Found 3893 results
Organ chips, better for humans and animals
In 2021, the number of animals used for research testing in South Korea reached a record high of 4.8 million. This trend of increased animal testing in South Korea cuts against the global trend of development and adoption of innovative, non-animal approaches—the New Approach Methodologies. Despite
35 cross-party MPs mark 20th anniversary of UK fur farming ban, commit to ‘finish the job’ by shutting down the UK fur trade
LONDON—Politicians, celebrities and campaigners gathered in Parliament today to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UK becoming the first country to ban fur farming, and to urge the UK Government to ‘finish the job’ by banning fur imports and sales. The Only Way Is Essex star Pete Wicks attended
End Animal Testing European Citizens’ Initiative validated with over 1.2 million signatures
BRUSSELS—Signed, sealed, and delivered! The “Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe Without Animal Testing” European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has smashed the requirement of gathering 1 million validated signatures, reaching over 1.2 million statements of support from European citizens
Europejska Inicjatywa Obywatelska na rzecz zakończenia testów na zwierzętach z ponad 1,2 milionami potwierdzonych podpisów
BRUKSELA—podpisana, zapieczętowana i dostarczona! Europejska inicjatywa obywatelska (ECI) „Kosmetyki wolne od okrucieństwa – Europa bez testów na zwierzętach” spełniła wymóg zebrania miliona zatwierdzonych podpisów – osiągając ponad 1,2 miliona głosów poparcia od obywatelek i obywateli Unii
Harvey Nichols pledges to go fur-free
LONDON— British department store Harvey Nichols has confirmed that it will stop selling fur by the end of 2023, following an investigation into Chinese fur farms by animal protection organisation Humane Society International/UK. Responding to the news, Claire Bass, senior director of campaigns and
Born to die for fashion: baby foxes, raccoon dogs and minks kept in tiny cages in China for fur that could be sold in the UK
LONDON—Heart-wrenching scenes of baby foxes, raccoon dogs and minks suffering on Chinese fur farms have been released by Humane Society International/UK as the animal protection charity renews calls for a ban on UK fur imports and sales. Millions of pounds worth of fur from China is imported into
Petition for swift passage of bill to replace animal testing is delivered to South Korea’s National Assembly
SEOUL, South Korea—A petition to rally support for passage of a bill proposed to advance animal-free approaches in science and product testing has been delivered to the National Assembly by Humane Society International/Korea. In a ceremony held on Jan. 31, HSI/Korea officially delivered the petition
동물대체시험법 제정 촉구하는 6만 6천여 명의 바람, 국회로
국제동물보호단체 '한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널'(이하 한국HSI)가 동물대체시험법 제정을 촉구하는 국민 6만 6천여 명의 의지를 담은 서명지를 국회에 전달했다. 한국HSI는 31일 국회 의원회관 2층 로비에서 '동물대체시험법 제정안 통과를 위한 6만 서명 전달식‘을 열고 “토끼해를 맞아 실험토끼 랄프와 시민들의 동물대체시험법 제정안 통과를 촉구하는 목소리를 전달했다”고 밝혔다. 이번에 전달된 서명지는 지난 2021년 8월에 ’동물대체시험법 제정안 통과‘를 위한 서명 캠페인으로 시작되었으며, 이번달 기준 6만 6천여 명의 서명이
HSI/México felicita al Congreso de la Ciudad de México por incrementar las sanciones contra la crueldad animal en el Código Penal
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, México— Humane Society International México (HSI/México), organización líder mundial en protección animal, felicita al Congreso de la Ciudad de México por aprobar reformas al Código Penal para el Distrito Federal, la Ley de Protección Animal y la Ley de Cultura Cívica de la Ciudad
HSI/Mexico congratulates the Congress of Mexico City for increasing sanctions against animal cruelty in reformed penal code
MEXICO CITY, Mexico—Humane Society International/ Mexico, a world-leading animal protection organization, congratulates the Congress of Mexico City for approving reforms to the Penal Code for the Federal District, the Animal Protection Law and the Civic Culture Law of Mexico City to deter and end
