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Press Releases
Ukrainian refugees with their pets should be allowed into EU Member States without paperwork delay, says EU Commission in ‘precedent setting’ compassionate decision

BRUSSELS—Animal charity Humane Society International/Europe applauds the European Commission for advising all EU Member States to relax veterinary paperwork requirements for the dogs, cats and other

European Parliament advocates meat reduction and investment in non-animal research to fight cancer, the EU’s second biggest killer

BRUSSELS—The European Parliament has adopted a resolution which calls for the EU Commission and Member States to help consumers eat a more healthy, plant-based diet and reduce overconsumption of meat

Animal protection charity slams toothless animal welfare report adopted by European Parliament

Brussels – Yesterday , the European Parliament voted in favour of a retrograde report from its Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the implementation of on-farm animal welfare

Consegnate alla Commissione Europea le firme della petizione di Humane Society International per un cambio di rotta sulla sperimentazione animale

BRUXELLES—In un incontro virtuale con i rappresentanti di gabinetto di diversi commissari europei, Humane Society International (HSI) ha consegnato 155.000 firme per chiedere un’azione, da parte dell

Humane Society International petition to European Commission demands course-correction on animal testing

BRUSSELS— Last week at a virtual meeting with cabinet representatives of several European Commissioners, Humane Society International handed over a 155,000-strong petition demanding action by the EU

Legge di bilancio: arriva il sì dalla Commissione Bilancio per vietare e chiudere gli allevamenti di visoni in Italia

ROMA—È stato approvato oggi dalla Commissione Bilancio del Senato una versione riscritta dell’ annunciato il 16 novembre scorso dall’On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, Presidente dell’Intergruppo e della

Mink crammed into a cage.
In an historic vote, Italy to ban fur farming and shut down all mink farms within six months

ROME—The Budget Committee of the Italian Senate today voted to approve a modified version of an  amendment  to the budget law which will see the country’s 10 remaining mink fur farms closed within six

Statement on the EU’s revised rules on ivory trade

BRUSSELS—Today, the European Commission has published its long-awaited revision of the EU rules on ivory trade with a goal to end most forms of this trade in the EU. Humane Society International

Legge di Bilancio, depositato emendamento per vietare l’importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione di trofei di caccia e formare le forze di polizia

ROMA—Un divieto di importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione di trofei di caccia per e dal territorio italiano e lo stanziamento di fondi al fine di garantire la formazione e l’addestramento delle

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI