For comprehensive reports on animal agribusiness and its toll on farm animal welfare, the environment, and public health, browse through our Research Library below. Each report is available online as a downloadable PDF.
Animal Agriculture Overview
- The Environmental, Public Health, and Social Impacts of Pig Factory Farming
- Impactos de la cría intensiva de cerdos en el medio ambiente, la salud pública y la sociedad (Spanish)
- Top 30 egg/laying hen producing countries
- Top 30 pig producing countries
- Top 30 chicken meat producing countries
- Global number of animals raised for food
Farm animal welfare
- The Welfare of Intensively Confined Animals
- O Bem-estar de Animais Confinados Intensivamente em Gaiolas em Bateria, Celas de Gestação e Gaiolas para Vitelo (Portuguese)
- About Chickens
- About Pigs
- About Fish
- The Welfare of Animals in the Aquaculture Industry
- Fish and Pain Perception
- The Welfare of Animals in the Pig Industry
- El bienestar de animales en la industria porcina (Spanish)
- Welfare Issues with Genetic Engineering and Cloning of Farm Animals
- The Welfare of Animals in the Egg IndustryAnimal Welfare and Food Safety Aspects of Confining Broilers Chickens to Cages(Published)
- HSI Animal Welfare Guidelines for Smallholder Livestock Programs
- Management of cage-free hens
- Management of cage-free hens (Vietnamese)
- Welfare issues with furnished cages (summary)
- Welfare issues with furnished cages (full report)
Human health implications of factory farming
- Summary HSI report: The connection between animal agriculture, viral zoonoses and global pandemics
- An HSI report: The connection between animal agriculture, viral zoonoses and global pandemics
- Health Professionals & Animal Agriculture (published)
- Human Health & Animal Welfare Risks of Transport (published)
- Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (published)
- Human Health Implications of Intensive Poultry Production
- Food Safety and Foie Gras (published)
- Food Safety and Cage Egg Production
- La inocuidad de los alimentos y la producción de huevos en jaulas (Spanish)
- Human Health Impacts of Odors from Industrial Farm Animal Production
- Los impactos sobre la salud humana de olores emitidos por instalaciones de cría intensiva de animales de producción (Spanish)
- Impact of Industrial Farm Animal Production on Food Security in the Developing World
- The Industrialization of Animal Agriculture in the Developing World (Published)
- Biosecurity Challenges of Industrial Farm Animal Production
- Public Health Impacts of Factory Farming in South Asia
- Intensive Farm Animal Production and Livestock Associated MRSA
Environmental implications
- The Impact of Animal Agriculture on Global Warming and Climate Change
- Biosecurity Challenges of Industrial Farm Animal Production
- An HSI/India Report: The Impact of Diet on Water
- Producer Economic Survey: Guidance for Companies Seeking Cage-Free Eggs
- Business Case for Preimplantation Group Housing
- Thương Mại Hóa Hệ Thống Nuôi Heo Nái Theo Nhóm từ Đầu Thai Kỳ (Vietnamese)
- กรณีศึกษาทางธุรกิจสำ�หรับระบบ การเลี้ยงแม่สุกรแบบรวมกลุ่ม ตั้งแต่ก่อนตัวอ่อนฝังตัว (Thai)
- Economics of Alternatives to Gestation Crate Housing of Sows
- Aspectos Económicos de la Adopción de Alternativas al Confinamiento de Cerdas en Jaulas de Gestación (Spanish)
- An HSI Factsheet: Diet and the Environment
- The Impact of Animal Agriculture on the Environment and Climate Change in Brazil
- O Impacto da Criação de Animais para Consumo no Meio Ambiente e nas Mudanças Climáticas no Brasil (Portuguese)
- The Impact of Animal Agriculture on the Environment and Climate Change in India: A Focus on Methane
- Public Health Impacts of Factory Farming in South Asia
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