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실험동물 실태 조사 결과 발표, 동물실험 대체 및 감소 속도 내기 위한 입법 필요성 나타내
지난 16일 농림축산식품부는 2019년 실험동물 실태 조사 결과를 발표했다. 이에 대해 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널 한국(Humane Society International/Korea, 이하 HSI)은 동물실험을 대체하고 줄일 수 있도록 나아가기 위해서는 동물실험과 관련 된 법률과 연구예산을 담당하는 관련 부처들이 함께 힘을 모아 입법 틀 마련에 힘써야 한다고 전했다. 조사 결과에 따르면 2019년 동물실험에 사용된 실험동물 수는 371만 2,380마리로 전년도 수치인 372만 7,163마리에 비해 0.4 % 소폭 감소했다. 하지만
Rinnovato l’appello degli animalisti per la chiusura del festival cinese della carne di cane di Yulin dopo il salvataggio di alcuni cuccioli da un mercato, a soli pochi giorni dall'inizio dell’evento
ROMA/PECHINO (17 giugno 2020)—In vista dell’apertura del festival della carne di cane di Yulin, alcuni attivisti animalisti cinesi hanno esortato le autorità locali ad accogliere, non solo a parole, la recente dichiarazione del governo nazionale, secondo il quale i cani sono compagni e non “bestiame
ULTIMA ORA: la città cinese di Wuhan vieta il consumo di animali selvatici a seguito del COVID-19
ROMA/WASHINGTON (20 maggio 2020)—Wuhan, la città che ha registrato i primi contagi di COVID-19, ha appena vietato il consumo di tutta la fauna selvatica. Questa misura segue quelle già prese dalle città di Pechino, Shenzhen e Zhuhai e un divieto a livello nazionale, ancora temporaneo, al consumo di
Il Ministero dell'Agricoltura cinese afferma che i cani sono animali domestici e non bestiame, un passo che gli attivisti sperano possa ispirare altre città a porre fine al brutale commercio di carne di cane
ROMA (9 aprile 2020)—Qui di seguito il commento di Humane Society International in merito alla white list del Ministero Cinese dell’Agricoltura e degli Affari Rurali, non contenete cani e gatti nell’elenco ufficiale degli animali commestibili: “Questa proposta, al momento in fase di consultazione
Animal protection groups support grant to fast-track non-animal approaches for COVID-19 vaccine research
WASHINGTON—Humane Society International and the Humane Society of United States have supported a fast-track research grant for non-animal approaches to investigate mechanisms, medicines and vaccines for the novel coronavirus and COVID-19, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to
BREAKING: Dutch Parliament votes for closure of Dutch mink farms to prevent further COVID-19 infections
AMSTERDAM—Dutch MPs voted overwhelmingly today in favour of shutting down the estimated 128 remaining mink fur farms in the Netherlands, following outbreaks of COVID-19 on 17 fur farms since 26 April. Two farm workers are also believed to have contracted the virus from mink, after which hundreds of
Tokyo urged to resurrect ivory trade assessment
WASHINGTON/TOKYO— Elephant advocates worldwide are urging the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, under Governor Yuriko Koike’s leadership, to complete Tokyo’s elephant ivory trade assessment, which is examining the trade in ivory in Tokyo prefecture, and propose measures to address it. As Tokyo embraces
ワシントンDC/東京(2020年6月26日) – ゾウの保護を求める国内外の諸団体は、本日、東京都に対し、小池百合子知事のリーダーシップのもと、着手済みの東京都内の象牙取引の評価をやり遂げることにより、都内における象牙取引の問題点を検証し、その対策を示すことを求める。これは、東京が「ニューノーマル」を覚悟し新型コロナウイルスに順応的に対応する中、ゾウを保護するために既に行っていた要望を再度行うものである。東京都は、4か月にわたって中断している「象牙取引規制に関する有識者会議」を速やかに再開されたい。 アフリカゾウが象牙目的で密猟され続けている一方
South Korea considering new law to modernize safety testing and human health research and to promote alternatives to animal testing
SEOUL—Proposed new legislation that would require Korean regulatory and research funding ministries to promote the development and implementation of non-animal alternatives in safety and biomedical sciences will be examined at a National Assembly expert forum on June 30. Assembly member In-soon Nam
동물대체시험법의 개발・보급 및 이용 촉진에 관한 법률 제정을 위한 전문가 간담회 개최
오는 30일 더불어민주당 남인순 의원(보건복지위원)은 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International)과 공동주최로 ‘「동물대체시험법의 개발・보급 및 이용 촉진에 관한 법률」 제정을 위한 전문가 간담회’를 개최한다. 간담회 발제는 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널 서보라미 국장이 ‘동물대체시험 활성화 위한 제도의 필요성’, 식품의약품안전평가원 한국동물대체시험법검증센터(KoCVAM) 안준익 연구관이 ‘동물대체시험법 개발・이용 현황과 개선 방향’, 한국법제연구원 장민선 연구위원이 ‘동물대체시험법의 개발・보급
Italy ranks 17th in the EU for percentage of caged farm animals; End the Cage Age Coalition urges Ministers Speranza and Bellanova to phase out cages.
