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東京—科学上の目的のために利用される動物に関する3Rの理念、動物実験の「代替(replacement)、削減(reduction)、苦痛の軽減(refinement)」が提唱されてから60周年に当たる今年、動物との共生を考える連絡会とヒューメイン・ソサイエティー・インターナショナル(Humane Society International, HSI)が、動物実験代替法の研究者や実験動物の専門家のなど、動物実験の課題に関する様々な関係者が執筆した記事を収載した新たな資料集『資料集:動物実験のあり方を考える』を公表した。 動物との共生を考える連絡会とHSIは
BREAKING: Campaigners outraged as Zimbabwe exports 30+ baby elephants to Chinese zoos, HSI/Africa releases last known video of the elephants taken days before shipment
CAPE TOWN—Animal protection experts at Humane Society International/Africa and Zimbabwe animal groups have today expressed their outrage and heartbreak at the news that more than 30 wild-caught baby elephants held captive for nearly a year in Hwange National Park, have been flown out of the country
Brazilians want comprehensive legislation against cosmetic tests on animals, according to new poll
BRASILIA—An opinion poll released today by Humane Society International and conducted by Datafolha revealed that the vast majority of the Brazilian public want robust federal legislation against cosmetic testing on animals. According to 73% of respondents, if the Congress were to legislate on this
South Korea’s capital city declared free of dog slaughtering after dog meat shops work with Seoul mayor to end city-wide killing
SEOUL—Seoul’s last three dog meat shops have agreed to end dog slaughter on-site, following over a year of campaigning from Seoul’s Mayor Park Won-soon and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The initiative has been welcomed by leading animal charity Humane Society International/Korea which has been
Brasileiros querem legislação exaustiva contra testes de cosméticos em animais, de acordo com nova pesquisa de opinião
BRASÍLIA—Uma pesquisa de opinião divulgada hoje pela Humane Society International e realizada pela Datafolha revelou que a grande maioria do público brasileiro deseja uma legislação federal robusta contra testes cosméticos em animais. Segundo 73% dos entrevistados, se o Congresso legislar sobre o
¡Su Majestad la Reina prescinde de las pieles!
LONDRES– Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II del Reino Unido ya abandonó las pieles, una noticia que fue muy bien recibida por parte de los activistas de #FurFreeBritain en la importante organización protectora de animales Humane Society International/RU. El anuncio de la medida para descartar las pieles
Veterinarios costarricenses se capacitan en medicina forense para apoyar a las autoridades en casos de crueldad animal
SAN JOSÉ–Con el fin de apoyar a las autoridades en casos de crueldad animal, un grupo de 25 veterinarios, tanto privados como de instituciones públicas, reciben capacitación en temas de medicina veterinaria forense, tales como la aplicación de la cadena de custodia, el manejo del lugar de los hechos
Simposio Bienestar Animal: una estrategia de negocio sostenible, reúne a mas de 150 profesionales de la industria alimentaria en América Latina
Sao Paulo - El Bienestar Animal es un tema que ha ganado fuerza dentro del agronegocio Latino Americano, con un creciente número de compañías tomando medidas cada vez más potentes y consistentes para asegurar un trato humanitario de los animales destinados a producción animal. Con el fin de aumentar
Simpósio Bem-Estar Animal: Uma Estratégia de Negócio Sustentável reúne 150 profissionais da indústria alimentícia da América Latina
SÃO PAULO—O tema bem-estar animal já ganhou força no agronegócio da América Latina, com um número crescente de empresas adotando ações mais fortes e consistentes para garantir melhores práticas no tratamento dos animais utilizados na produção de alimentos. Para aumentar o diálogo sobre essa mudança
Working with Financial Institutions to Improve Farm Animal Welfare
HSI’s Farm Animal Welfare and Protection program works with producers, restaurant companies, supermarkets, manufacturers, food service providers and hotel chains to transition their animal agriculture production and supply chains to higher welfare systems. Financial institutions such as commercial
2019, un año de victorias para los animales de granja
Se acerca el fin de año y en Humane Society International (HSI) nos complace celebrar los avances en la protección de los animales de granja a nivel global y en Latinoamérica. Este año, el movimiento libre de jaula continuó creciendo como reflejo de las exigencias de clientes cada vez más
The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society International, and Humane Society Legislative Fund release “Terrible Ten Trophy Hunting Stories of 2019”
WASHINGTON -- Every year, trophy hunters kill tens of thousands of wild animals around the world for fun and bragging rights. Their gruesome quests, some of which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, may even involve illegal activities. The trophy hunting industry marginalizes local people and
VIDEO: Search & rescue mission for wildlife survivors on Australia’s ‘apocalyptic’ Kangaroo Island as federal government pledges aid for wildlife recovery
Note: See ENDS at bottom for the latest videos and updates on our rescue efforts. Kangaroo Island, South Australia – Animal charity Humane Society International has deployed a disaster response team to Kangaroo Island on a search and rescue mission for wildlife survivors of the bushfires that have
Frequently asked questions: HSI response to Australia bushfires
Q. I’ve seen reports regarding rainfall in Australia – does that mean that wildlife is in the clear? A. Kangaroo Island, the focus of our response, hasn't experienced significant rainfall like some other areas of Australia. Unfortunately, minor amounts of rainfall are inadequate to begin the process
VIDEO: Starvation and dehydration are driving more animal victims of Australia’s fires into care on Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island, South Australia–As the search-and-rescue mission for wildlife survivors of Australia’s Kangaroo Island bushfires continues, animal charity Humane Society International says the number of animals needing to be taken into care is increasing as starvation and dehydration start to hit
Lawsuit aims to force Trump administration to halt U.S. pangolin trade
WASHINGTON— Wildlife conservation groups sued the Trump administration today to force officials to propose Endangered Species Act protections for critically imperiled pangolins. Today’s lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service notes that pangolins, which inhabit Asia and Africa, are in
Botswana’s first elephant hunt to be auctioned in Canada
MONTREAL—Amid global recognition of the threatened survival of elephants, a hunting club in Calgary is poised to auction off the first licence for a foreigner to hunt elephant in Botswana. The Ivory-Free Canada Coalition, a partnership of Canadian non-profit organisations, including: Humane Society