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휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, 척추동물대체시험 지원토록 하는
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널은 더불어민주당 한정애 의원이 대표 발의한 생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률(이하 화학제품안전법) 일부개정법률안 통과를 환영한다고 밝혔다. 지난 6일 본회의를 통과한 이 개정안은 ▲척추동물시험의 최소화 원칙 규정 ▲척추동물대체시험의 개발・이용에 관한 정책 수립・시행 ▲기존 척추동물시험자료 확보 및 활용과 척추동물대체시험의 개발 및 보급을 위한 중소기업에 대한 지원 조항을 포함한다. 한정애 의원은 지난 2018년 화학물질의 등록 및 평가를 위한 법안 (이하 화평법) 개정을 통해
Humane Society International welcomes passage of biocidal law amendment promoting alternatives to animal testing in South Korea
SEOUL—Humane Society International congratulates Assembly member Jeong-ae Han on the National Assembly’s passage of her amendment to the Chemical Consumer Products and Biocides law, promoting alternatives to animal testing. Assembly member Han, who previously sponsored and helped to pass a similar
Landmark report sounds the alarm on barn fires in Canada
MONTREAL—Humane Society International/Canada has released a report, the first of its kind in Canada, detailing the scope of the preventable tragedy of barn fires and how the near total absence of mandatory safety measures has resulted in the deaths of countless farm animals. Barn fires happen
Ivory-Free Canada Coalition condemns Toronto Sportsmen’s Show for allowing South African outfitters to sell cruel, unsustainable elephant hunts
MONTREAL – At a time when African nations are contending with an elephant poaching crisis that has caused devastating population declines, it has come to light that the annual Toronto Sportsmen’s Show continues to allow three vendors to sell elephant trophy hunting excursions that further threaten
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ
Thank you for remembering animals during this difficult time. They still need our help and we are continuing our work worldwide as well as we can despite this crisis. As always, we are so grateful for your support. What is HSI doing during this crisis? With the aim of preventing pet abandonment and
Fast-food giants make first steps towards chicken welfare in Romania and Poland
BRUSSELS— The first-ever evaluation of chicken welfare among 16 fast-food brands in Poland and Romania reveals that the fast-food industry in Eastern Europe is taking its first steps towards increasing the welfare of chickens used for meat . The 2023 Pecking Order reports for Poland and Romania
Giganții din industria fast-food fac primii pași în direcția bunăstării puilor
BUCUREȘTI, România—Prima evaluare a bunăstării puilor realizată în rândul a 12 branduri de fast-food din România dezvăluie faptul că industria fast-food face primii pași în direcția creșterii nivelului de bunăstare a puilor folosiți pentru producția de carne. Raportul 2023 Pecking Order pentru
Over 300 South Korean academic and industry experts urge the passage of bills promoting better science without the use of animals
SEOUL—Humane Society International/Korea and 346 South Korean academic and industry experts delivered a letter to the chair of National Assembly’s Health and Welfare Committee, Dong Kun Shin, urging the Korean government to pass bills promoting state-of-the-art science replacing animal testing. With
Webinar showcases achievable cage-free egg shift in Latin America
MEXICO CITY— Humane Society International and Alianza Alimentaria held their "Successful Transition to a Cage-Free Egg Supply Chain" webinar which drew ian audience of 76 attendees from the hospitality and food industry. Experts in animal welfare and biosecurity, alongside industry leaders like
Czas, aby Polska pożegnała się z futrem
WARSZAWA—Polski oddział międzynarodowej organizacji ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International/Europe przygotował petycję wzywającą do wprowadzenia zakazu okrutnej hodowli zwierząt na futra w Polsce w ramach kampanii „Polska bez futra”. Polska, gdzie działa około 380 ferm hodujących miliony norek
De Black Friday, Humane Society International face un apel către publicul larg să aleagă Fur-Free Friday și să contribuie astfel la interzicerea fermelor de blănuri în România
BUCUREȘTI—Humane Society International/Europe lansează o nouă campanie online și îndeamnă consumatorii să aleagă produse fără blănuri (fur-free) de Black Friday, zi care coincide cu mișcarea internațională Fur-Free Friday (Vinerea Fără Blănuri). Organizația le reamintește cumpărătorilor că în
France moves closer to prohibiting imports of hunting trophies from protected species
PARIS—A cross-party bill proposal to ban the import of hunting trophies of protected species into France by Ecologist MP Sandra Regol with the support of Renaissance MP Corinne Vignon, Chair of the Assembly's Study Group on the Condition and Welfare of Animals. According to an poll commissioned by
La France avance vers l’interdiction d’importer des trophées de chasse issus d’espèces protégées
PARIS— Hier, une proposition de loi transpartisane visant à interdire l'importation de trophées de chasse d'espèces protégées vers la France a été déposée par la députée Ecologiste Sandra Regol avec le soutien de la présidente du groupe d'études Condition et bien-être des animaux à l’Assemblée
Celebrities including Billie Eilish, Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, Kim Basinger alongside Indonesian mega-stars call for end to cruel dog and cat meat trade in Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia—More than 30 stars from the world of acting, fashion and music―including Billie Eilish, Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, Kim Basinger, Courteney Cox, Ricky Gervais, Andie McDowell, Jeff Bridges and Zooey Deschanel―have called on President Joko Widodo in a joint letter to end
Billie Eilish, Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, Kim Basinger e altre celebrities insieme a star indonesiane firmano appello per porre fine al commercio di carne di cane e gatto in Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia—Più di 30 star del mondo del cinema, della moda e della musica - tra cui Billie Eilish, Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, Kim Basinger, Courteney Cox, Ricky Gervais, Andie McDowell, Jeff Bridges e Zooey Deschanel - hanno chiesto al Presidente Joko Widodo, in una lettera congiunta
De Kuyper Royal Distillers embarks on a mission for responsible egg sourcing
BRUSSELS—De Kuyper Royal Distillers has become one of the first distillers globally to announce a commitment for the responsible sourcing of eggs. As early as 2011, the Dutch manufacturer of distilled spirits and liqueurs, which uses approximately 19 million eggs annually, has embarked on a mission
ITA Airways schließt sich der Kampagne der internationalen Organisation Humane Society International/Europe an und führt ein Verbot für den Transport von Jagdtrophäen auf ihren Flügen ein, sowohl als Fracht als auch als Passagiergepäck.
ROM/BERLIN—Die führende italienische Fluggesellschaft, ITA Airways, verkündet mit Stolz ihre Unterstützung der Kampagne #NotInMyWorld der globalen Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International/Europe (HSI). Die Fluggesellschaft hat eine neue Unternehmensrichtlinie verabschiedet, die den
ITA Airways joins the campaign of the international organization Humane Society International/Europe and introduces a ban on transporting hunting trophies on its flights, both as cargo and as passenger baggage
ROME—The leading Italian airline, ITA Airways, proudly announces its support of the campaign #NotInMyWorld of the global animal protection charity Humane Society International/Europe. The airline has adopted a new corporate policy that prohibits the transportation of hunting trophies on all company