Found 3906 results
Swim-with-the-Dolphins Attractions
HSI is strongly opposed to captive swim-with-the-dolphins attractions and believes these programs, even if strictly regulated, pose an immediate threat to the safety of both human and dolphin participants. Life in the wild HSI opposes the capture of all marine mammals from the wild for any type of
Whales in Trouble
Whales face increasing threats: Low reproductive rates: Whales have naturally low reproductive rates, making many species extremely vulnerable to increasing pressure from whaling. Chemical pollution: Modern-day contaminants flowing into all our oceans are literally polluting whales' tissues. Some
Wildlife Trade
The commercial trade in wild animals is a multi-billion dollar business that threatens the survival of many species and results in the inhumane treatment of billions of animals every year. Humane Society International has long been involved in international efforts to reduce or halt the
Canada's Fur Industry
Every year in Canada, more than 3 million animals are killed by the fur industry. These animals suffer tremendously, all in the name of “fashion.” Two horrifying "harvesting" methods Although the fur industry does its best to keep the cruelty out of sight, suffering is a common ingredient in both
Cat and Dog Fur in Canada
Since 1997, Humane Society International has investigated and documented the international trade in dog and cat fur. Our extensive, widely reported undercover investigation has spanned the globe from source countries such as China, the Philippines, and Thailand to retailers and wholesalers in the
The Canadian Polar Bear Hunt
Canada holds more than half the world's population of polar bears, most ranging either solely or partially within the vast borders of Nunavut, a territory spanning nearly 2 million square kilometers. These ice-dependent bears—beloved by people worldwide—have become a symbol of wilderness species
Sharks: Dying for a Bowl of Soup
Every year, millions of sharks suffer painful deaths from the cruel and wasteful shark fin trade. Whether unintended "bycatch" by or caught specifically for their valuable fins, these animals have their fins removed and then—either dead or dying—are immediately cast back into the water. Shark meat
I'm a Little Tiger
Through a partnership with the Vietnamese government, HSI's "I'm a Little Tiger" book will be used in schools to help teach children about tiger poaching concerns and conservation efforts. Watch the video. You can click the lower-left icon to view in full-screen mode, or here to download a PDF.
International Disaster Relief Fund
The International Disaster Relief Fund is a continuing, dedicated fund that enables Humane Society International to help animals impacted by natural disasters. The fund supports HSI's rescue and relief efforts for past, present and future natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods
I'm a Little Rhino
Through a partnership with the Vietnamese government, HSI's "I'm a Little Rhino" book will be used in schools to help teach children about rhino poaching concerns and conservation efforts. Watch the "I'm a Little Rhino" video. You can click the lower-left icon to view in full-screen mode, or here to
Animal Care Expo
The Humane Society of the United States/Humane Society International’s Animal Care Expo combines a world-class educational and networking conference with a full-scale international trade show on all things related to dog and cat care and population management. The goal of this annual event is to
Animal Care Expo
Animal Care Expo de la Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) combina una serie de conferencias educativas y de redes de apoyo de clase mundial con una feria comercial internacional a gran escala, sobre temas relacionados con el cuidado de perros y gatos y el manejo de estas poblaciones. El
橘高 ルイーズ・ジョージ THE JAPAN TIMES特別記事 日本において、化粧品は一大産業である。消費者は、テレビ、インターネット、雑誌、街頭広告やさらには車内広告において、常に最新の商品に関する宣伝にさらされている状態である。日本が世界で二番目の規模を誇る化粧品市場を有することに、誰も驚きはしないであろう。 日本の消費者は肌をより滑らかにし、髪の毛により艶を出す製品を求めてやまないが、自分たちの化粧品ポーチに入っている製品の裏で行われている恐ろしいことについて知っている消費者は比較的少ない。化粧品の原料の試験が未だに生きた動物に実施されているという事実は、日本では
EU Parliament Workshop: Advancing Safety Science and Health Research
On 10 October, Humane Society International and MEP Mario Pirillo of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats hosted a workshop on “Advancing Safety Science and Health Research with Innovative, Non-Animal Tools.” Horizon 2020 is the European Union's new funding programme for
Moran Market: Shutting down
Moran Market is South Korea’s largest dog meat market. It supplies one third of all the dog meat consumed in the country, selling an estimated 80,000 dogs—dead or alive—each year. Now, we welcome an incredible announcement: It’s shutting down. According to The Korea Herald, all 22 dog meat vendors
HSI hosts first Asia Animal Welfare Roundtable for food companies
Motivated by growing public concern for animal welfare throughout Asia and recent commitments by multinational food companies and governments around the world to eliminate extreme confinement systems—including battery cages for egg-laying hens and gestation crates for mother pigs—from their supply
Saving rhinos through education
August 2017 will mark the four-year anniversary of Humane Society International’s campaign in cooperation with the Vietnamese government to reduce demand for rhino horn. So far, the campaign has reached an estimated 37 million people across the country, including primary school and university
Report from Yulin
Update, June 16, 2017: Chinese activists have asked Humane Society International to help circulate video filmed yesterday (June 15) at Nanqiao market in Yulin, China showing Yulin law enforcement officers closing down dog meat stalls and enforcing the compromise sales ban. As HSI reported earlier, a
A collaborative approach to improving welfare
Earlier this month, HSI organized a visit for Ovobrand, one of Argentina’s largest egg producers, to Hickman’s Family Farms, a leader in the United States’ cage-free movement. This allowed the producers from South America to learn about cage-free egg production first-hand from their North American
CFDA adjusts requirements for imported regular cosmetics in Shanghai Free Trade Area
In a move that provides an opportunity for China to move away from its longstanding animal testing requirement for all imported cosmetics, the China Food and Drug Administration has announced an adjustment to administrative regulations and examinations for general cosmetics imported through Shanghai