Bundesregierung positioniert sich gegen die Trophäenjagd
BERLIN—Die Bundesregierung setzt ein starkes Zeichen gegen die Jagd auf bedrohte und international geschützte Tierarten. Nach dem Ausstieg aus dem Internationalen Rat zur Erhaltung des Wildes und der Jagd ( CIC) zum 31. Dezember 2022 schafft sie in ihrer Antwort auf die Kleine Anfrage der CDU/CSU
Thirteen spider monkeys regain their freedom in Peten
PETEN, Guatemala—Thirteen spider monkeys ( Ateles geoffroyi), an iconic species in Latin America, were released in the Yaxha Nakum Naranjo National Park, in Peten, Guatemala, after they were rescued from illegal trafficking and went through a rigorous rehabilitation process. These mammals’ release
13 monos araña recuperan su libertad en Petén
PETÉN, Guatemala—Trece monos araña ( Ateles geoffroyi), una especie emblemática para el país y el resto de Latinoamérica, fueron liberados en el Parque Nacional Yaxhá Nakum Naranjo, en Petén, Guatemala, luego de haber sido rescatados o decomisados y pasar por un proceso riguroso de rehabilitación
IO NON COMBATTO: Humane Society International/Europe e Fondazione CAVE CANEM pubblicano guida al cittadino per riconoscere i segnali e denunciare la presenza di combattimenti tra cani
ROMA—È stata pubblicata oggi da Humane Society International/Europe e Fondazione CAVE CANEM ONLUS, promotrici del progetto IO NON COMBATTO, fornire gli strumenti necessari al contrasto del fenomeno dei combattimenti tra cani alle Forze di Polizia e a figure professionali chiave, quali medici
Media Invite -- Nearly 200-dog rescue and dog meat farm closure
On March 7th and 8th, 2023, Humane Society International/Korea will close down a legally registered dog meat farm in Chungcheong province and rescue almost 200 dogs and puppies, after the farmer Mr Yang joined our Models for Change program to leave this dying industry for good and start vegetable
Humane Society International hilft verletzten und vom Erdbeben betroffenen Tieren in der Türkei
BERLIN—Ein Rettungsteam der Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International (HSI) ist in die Türkei gereist, um Soforthilfe für die Hunde, Katzen und anderen Tiere zu leisten, die von dem verheerenden Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 betroffen sind. Während die akute humanitäre Suche nach Menschenleben
Humane Society International helps animals injured and impacted by the earthquake in Turkey
ANKARA, Turkey—A disaster relief team from animal charity Humane Society International has deployed to Turkey (Türkiye) to provide emergency relief to thousands of dogs, cats and other animals caught up in the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. With the immediate humanitarian search for human
Humane Society International ayuda a animales heridos e impactados por el terremoto en Turquía
ANKARA, Turquía—Un equipo de auxilio en casos de desastres, de la organización de bienestar animal Humane Society International (HSI), se ha desplegado en Turquía para brindar ayuda de emergencia a miles de perros, gatos y otros animales atrapados en el devastador terremoto de magnitud 7,8. Con la
Humane Society International aiuta gli animali feriti e colpiti dal terremoto in Turchia
ROMA—Humane Society International (HSI) ha inviato una squadra di soccorso in Turchia per aiutare migliaia di cani, gatti e altri animali colpiti dal devastante terremoto di magnitudo 7,8. Da ieri e per le prossime settimane, l’Unità di soccorso animali di HSI, che viene mobilitata in caso di
Humane Society International pomaga zwierzętom rannym i dotkniętym trzęsieniem ziemi w Turcji
ANKARA, Turcja—Zespół pomocy ofiarom klęsk żywiołowych z międzynarodowej organizacji ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International (HSI) został wysłany do Turcji, aby udzielić pomocy tysiącom psów, kotów i innych zwierząt dotkniętych niszczycielskim trzęsieniem ziemi o sile 7,8 stopnia w skali