ROME—The Italian coalition, End the Cage Age, published today a ranking of European countries, which shows the percentage of farm animals still kept in cages. Of the over 300 million animals who each year are caged in the EU, over 45 million are in Italy. The coalition is calling on citizens to
Italia al 17° posto in UE per percentuale di animali in gabbia. Coalizione End the Cage Age twitta richiesta di dismissione delle gabbie a Ministri Speranza e Bellanova
La Coalizione italiana End the Cage Age ha pubblicato oggi la classifica dei Paesi europei secondo la percentuale di animali ancora allevati in gabbia. L’Italia si piazza in basso nella classifica: degli oltre 300 milioni di animali allevati in gabbia ogni anno in UE, oltre 45 milioni sono in Italia
BREAKING: Dutch Government agrees to consider early closure of mink fur farms
AMSTERDAM—The Dutch Government has today said it will consider a one-stop voluntary closing scheme and breeding ban for mink fur farms in the Netherlands. It aims to make a decision in August 2020 and must notify Parliament before the new mating season starts in February 2021. Any decision on the
Basta animali in lockdown!
ROMA (22 giugno 2020)—In risposta alla crisi COVID-19 ed in vista della fase di ripresa e rilancio, Humane Society International Italia lancia oggi la campagna #BastaAnimaliInLockdown per chiedere un'azione decisiva volta a prevenire una nuova crisi sanitaria globale e plasmare un futuro migliore
India’s Nagaland state announces an end to its brutal dog meat trade, sparing 30,000 dogs a year
NEW DELHI—In a landmark decision, India’s Government of the state of Nagaland has ended the brutal dog meat trade. The decision announced today by the cabinet will end the import, trade and sale of live dogs and dog meat. Humane Society International/India and People for Animals have campaigned for
China appears on track to end animal testing for imported ‘ordinary’ cosmetics
WASHINGTON—In a move applauded by global animal protection leader Humane Society International, China’s State Council has finalized regulations that significantly modernize cosmetic safety assessment and lay critical groundwork for removal of the longstanding requirement to animal test all imported
YouGov poll reveals vast majority (93%) of Brits don’t wear real animal fur and do support a #FurFreeBritain; Government urged to end UK fur sales
LONDON—British citizens overwhelmingly agree that the time has come for Britain to be fur-free. A new YouGov opinion poll, commissioned by animal charity Humane Society International/UK, reveals that 93% of the British population reject wearing real animal fur, and the majority (72%) support a
BREAKING: 1 million mink culled on Dutch mink fur farms as COVID-19 infections spread
AMSTERDAM—COVID-19 infections on Dutch mink fur farms have now led to an estimated 1 million mink being culled by government order. Today, yet another mink fur farm in the Netherlands with 4,500 breeding mink was confirmed as being infected with the novel virus, bringing the total number of infected
As China, Cambodia and India tackle dog meat trade, pressure builds on South Korea at start of Boknal dog meat soup eating season
SEOUL—As South Korea’s Boknal season begins, marking the hottest days of summer during which dog meat ‘bosintang’ soup is commonly eaten, animal group Humane Society International is urging South Korea to join other countries across Asia in cracking down on the dog meat trade. Although banned in
Home Office statistics reveal no meaningful decline in UK animal experiments in a decade despite government pledge
LONDON—Home Office statistics published today reveal that the number of animals suffering in invasive, painful and often lethal experiments in British laboratories has stayed broadly the same almost a decade after the government pledged to reduce animal use. Despite the unprecedented availability of