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Caccia al trofeo: Interrogazioni parlamentari al Ministero dell’ambiente e della sicurezza energetica in occasione del World Wildlife Day per fermare l’importazione ed esportazione di trofei di caccia di specie protette
ROMA—In occasione del World Wildlife Day, l'Intergruppo Parlamentare per i Diritti degli Animali, ha presentato due interrogazioni parlamentari gemelle (una alla Camera dei Deputati e l’altra al Senato della Repubblica) rivolte al Ministero dell’ambiente e della sicurezza energetica in merito alla
More than 1.7 million EU citizens call for an end to cruel fur farming and trade
BRUSSELS—An official EU-wide petition, called the Fur Free Europe European Citizens’ Initiative, has closed more than two months ahead of the deadline for signatures after exceeding the number of signers required for the European Commission to respond. More than 1.7 million EU citizens signed the
1,7 miliona obywateli UE wzywa do zaprzestania okrutnej hodowli i handlu futrami
BRUKSELA—Na ponad dwa miesiące przez ostatecznym terminem, petycja „Europa bez futra” w ramach Europejskiej Inicjatywy Obywatelskiej (ECI), zebrała znacznie więcej podpisów niż wymagane minimum niezbędne do jej efektywnego złożenia Komisji Europejskiej. 1,7 miliona obywatelek i obywateli UE
1,7 milioane de cetățeni ai UE fac apel la interzicerea creșterii animalelor în ferme de blănuri și a comerțului cu astfel de produse
BUCUREȘTI—O petiție oficială lansată în întreaga Uniune Europeană și intitulată Inițiativa Cetățenească Europeană “Fur Free Europe / O Europă Fără Blănuri” a reușit să depășească numărul necesar de semnatari pentru a obține un răspuns din partea Comisiei Europene, cu mai mult de două luni înainte de
Humane Society International provides aid to burned animals affected by the fires in Chile
CHILE—Humane Society International is providing critical supplies to aid animals affected by the wildfires plaguing Chile. Oxygen concentrators, food and veterinary medical supplies were provided by the HSI team to animal rehabilitation centers and veterinary hospitals to support hundreds of wild
Humane Society International brinda ayuda a los animales quemados afectados por los incendios en Chile
CHILE—Humane Society International está proporcionando suministros críticos para ayudar a los animales afectados por los incendios forestales que afectan a Chile. El equipo de HSI entregó concentradores de oxígeno, alimentos y suministros médicos veterinarios a centros de rehabilitación animal y
Undercover-Ermittlung auf dem US Safari Club International Kongress deckt die Heuchelei auf, mit der weltweit der Verkauf von Trophäenjagden und Produkten von gefährdeten und bedrohten Tierarten gefördert wird
BERLIN—Eine schockierende Undercover-Untersuchung, die von Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) und Humane Society International (HSI) veröffentlicht wurde, deckt die Heuchelei auf, mit der die Trophäenjagdindustrie das Töten gefährdeter Tierarten fördert. Auf dem Kongress des Safari Club
Undercover investigation at Safari Club International convention exposes hypocrisy used to promote the sale of trophy hunts and products of imperiled and endangered species
WASHINGTON—A shocking undercover investigation released today by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International exposed the hypocrisy that the trophy hunting industry uses to promote the killing of imperiled species. The Safari Club International convention in Nashville
Un’indagine sotto copertura alla convention del Safari Club International smaschera l’ipocrisia utilizzata per promuovere la vendita internazionale di cacce al trofeo e di prodotti ricavati da specie minacciate e in via di estinzione
ROMA—Una scioccante indagine sotto copertura pubblicata da Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) e da Humane Society International (HSI) ha messo in luce l'ipocrisia con cui l'industria della caccia al trofeo promuove l'uccisione di specie in pericolo. La convention del Safari Club
Tajne śledztwo przeprowadzone w czasie konwencji łowieckiej Safari Club International w Stanach Zjednoczonych ujawnia hipokryzję, która stoi za sprzedażą polowań na trofea i produktów wykonanych z zagrożonych gatunków
WASZYNGTON—Szokujące wyniki tajnego śledztwa opublikowane przez Humane Society of the United States i Humane Society International, ujawniają hipokryzję, jaką przemysł myśliwski wykorzystuje do promocji zabijania zagrożonych gatunków. Konwencja zorganizowana przez Safari Club International (SCI) w
