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Press Releases
Plane and bus companies across Europe urged to allow pet-friendly passage for Ukrainian refugees

BRUSSELS—Travel companies are urged by Humane Society International/Europe to provide safe, pet-friendly passage for Ukrainian refugees travelling with their animals, to avoid cats, dogs and others

Humane Society International welcomes German Ministry of the Environment announcement of intentions to restrict the import of hunting trophies

BERLIN—Humane Society International supports the announcement by Environment Minister Steffi Lemke to restrict the import of hunting trophies from protected animal species to Germany. The

Trophäenjagd: Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International begrüßt Paradigmenwechsel im Umweltministerium

BERLIN—Die weltweit aktive Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International (HSI) unterstützt die Ankündigung von Umweltministerin Steffi Lemke, den Import von Jagdtrophäen geschützter Tierarten

Working to end trophy hunting
Weltnaturschutzorganisation und Jane Goodall appellieren an Umweltministerium: Import von Jagdtrophäen geschützter Arten stoppen

BERLIN—Die Weltnaturschutzunion (IUCN) Ethics Specialist Group hat die Bundesregierung in einem Brief aufgefordert, aus ethischen, ökologischen und rechtlichen Gründen die Praxis der

Mink on a fur farm
Allevamenti di visoni: Interrogazioni parlamentari ai Ministri Patuanelli, Speranza e Cingolani in merito alla mancata adozione del decreto per l’indennizzo agli allevatori e la cessione degli animali

ROMA—Humane Society International accoglie favorevolmente l’iniziativa dell’Intergruppo Parlamentare per i Diritti degli Animali che, con il sostegno di diversi onorevoli e senatori e senatrici, ha

Free veterinary care for pets of Ukrainian refugees

Update: The deadline for this program has been extended to 31 December 2024. Ukrainian refugees who have fled the war with their pets can access free veterinary treatment in countries across Europe

Free veterinary care for pets of Ukrainian refugees launched across Europe

Update: This program has been extended to 31 December 2024. BRUSSELS—Ukrainian refugees who have fled the war with their pets in tow will now be able to access free veterinary treatment in 38 European

Belgian Parliament resolved to ban imports of hunting trophies from internationally protected species

BRUSSELS—Today, the Belgium Parliament took a significant step against the import and trade of animal trophies, adopting with overwhelming support a resolution urging the government to immediately end

Le Parlement belge est déterminé à faire interdire l'importation de trophées de chasse d'espèces protégées au niveau international

BRUXELLES—Aujourd'hui, le Parlement belge a fait un pas important contre l'importation et le commerce de trophées d'animaux, en adoptant à l'unanimité une résolution demandant au gouvernement de

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI