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Czerwony Krzyż i Humane Society International wysyłają do Ukrainy karmę dla zwierząt, aby złagodzić kryzys w zakresie dobrostanu zwierząt

Sibiu, Rumunia—Rumuński Czerwony Krzyż i organizacja ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International zawarły bezprecedensowe porozumienie, kt ó rego celem jest dostarczenie do Ukrainy niezbędnej karmy

Des animaux de compagnie et des personnes fuyant l'Ukraine ont reçu de l’aide durant la crise par l'organisme caritatif pour les animaux Humane Society International

BRUXELLES—L'organisation de protection des animaux Humane Society International, avec un généreux don de Mars, Incorporated, aide les réfugiés ukrainiens à fuir le conflit avec leurs animaux de

Pets and people fleeing Ukraine provided comfort amid the crisis by animal charity Humane Society International

BRUSSELS—Animal protection organisation Humane Society International, together with a generous donation from Mars, Incorporated, is helping Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict with their beloved

La Asociación Parlamentaria en Defensa de los Derechos de los Animales, Humane Society International y la Fundación Franz Weber instan a prohibir el comercio de trofeos de caza en España

MADRID—En vísperas del Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre, Humane Society International/Europe, la Fundación Franz Weber y la Asociación Parlamentaria en Defensa de los Derechos de los Animales (APDDA)

Leading NGOs urge greater cooperation between EU and Vietnam to tackle trafficking of African wildlife

BRUSSELS —Animal protection campaigners have urged the European Commission to increase its cooperation with the Vietnamese authorities to tackle the illegal trade in African wildlife species. At an

Italia: presentata alla Camera dei Deputati la prima proposta di legge per vietare l’importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione dei trofei di caccia di specie protette

ROMA—L’inserimento di un divieto formale e un adeguamento sanzionatorio della Legge nr. 150/1992 che regola il commercio di animali appartenenti a specie minacciate di estinzione per porre fine all

Italy: First bill to ban the import, export of hunting trophies of protected species presented to the Chamber of Deputies

ROME—Today, in honoring World Wildlife Day, the Honorables Vittorio Ferraresi and Francesca Flati (M5S) presented a bill at the Chamber of Deputies to ban the import and export of hunting trophies of

Ucraina, rifugiati e animali domestici possono essere ammessi negli Stati Membri dell'UE senza ritardi burocratici—lo ha deciso la Commissione Europea creando un precedente di compassione

BRUXELLES—L’organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International/Europe, applaude la Commissione Europea per aver consigliato a tutti gli Stati Membri dell'UE di allentare i

Ukraińscy uchodźcy ze swoimi zwierzętami będą wpuszczani do państw członkowskich UE bez zbędnej zwłoki informuje Komisja Europejska

BRUKSELA—Organizacja prozwierzęca Humane Society International/Europe z zadowoleniem przyjęła zalecenie Komisji Europejskiej adresowane do wszystkch państw członkowskich UE, które dotyczy złagodzenia

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI