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Transportul animalelor de companie în perioadele de criză
BRUSSELS—Organizația de protecție a animalelor Humane Society International (HSI), în colaborare cu International Air Transport Association (IATA)/ Asociația Internațională de Transport Aerian, a publicat un ghid pentru autoritățile publice și entitățile din domeniul transportului aerian cu scopul
Food industry convenes to improve farm animal welfare in Viet Nam
HO CHI MINH CITY, Viet Nam—Yesterday, Humane Society International and the National Agriculture Extension Center of Vietnam hosted “Animal welfare in food supply chains: from commitment to implementation.” The corporate roundtable highlighted the need for improving farm animal welfare policy and
Elezioni politiche 2022: le organizzazioni animaliste presentano il manifesto “Anche gli animali votano”
ROMA—Contrasto al randagismo, tutela della fauna selvatica, stop all’uso degli animali nei circhi e negli spettacoli, protezione degli animali allevati a fini alimentari, superamento della sperimentazione animale e tutela degli animali nel nostro sistema giuridico e istituzionale-amministrativo
Humane Society International/Mexico will carry out first-of-its-kind census of dogs and cats in north-central Mexico
AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico—Mexico’s first ever dog and cat survey will be conducted in the city of Aguascalientes, coordinated by animal protection organization Humane Society International/Mexico, A.C. Starting August 15, a team of volunteers from local associations, independent rescuers, university
Humane Society International/México realizará el primer sondeo de población canina y felina en Aguascalientes
AGUASCALIENTES-El primer sondeo de población canina y felina se llevará a cabo en Aguascalientes gracias a Humane Society International México, organización internacional que trabaja por el bienestar de los animales. A partir del 15 de agosto, un equipo de voluntarios conformados por asociaciones
South Korea to end unnecessary animal test
SEOUL—South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has introduced an amendment to its Biologicals standard and test method guidelines, and will no longer require the Abnormal Toxicity test. The outdated method was carried out for batch quality control of pharmaceutical and biological products
1950년대 만들어진 마우스, 기니피그 실험, 한국에서도 중단 환영
한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 한국 HSI)은 이번 8월 12일에 발표 된 생물학적제제 시험 고시 개정에 대해 그동안 과학적으로 필요가 없다고 알려진 동물실험법을 중지하는데 대한 환영 의사를 밝혔다. 식품의약품안전처는 생물학적 제제에 대한 고시 개정을 통해 이상독성부정시험을 중지한다. 이상독성부정시험은 의약품과 생물학 제제 품목의 품질 확인을 위해 쥐 또는 기니피그를 이용하는 실험이다. 이상독성부정시험은 1950년대에 처음 생겨나 쥐와 기니피그를 이용해 외래 물질로 인한
Ablehnung der Trophäenjagd unter Südafrikaner*innen deutlich gestiegen (+12%)
BERLIN/CAPE TOWN, Südafrika—Die südafrikanische Bevölkerung hat sich gegen die grausame Praxis der Trophäenjagd auf Wildtiere ausgesprochen. Eine neue Umfrage, die von der Tierschutzorganisation Humane Society International/Africa in Auftrag gegeben wurde, zeigt, dass 68% der südafrikanischen
New IPSOS survey reveals the majority (68%) of South Africans oppose trophy hunting
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—South African citizens have spoken out against the cruel practice of hunting wild animals for trophies. A new 2022 IPSOS survey, commissioned by animal protection charity Humane Society International/Africa, reveals that 68% of the South African population oppose trophy
Significativo aumento dei sudafricani (+12%) contrari alla caccia al trofeo
ROMA/CITTA’ DEL CAPO, Sudafrica—I cittadini sudafricani si sono espressi contro la crudele pratica della caccia al trofeo di animali selvatici. Un nuovo sondaggio Ipsos del 2022, commissionato dall'organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International/Africa, rivela che il 68%
Aż 68 procent mieszkańców RPA przeciwko polowaniom dla trofeów
KRAKOW, Polska—Południowoafrykańskie społeczeństwo coraz krytyczniej ocenia polowania dla trofeów. Zgodnie z wynikami badań opinii publicznej przeprowadzonymi przez IPSOS na zlecenie Humane Society International/Africa aż 68% respondentów sprzeciwia się polowaniom dla trofeów, a 65% jest przeciwko
Criminal gang arrested in China for luring cats with protected live sparrows to sell for brutal meat trade
BEIJING—Members of a criminal gang in the city of Jinan, in east China’s Shandong province, have been arrested by local police for using live-caught sparrows to lure cats who they sold to the meat trade, according to the Chinese animal protection group Vshine. Thirty one sparrows–a protected species
The growing market for cage-free egg production in Mexico and Latin America
Watch these webinars to learn about the market opportunities and scientific basis behind cage-free egg production according to experts in the field and cage-free producers in Latin America. Part 1 Part 2
El creciente mercado de producción de huevo libre de jaula en México y América Latina
Únase a esta serie de 2 webinars para conocer las oportunidades de mercado y la base científica detrás de la producción de huevos libres de jaulas en la voz de los expertos en el campo y los productores libres de jaulas en América Latina. Parte 1 Parte 2
European citizens demand an end to animal testing
BRUSSELS—For the second time in seven years, more than one million people across the European Union have called for an end to animal testing by signing a European Citizens’ Initiative. Introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 to facilitate participation by EU citizens in policy development, ECIs
I cittadini europei chiedono la fine dei test sugli animali
BRUXELLES—Per la seconda volta in sette anni, più di un milione di persone in tutta l'Unione Europea ha chiesto la fine della sperimentazione animale firmando l'Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei “Save Cruelty-Free Cosmetics”. Introdotta dal Trattato di Lisbona nel 2007 per facilitare la
Mieszkańcy Unii Europejskiej mówią NIE testom na zwierzętach
WARSZAWA, Polska—Po raz drugi w ciągu siedmiu lat udało się zebrać ponad milion podpisów obywatelek i obywateli Unii Europejskiej w sprawie zakończenia testów laboratoryjnych na zwierzętach w ramach Europejskiej Inicjatywy Obywatelskiej. Inicjatywa pozwala na partycypację społeczeństwa w
The Beatles return to Rishikesh—in canine form, as street dog ambassadors Lennon, McCartney, Starr and Harrison help HSI/India promote mass spay/neuter program
RISHIKESH, India—Four street dogs living in India’s tourist hotspot of Rishikesh, where the Beatles visited in 1968, have been named after the Fab Four as part of a mass spay/neuter and rabies vaccination drive. Lennon, McCartney, Starr and Harrison are among thousands of mainly female street dogs
HSI/Canada statement on Québec fur farm investigation, reiterates call on provincial government to end fur farming
MONTREAL—Kelly Butler, HSI/Canada wildlife campaign manager, issued the following statement, reacting to images released from a Québec fur farm investigation: “We were deeply disturbed by the images appearing in the media of foxes and mink on fur farms in Québec. Such images underscore the urgent
Déclaration de HSI/Canada sur l'enquête sur les fermes à fourrure du Québec, qui réitère l'appel du gouvernement provincial à mettre fin à l'élevage d'animaux à fourrure
MONTRÉAL—Kelly Butler, responsable de campagne de la faune chez HSI/Canada, a publié la déclaration suivante, réagissant aux images diffusées lors d'une enquête sur une ferme à fourrure au Québec: « Nous avons été profondément troublés par les images diffusées dans les médias de renards et de visons