continues to cause the disempowerment and deaths of our family, friends and loved ones. While our mission is changing the systems and industries that harm nonhuman
50,000 rupee reward offered in case of pregnant elephant killed by a firecracker in Kerala, India
Malappuram, India—Animal charity Humane Society International/India is offering a reward of up to 50,000 IN rupees in Malappuram district of Kerala, for information leading to the positive identification, arrest and conviction of those responsible for the killing of a pregnant elephant who ate a
BREAKING: Calls for global closure of mink fur farms as Dutch government orders mink fur farm cull and confirms mink fur farms could act as reservoir for COVID-19
LONDON—The Dutch government has ordered the culling of thousands of mink on nine fur farms from Friday this week, following advice from a team of veterinary and infectious disease experts that mink fur farms could act as a reservoir for SARS-COV-2, allowing it to remain in circulation for a long
Humane Society International chiede la chiusura globale degli allevamenti di visoni a seguito dei contagi confermati di due lavoratori in Olanda e degli abbattimenti ordinati dal Governo olandese
ROMA (4 giugno 2020)—Da domani migliaia di visoni verranno abbattuti in nove allevamenti olandesi. Così ha ordinato il Governo olandese, seguendo i consigli di un team di veterinari e virologhi secondo i quali gli allevamenti di visoni potrebbero fungere da serbatoio per il SARS-CoV-2
Campaigners renew calls to halt China’s Yulin dog meat festival after rescue of puppies from a meat market days before festival begins
BEIJING—Chinese animal activists in Yulin have urged local authorities to embrace the national government’s recent declaration that dogs are companions not food, by halting the city’s dog meat festival due to take place from June 21. The activists rescued ten “friendly and innocent” puppies they
Scotland bans seal killing in major victory to end fish farm shootings
LONDON—Scotland has banned the shooting of seals by the fisheries industry in a move welcomed by Humane Society International/UK as critically important for seal welfare in British waters. Large numbers of seals are shot in Scotland every year in the name of protecting commercial fish farms and
New statistics reveal need for legal reform to tackle Korea’s lack of progress in reducing animal testing
SEOUL—Humane Society International/Korea is calling on legislators to back a series of tough new legal measures to address the lack of progress by Korea’s relevant regulatory and research funding ministries toward reduction and replacement of animal testing. Statistics on laboratory animal use in