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Press Releases
Staff holding puppy
Animal charity Humane Society International to become “Humane World for Animals” to better encompass mission

BRUSSELS (14 th February 2025) ― Animal charity Humane Society International today announced it will change its name to Humane World for Animals to establish clarity in its mission to create lasting

The role of animals in humanitarian crises

Animals are a source of profound comfort and support during times of crisis. From the recent challenges of displacement due to conflict to disasters, our connection to animals provides not only

Street dog puppies
Humane Society International brings global expertise to Romania

BUCHAREST, Romania—Humane Society International/Europe and the Ilfov County Council’s Animal Protection Department hosted a groundbreaking debate titled "Efficiently and Humanely: How to Properly

Street dog puppies
Humane Society International aduce expertiză globală în România

BUCUREȘTI, Romania—Humane Society International/Europe (HSI/Europe) și Direcția Protecția Animalelor Ilfov din cadrul Consiliului Județean au organizat la Palatul Parlamentului o dezbatere inovatoare

Gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park
Herabstufung des Wolfsschutzes: Tierschutz-NGOs bedauern Entscheidung des Ständigen Ausschusses der Berner Konvention

BRÜSSEL/BERLIN—Der Ständige Ausschuss der Berner Konvention hat heute in Straßburg beschlossen, den Schutzstatus des Wolfes von „streng geschützt“ auf „geschützt“ herabzustufen. Diese Entscheidung

Gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park
Animal protection NGOs deplore decision to downgrade wolf protection

BRUSSELS—Today’s decision by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention to downgrade the protection of the wolf represents a dangerous step backwards for biodiversity and sets a worrying precedent

Schockierendes Tierleid auf finnischen Pelztierfarmen, trotz angeblicher Tierwohl-Zertifizierung

BERLIN—Füchse mit offenen Wunden, weinenden, infizierten Augen und deformierten, gespreizten Füßen – eine aktuelle Investigation der Humane Society International/UK (HSI) in Zusammenarbeit mit der

Alternatives to animal testing
Global initiative launched to train scientists to safely test cosmetics, chemicals without painful and archaic animal experiments

BRUSSELS—A new online Master Class course to train scientists in testing cosmetics and chemicals without using animals is being hailed as a game-changer for cruelty-free testing worldwide. Featuring

Durchbruch im Tierschutz: Rumänien verbietet die Pelztierzucht!

BUCHAREST/BERLIN—Humane Society International/Europe (HSI/Europe) feiert heute einen monumentalen Sieg für den Tierschutz in Rumänien. Um 12 Uhr Ortszeit (11 Uhr MEZ) stimmte das rumänische Parlament

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI