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Indonesia: gli attivisti e le celebrità Kim Basinger, Ricky Gervais e Peter Egan festeggiano il divieto al commercio di carne di cane a Giacarta, che uccide 340 cani al giorno
GIACARTA—L’attrice hollywoodiana Kim Basinger, il comico Ricky Gervais e l’attore britannico Peter Egan si sono uniti agli attivisti della coalizione Dog Meat Free Indonesia (DMFI) per celebrare la notizia che la capitale dell’Indonesia, Giacarta, ha vietato il commercio di carne di cane e gatto. Le
New poll shows less than one in five Brits support the use of farrowing crates on farms, as campaigners call for caging pigs to be banned
LONDON—New polling data shows that less than one in five people in Britain (19.8%) support the use of pig farrowing crates. Yet, every year on UK farms, over 200,000 mother pigs are confined for up to five weeks at a time in small cages in which they can’t even turn around. Today, The Crate Escape
HSI/India invites nominations for vegan advocacy award
India—Humane Society International/India, a leading animal protection organization, has launched and now invites nominations for the Swarnali Roy Award for Vegan Advocacy to acknowledge the valuable work of vegan advocates in the country. The award recognizes individuals whose plant-based advocacy
Undercover investigation at U.S. hunting convention exposes the sale of trophy hunts and products of imperiled and endangered species
BRUSSELS—A shocking undercover investigation released by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International exposed the hypocrisy that the trophy hunting industry uses to promote the killing of imperiled species. The Safari Club International convention in Nashville, Tennessee
The global cage-free egg movement reaches Malaysia
*Editor’s note: This page was updated to reflect actual attendees of the event. MALAYSIA—Over the weekend, international and local business leaders, egg producers, advocates, students and professors, veterinarians, government representatives and many others gathered at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Kuala
Pressure mounts for strong draft Bill to prohibit trophy hunting imports
BRUSSELS—One year ago to the day, the Belgian Federal Parliament unanimously passed a resolution demanding that the government immediately halt the authorisation of hunting trophy import permits for certain threatened and endangered species. The vote was the culmination of an extensive process of
Canadian government reaffirms commitment to end cosmetics animal testing and trade in the 2023 federal budget
OTTAWA—Today, the Canadian government introduced its 2023 federal budget, which confirmed its commitment to ban cosmetics animal testing and trade. Animal protection advocates Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance Canada and Cruelty Free International, along with Cosmetics Alliance
Le gouvernement canadien réaffirme son engagement à mettre fin à l'expérimentation animale et au commerce des cosmétiques dans le budget fédéral de 2023
OTTAWA—Aujourd'hui, le gouvernement canadien a présenté son budget fédéral 2023, qui confirme son engagement à interdire l'expérimentation animale et le commerce des cosmétiques. Les défenseurs des animaux Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance Canada et Cruelty Free International
Rząd Kanady potwierdza zobowiązanie do zaprzestania testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach i handlu nimi w budżecie federalnym na 2023 rok
OTTAWA—Rząd Kanady przedstawił budżet federalny na 2023 rok, w którym potwierdził swoje zobowiązanie do wprowadzenia zakazu testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach i handlu takimi produktami. Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance Canada i Cruelty Free International, wraz z Cosmetics
As news breaks that Hong Kong dog died, Chinese animal groups sign open letter urging pet owners, officials not to abandon or cull dogs in response to coronavirus
WASHINGTON – Sixty-five animal charities and pet shelters from across China have signed an open letter calling for compassion rather than cruelty to dogs and cats, in response to the coronavirus outbreak. News that an elderly dog in Hong Kong belonging to a COVID-19 patient has died following weeks
Mexican Senate passes bill to outlaw cosmetic animal testing
MEXICO CITY—Global animal protection leader Humane Society International and ONG Te Protejo have welcomed a move by Mexico’s Senate to outlaw the practice of animal testing for cosmetics, as well as the manufacture, import or marketing of cosmetics tested on animals anywhere in the world after the
El Senado de la República aprueba iniciativa para prohibir las pruebas cosméticas en animales
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO–La organización con liderazgo global en protección animal, Humane Society International (HSI), y la ONG Te Protejo dieron la bienvenida a la decisión unánime del Senado de la República de prohibir las pruebas cosméticas en animales, así como la fabricación, importación o
Progress! Mizoram moves one step closer to dog meat trade ban as Legislative Assembly amends Animal Slaughter Bill, removing dogs
Mizoram, India -- Mizoram, India has taken the first step towards ending its dog meat trade, by amending the law to remove dogs from the definition of animals suitable for slaughter. In a move welcomed by Humane Society International/India, the Mizoram Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the
Companion animals and COVID-19: get the facts
MONTREAL – In the wake of the unfolding crisis, Humane Society International/Canada is echoing the guidance of public health organizations – including the World Organisation for Animal Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control -- that state there is no evidence at this time that companion
Caring for your pets during the coronavirus pandemic
SAN JOSE — The global health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus can also affect pets, not only because their owners can get sick, but also because of the ways COVID-19 has changed everyday routines. For this reason, animal welfare organization Humane Society International recommends that pet
Mascotas sufren de forma indirecta efecto de la pandemia
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica – La crisis de salud global causada por el nuevo coronavirus también puede afectar a las mascotas, no solo porque sus dueños puedan enfermarse, sino también por las formas en que el COVID-19 ha cambiado las rutinas diarias. Por esta razón, la organización de bienestar animal
BREAKING: Shenzhen becomes mainland China’s first city to ban eating of dogs, cats and wildlife in consumption and trade crackdown
BEIJING — China’s city of Shenzhen has just passed a ground-breaking law to ban the consumption and production of dog and cat meat, the first city in mainland China to do so. The ban has been welcomed by long-time anti-dog meat trade campaigners Humane Society International as a watershed moment in
Wildlife trade, transport and consumption must end
HSI is urging governments worldwide to permanently ban the trade, transport, and consumption of wildlife. We must act now to close wildlife markets to prevent the next pandemic. Add your name. Read our COVID-19 FAQ Read blog entries on this topic by President and CEO of the Humane Society of the