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Take Action to Improve Animal Services
In the wake of a recent exposé (click on "Regardez l'intégrale" just below the broadcast date) involving Quebec’s largest for-profit animal control facility, Humane Society International/Canada is calling on provincial and municipal governments to ensure more humane and effective animal control
Surviving the Dog Meat Trade in China
by Peter Li Having heard of the interception of a truck loaded with 480 dogs bound for northeast China's dog meat markets, hundreds of animal advocates converged on the Beijing-Harbin Expressway, where they found the dogs crammed into a four-layered deck on the vehicle. Rescuers worked immediately
Every year, approximately 250,000 bulls are killed in bullfights. Bullfighting is already banned by law in many countries including Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Italy and the United Kingdom. Although legal in Spain, some Spanish cities, such as Calonge, Tossa de Mar, Vilamacolum and La Vajol
Seeking protection for the African lion
The African lion is in danger. On March 1, 2011, Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States, along with Born Free USA, Born Free Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, The Fund for Animals, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare, petitioned to have the African lion
Seabird Bycatch in the EU
Each year, it is estimated that 200,000 seabirds are accidentally snared, entangled and drowned by longline hooks and in trawls, driftnets and gillnets in European waters alone. Seabird bycatch not only poses a significant threat to the survival of many species, but is also an animal welfare problem
Child Bullfighters
Started young There are no laws in Mexico limiting the age of bullfighters, whereas in Spain, no child younger than 16 is allowed to enter the ring. For this very reason, many young children travel to Mexico to pursue their careers in bullfighting. Bullfighting schools that train children are
Serengeti Super Highway: A Dead End for Animals
Update: On June 20, 2014, the East African Court of Justice declared that constructing a highway through Serengeti National Park would be unlawful, effectively preventing the Tanzanian government from beginning the project. "The judgment in essence confirms that the treasured Serengeti ecosystem is
Bullfighting Myths
1. I should attend a bullfight if I want to experience the country’s true culture. Spain, Mexico and other Latin American nations are all beautiful countries, rich in history, art and culture. There are so many other ways to enjoy and experience a country’s traditions that do not involve harming
Iceland, Whaling and the Pelly Amendment
The Pelly Amendment to the Fisherman’s Protective Act allows the U.S. Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary of the Interior to determine and certify to the President when foreign nationals are conducting activities that diminish the effectiveness of an international fisheries conservation program
Humane Eating
Worldwide, approximately 67.5 billion land animals are raised and slaughtered for meat, eggs, and milk every year. Hundreds of millions of these animals are raised on industrialized farms resembling factories. On these factory farms, animals suffer immensely, many confined for the entirety of their
About the International Whaling Commission
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was set up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW), signed in Washington, D.C., on December 2, 1946. The Convention was intended to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and the regulation of commercial and
Why Support the EU Canadian Seafood Boycott
Opposition to commercial seal hunting is gaining momentum around the world, and governments, including the European Union, are increasingly taking action to end the trade in products of this brutality. Meanwhile, each year, the EU buys hundreds of millions of euros worth of seafood caught by
Canadian Seafood Boycott: European Supporters
HSI is calling on individuals and businesses to boycott Canadian seafood until the Canadian commercial seal slaughter ends. Patrons If your favourite chef, restaurant or food retailer isn't yet supporting the boycott, why not print off our Chefs & Businesses Pledge [PDF], take it with you on your
Bullfighting (Fiesta Brava) in Mexico
Mexico is one of the few remaining countries where bullfighting is still legal (others include Spain, France, Portugal, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador). The largest bullfighting ring in the world, fitting 60,000 spectators, resides in Mexico City. There are approximately 225 bullrings in
Don't Buy While Seals Die: Boycott Canadian Seafood
With hundreds of thousands of seals clubbed and shot to death for their fur in most years, Canada’s commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth. Almost all of the seals killed are defenceless pups, and they are beaten and shot to death for their fur. In 2005, the Protect
Canadian Commercial Seal Slaughter
With hundreds of thousands of seals clubbed and shot to death for their fur in most years, Canada's commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth. It is also the most brutal. It’s a cruel slaughter of baby seals Canadian government statistics confirm more than 97 percent
40th anniversary of global ban on commercial whaling commemorated
United Kingdom— The 40 th anniversary of the global ban on commercial whaling has been marked today, with a plaque unveiled to hail one of the most significant conservation victories of all time. Almost three million whales were killed for their oil and meat in the 20th century, bringing many
Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss urged to set out leadership plans for animal welfare in open letter from 35 of UK’s top animal charities, celebrities and Larry the cat
London— In the month of the bicentenary of the UK’s first ever animal protection law—Martin’s Act of 22 nd July 1822—some of the UK’s leading animal charities are joined by Larry the Downing Street cat (@Number10Cat) and celebrities including Ricky Gervais, Dame Joanna Lumley and Paul O’Grady to
Pet transport during crises
BRUSSELS — Animal protection organisation Humane Society International has collaborated with the International Air Transport Association to publish a list of considerations for governments and the air transport supply chain to facilitate the safe passage of pet cats and dogs in times of crisis who
HSI e IATA per il trasporto degli animali domestici durante le crisi
BRUXELLES—L’organizzazione internazionale per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International (HSI) e l’International Air Transport Association (IATA) rilasciano un elenco di raccomandazioni per i governi e il settore del trasporto aereo con l’obbiettivo di facilitare, in tempi di crisi, il