Humane Society International’s decade-long campaign has given the beauty sector a cruelty-free makeover
EUROPE—This Saturday marks the 10 th anniversary of the European Union’s ban on cosmetic animal testing and trade, and the climax of a decade-long campaign by Humane Society International, its affiliates and partners to extend the cruelty-free cosmetics model across the globe. Humane Society
As South Korea contemplates a dog meat ban, charity closes its 18th dog meat farm and flies dogs to United States to seek adoption
SEOUL―Seventy-three year old Mr Yang in South Korea’s Chungcheong province has become the latest dog meat farmer in the country to join Humane Society International/Korea’s Models for Change program as part of the charity’s efforts to end the dog meat industry. Through working with HSI/Korea, Mr
Chiuso da Humane Society International il diciottesimo allevamento di cani da carne mentre la Corea del Sud ipotizza l’introduzione di un divieto
SEUL―Nella provincia sudcoreana del Chungcheong, l’allevatore di carne di cane Yang (73), è il più recente ad aver aderito al programma Models for Change di Humane Society International/Korea, realizzato dall’organizzazione internazionale per la protezione degli animali, nell’ambito degli sforzi
Podczas, gdy Korea Południowa rozważa wprowadzenie zakazu hodowli psów na mięso, 18. hodowla tego rodzaju jest zamykana dzięki obrońcom zwierząt, a psy z niej zabrane trafią do Stanów Zjednoczonych w celu ich adopcji
Seul—Siedemdziesięciotrzyletni pan Yang z południowokoreańskiej prowincji Chungcheong został kolejnym hodowcą w kraju, który dołączył do programu Humane Society International/Korea „Model for Change” w ramach działań tej organizacji charytatywnej na rzecz zakończenia przemysłu związanego z produkcją
AFSA master class in animal-free cosmetic safety assessment launched on 10th anniversary of EU Ban
BRUSSELS—A first-of-its-kind Master Class in Animal-Free Cosmetic Safety Assessment has been launched by the Animal-Free Safety Assessment Collaboration (AFSA), a global coalition of corporate, non-profit, and data science leaders working to advance acceptance and use of animal-free safety science
Surprising number of vegan restaurants in Cape Town— and other great places to find vegan options
CAPE TOWN—Considering that South Africa is one of the highest per capita meat-consuming countries in Africa, one might be surprised to discover that there are 14 fully vegan restaurants in Cape Town alone. Humane Society International/Africa and ProVeg South Africa have partnered to create a My
Farrowing crates
Pigs are sensitive and highly intelligent animals, and they are suffering on British farms. Across the UK, around 200,000 mother pigs (sows) are kept in ‘farrowing crates’—cages barely bigger than their own bodies—for up to five weeks at a time, several times a year. What are farrowing crates
HSI/Latin America delivers first aid training to law enforcement officials to assist animals at crime scenes
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica—From how to improvise a muzzle to the correct way to treat a poisoned cat or dog—these were some of the topics addressed at Humane Society International/Latin America’s first aid training. The workshop was given to 20 judicial police agents from the new specialized section
HSI/Latin America lleva a cabo la primera capacitación de primeros auxilios a agentes judiciales para asistir a animales en escenas de crímenes
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica—Desde cómo improvisar un bozal, hasta la forma correcta de ayudar a un perro o un gato envenenado, fueron algunos de los temas que se abordaron durante el “Taller de primeros auxilios para perros y gatos en la escena del crimen”, impartido por la organización de bienestar animal
Campaigners―joined by Kim Basinger, Ricky Gervais and Peter Egan―celebrate as Jakarta, Indonesia, bans city’s dog meat trade that kills 340 dogs a day
JAKARTA, Indonesia—Hollywood actress Kim Basinger, comedian Ricky Gervais and British actor Peter Egan have joined campaigners from the Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition in celebrating news that Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta has banned the dog and cat meat trade. The stars sent a video message