Found 3895 results
NGOs’ snake tracking project hopes to save lives as new data shows 58,000 human deaths in India from snake bites
KARNATAKA—Radio telemetry to track snakes, the free distribution of solar lanterns and gum boots in rural Karnataka, along with local community awareness, are being used as part of a unique pilot project to tackle India’s huge snake bite problem. India is the snake bite capital of the world, with
Mehr als 100 Hunde aus Südkoreas Hundefleischhandel gerettet, um ein neues sicheres Zuhause zu finden
WASHINGTON – Mehr als 100 Hunde, die vor dem brutalem Hundefleischhandel in Südkorea gerettet wurden, sind auf dem Weg in liebevolle Hände in den Vereinigten Staaten. Humane Society International (HSI) rettete die Hunde im Rahmen ihrer Kampagne zur Beendigung des Hundefleischhandels und flog sie in
More than 100 dogs rescued from South Korea’s dog meat trade arrive in the US to find new homes
WASHINGTON (July 16, 2020)—More than 100 dogs saved from South Korea’s brutal dog meat trade are headed for loving homes in the United States. Humane Society International rescued the dogs as part of its campaign to end the dog meat trade and flew them to the U.S., where the Humane Society of the
India abolishes abnormal toxicity animal test for vaccines
NEW DELHI—A controversial and obsolete animal test for batch testing human vaccines has been abolished by the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission in what is being hailed by Humane Society International/India as a landmark decision. Deletion of the Abnormal Toxicity Test from the Indian Pharmacopoeia
BREAKING: Vietnam bans wildlife imports, closes illegal wildlife markets as part of global crackdown
HANOI—Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has signed a new directive that bans wildlife imports and closes illegal wildlife markets, a move applauded by Humane Society International/Vietnam. This directive provides clear instructions to relevant enforcement agencies and authorities to take
South Africa’s campaigners fight to stop cruel shipment of up to 85,000 sheep to Middle East
CAPE TOWN—As the National Council of SPCAs prepares for a third court hearing on 6th August to stop the proposed shipment of between 55,000 and 85,000 live sheep to the Middle East, Humane Society International/Africa is urging South African citizens to add their voices of support in ending the
New poll shows 80% of Koreans support increased funding to replace animal testing with advanced methods, with legislative proposal anticipated this year
SEOUL (July 30)—With South Korea’s National Assembly set to review a bill to promote non-animal research methods later this year, a new opinion poll reveals that the majority of the Korean public want to see their tax money spent on supporting these advanced approaches instead of animal testing
‘동물실험 대체 위한 지원’ 법안 필요성에 대한 여론조사, 80% 이상 ‘필요하다’ 응답
대다수 국민이 세금으로 동물실험이 아닌 사람에서 유래한 세포를 쓰거나 사람의 장기를 모사하는 등 대안적 실험연구에 쓰이는데 동의한다는 여론조사 결과가 나왔다. 이번 21대 국회에서 이러한 동물실험에 대한 대안 방법을 개발하고 확산하기 위한 입법 마련 필요성에 대해서는 81.6%가 ‘필요하다’고 응답했다. 이번 전국 여론조사는 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 HSI)의 의뢰로 리얼미터가 조사했다. 한편 올해 농림축산식품부가 발표한 실험동물 실태 조사 결과에 2019년
World Lion Day sees South Africa tarnished by captive lion industry
CAPE TOWN—South Africa is not a good place for lions today, on World Lion Day—and it won’t be tomorrow either, with an estimated 11,000 lions held captive in more than 300 facilities across the country. The captive lion breeding industry is marked by ongoing exposure of poor conditions and welfare
Immunocontraception a vital tool for the future of humane elephant management, says Humane Society International
CAPE TOWN—This World Elephant Day, Humane Society International/Africa is celebrating the treatment of its 34th population of African elephants using the immunocontraception vaccine as a humane population growth control method. This brings the total number of females under treatment in South Africa
Ambala Institute of Hotel Management adopts animal welfare policy
AMBALA—Ambala Institute of Hotel Management has committed to incorporate animal welfare-friendly practices in its operations by 2022, following a two-day culinary workshop organized by Humane Society International/India. The institute serves 43,000 meals annually, and will replace 30% of all meat
U.S. agrees to decide pangolin protections
WASHINGTON—Under a new legal agreement, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will decide whether pangolins, the world’s most trafficked mammals, should be protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The agreement, approved today by a federal judge, requires the agency to decide by June 2021. It
BREAKING: Dutch mink fur farms to be permanently closed by March 2021 following 41 COVID-19 farm infections
AMSTERDAM—The Dutch government has agreed that all mink fur farms must permanently close by March 2021, according to Dutch national news service, NOS. Mink fur farming was banned in the Netherlands in 2013 with a deadline for complete phase out by 2024, so this decision sees that closure fast
HSI donates more than 6,000 kilos of food for pets affected by the pandemic in Costa Rica
SAN JOSÉ—More than 3,000 dogs and cats who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic received food for several weeks, thanks to a donation made by the animal welfare organization Humane Society International/Latin America. This donation is part of Mars, Incorporated’s recent donation to HSI for
Donan más de 6.000 kilos de alimento para animales afectados por la pandemia
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica (10 de setiembre 2020)—Más de 3.000 perros y gatos, que también han sido afectados por la pandemia del COVID-19, podrán contar con alimento por varias semanas, gracias a una donación realizada por la organización de bienestar animal, Humane Society International Latinoamérica
Former British Fur Trade Association CEO says fur is cruel and its sale should be banned, backs #FurFreeBritain campaign
LONDON—Mike Moser, who resigned as CEO of the British Fur Trade Association in 2018 after a decade of defending the fur industry, has come out in support of a UK ban on fur sales because he no longer believes fur can be produced humanely. Moser is now publicly supporting the #FurFreeBritain campaign
Dog vaccination camp conducted in Dopenatti village
DHARWAD—On the occasion of World Dog Day, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services (AH&VS) at Dharwad, Dharwad division of the Karnataka Forest Department and Humane Society International/India (HSI/India), an animal protection organisation, joined hands to conduct a vaccination