Found 3892 results
Board of Directors
Directors Susan Atherton Kathleen Linehan (Buffy) Brian Borg Marcelo de Andrade Marilia Duffles Nicolas Ibarguen Jennifer Laue Steven White Officers Kitty Block, Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Flocken, President Erin Frackleton, Chief Operating Officer William Hall, Chief Financial Officer Angela
An End to Street Dog Killing in Dhaka, Bangladesh
A few years ago, Rubaiya Ahmed founded Obhoyaronno, a non-governmental organization with a focus on street dog welfare. HSI has partnered with Obhoyaronno to better the lives of street dogs in Bangladesh through multiple meetings with government officials and ongoing training in spay/neuter and
Leveret Mortality
Despite having suffered a decline in population of up to 80 percent over the last century, hares are afforded little protection during their breeding season. This cruel anomaly allows many thousands of pregnant and lactating females to be killed during the sensitive spring and summer months, as a
Threats to Hares in the UK
The brown hare (Lepus europaeus) and the upland mountain hare (Lepus timidus) have suffered serious population declines during the last century, with brown hare numbers estimated to have plummeted by 80 percent since 1880. Habitat loss Much of the decline has been due to changes in land use and
Hare Population Declines and Action Plans
Brown and mountain hares in the UK have suffered serious population declines in the last century, and although the government set a target to double brown hare numbers, these much-maligned animals continue to suffer from many threats. It is believed that there were approximately 4 million brown
About Hares
Hares live above ground, mainly in farmland, and shelter in shallow depressions, known as “forms”, made in grassland or soil. Lying low and motionless in the form, ears flat against their bodies, hares are difficult to spot, and they rely on this camouflage to protect them from detection by
Salmonella thrives in cage housing
“Salmonella Thrives in Cage Housing”—This headline was featured in World Poultry in 2009. In 2010, an outbreak of salmonella that sickened hundreds of people caused the recall of hundreds of millions of eggs in the United States. All 15 studies published comparing salmonella contamination in cage
No battery cages: Our campaign
Imagine living the rest of your life in an elevator with six other people—being prevented from even the most basic activities! This is the kind of existence that a battery hen endures. Chickens raised for egg production are referred to as laying hens. Currently, most of the 26 million egg-laying
Fast facts on battery cages in Canada
Did you know? There are approximately 26 million laying hens in Canada. Most of them are kept confined in cramped, barren cages. Battery cages were designed in the 1940s to maximize production and lower animal care costs as a response to the growing demand for eggs. Currently, Canadian hens do not
Shark Finning in Latin America
Shark finning—cutting off a shark’s fins and throwing its body overboard to die—occurs because the value of fins outweighs that of shark meat. In 2005, Humane Society International began working with concerned organizations, local advocates and governments to combat shark finning. Today, Latin
Wild Animals in British Circuses
HSI UK does not believe that a licensing and inspection system can adequately protect the welfare of wild animals in British circuses, for the following reasons: A licensing system will not prevent new animals or new species of animals from being introduced. The Department for Environment, Food and
The British Circus Debate: A Timeline
In March 2006 the then Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Minister responsible for Animal Welfare, Ben Bradshaw, announced his intention to introduce Regulations under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to ban the use of certain non-domesticated species in travelling circuses, whose
Shark Finning in Europe: A Timeline for Change
2006: The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to strengthen the EU shark finning legislation [ 1]. The Parliament noted that the information supplied by Member States on their fishing fleets’ activities was very poor, enforcement of the Regulation was
Street Dogs in Bhutan
In September 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Department of Livestock of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) and Humane Society International (HSI) formed a unique partnership. With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, the two entities embarked on a first-of-its kind
Why The EU Shark Finning Ban Needs Strengthening
The European Union is one of the world’s leading exporters of shark fins to Asia. Spain and Portugal have the largest shark fisheries in Europe, with pelagic longline fleets that operate not only in the Atlantic, but also in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Spain is responsible for 7.3 percent of the
Orcas Belong in the Wild
by Naomi Rose Since 1964, killer whales, also known as orcas, have been entertaining people in theme park performances, showing off their dramatic black and white markings and beautiful acrobatics. But the glamor of the show has hidden what goes on behind the scenes, including dangerous interactions
Animal Testing Q&As
Q&A: Cosmetic & Product Testing Q&A: Cruelty-Free Spring Clean Q&A: Animal Testing of Chemicals Q&A: Animal Testing of Pesticides and Biocides Q&A: Animal Testing of Shellfish Toxins Q&A: The AXLR8 Project Toxicity Testing Resource Centre
Quebec Dog Rescue Slideshow
In September 2011, HSI Canada, in partnership with the Ministere de l'Agriculture, des Pecheries et de l'Alimentation du Quebec and local law enforcement, rescued more than 500 dogs and puppies from a large-scale commercial breeding facility in Outaouais, Quebec. Here, we present a slideshow of the
Farm Animal Welfare in Latin America
Since 2004, HSI Latin America has been working on the ground in Costa Rica on farm animal issues. Our efforts have been aimed at influencing industry and government and promoting higher farm animal welfare standards (specifically for cattle raised for beef). Our goal is to encourage practices that
Free Trade Agreements and the European Union
The European Union is often regarded as a world leader in animal protection issues, and is also one of the largest players in global trade in the world. The EU incorporates provisions on animal welfare, sustainable development, and environmental protection into its trade agreements. HSI sees this