Found 3906 results
HSI/Latin America Assists Government in Largest Dogfighting Raid in Costa Rica's History
Humane Society International’s Latin America office has been working with the Costa Rica government to crack down on illegal dogfighting industry in that country. On October 10, 2012, HSI staff worked with local police and officials to rescue 28 dogs from a breeding facility. The following is a
Escape from Yulin: Puppies Rescued from Butchers' Knives
In China to raise awareness about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival on June 21, HSI China Specialist Dr. Peter Li rescued two puppies from the butchers’ knives. An HSI partner group saved two more. What were the circumstances of the rescue? On June 13, I went to two slaughterhouses and one live dog
European Parliament Votes to End EU Subsidies for Bullfighting Activities
Members of the European Parliament have voted in favour of ending EU subsidies to farmers who specifically breed bulls for bullfights. Joanna Swabe, Ph.D., Humane Society International/Europe’s executive director, issued the following statement: “Bullfighting is a cruel practice that inflicts a
Victory! Animal Sacrifice Banned at Nepal's Gadhimai Festival, Half a Million Animals Saved
New Delhi—In a move that will spare the lives of millions of animals over coming years, animal sacrifice has been cancelled indefinitely at Nepal's Gadhimai festival, the world's biggest animal sacrifice event held every five years for around 265 years. The decision announced by the Gadhimai Temple
A Year After Typhoon Haiyan, Survival and Progress
by Keren Nazareth When Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines in November 2013, HSI was on the ground in the days immediately following the storm to help the animals left lost or injured by it. Now, a year later, we celebrate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to demonstrate our long-term
Hay Island: Shattered Peace
by Rebecca Aldworth What a horrible difference three days can make. On Monday, the ProtectSeals team visited the baby grey seals on Hay Island, a nature reserve off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The scene was stunning: baby seals nursed from their mothers while older pups slept and played in the snow
As Home Office Statistics Show UK Animal Experiments At Shocking 4.11million, HSI Calls on Government to Increase Spend on Non-Animal Replacement Techniques
As today the Home Office publishes its annual UK statistics on scientific procedures using animals - revealing animal use has reached a shocking 4.11million procedures - Humane Society International/UK calls for a substantial increase in government funding for the development of non-animal
Hong Kong Gives Swift Kick to Ivory Traders
Update, May 15, 2014: Hong Kong began incinerating part of its 28-tonne stockpile of seized ivory today, the entirety of which will be destroyed by the end of the year. Earlier this month, the Chinese government destroyed more than six tons of confiscated ivory held in government stockpiles
A Whale of a Ruling
It’s rare that animal abuse ends with one blow to the head. Typically, it takes a thousand strikes before the perpetrator—whether it’s an industry, a nation, or an individual—moves on. That’s been the case with all of the major breakthroughs in civil rights, women’s rights, and so many other
First-Ever International Workshop on Elephant Immunocontraception Held in South Africa
It is ironic that, while elephant populations in many African and Asian countries are increasingly threatened by poaching for the illegal ivory trade, those herds confined to parks and reserves continue to grow and, if unchecked, can exceed available food and space within these confined areas. In
Pull Over! Chinese Activists Rescue 2,400 Dogs from Meat Traders' Trucks
Update, August 11, 2014: Within just days, Chinese activists achieved further interceptions, bringing the total to nine trucks/3280 dogs at one point and then a further truck, number of dogs as yet unknown, on top of that! The spotlight is focused on the cruel dog meat trade like never before, and
Compassion Without Borders
by Julie Falconer What awakens Fausto Limón in the middle of the night isn’t a sound but a smell. Since 1994, the Perote Valley, Mexico, resident’s closest neighbor has been a massive pig farm co-owned by U.S.-based Smithfield Foods. When the stench is unbearable, Limón and his family get out of bed
No Bull Runs for Costa Rica
by Cynthia Dent Should an animal be afforded dignity and protection against cruelty? In Costa Rica, the answer was a resounding “Yes,” effectively halting a proposed Pamplona-esque bull run. Bringing bull runs to Costa Rica At the beginning of 2012, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce joined with
Freed From Their Cages
On April 17, 2015, HSI helped rescue 64 dogs—including poodles, Maltese, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers and Pekingese—from a puppy mill in Costa Rica. Neglected and used Many had been kept in overcrowded, filthy aerial enclosures and had never seen sunlight or received veterinary
Rescued Gorillas Find Hope
The endangered Grauer’s gorilla is now found only in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa and continues to be threatened by clear cutting of forests, disease transmission, and poaching. Encroaching human activity leaves the animals' habitat fragmented and their populations even more
Rescuing Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in India
Located on the eastern coast of India, the state of Orissa is known to host the world’s largest olive ridley sea turtle nesting site. Every year, between the months of December and April, thousands of olive ridleys emerge from the cool, clear waters of the Bay of Bengal for their famed mass nesting
Awareness Through Artwork
Raising awareness HSI, WildAct Vietnam and the Hanoi Education and Training Department (with sponsorship from the Kingsley Holgate Foundation and Helping Rhinos UK), recently organized an event called Rhino Art Vietnam to raise awareness about rhino conservation and reducing rhino horn consumption
Breaking News: SeaWorld to End All Orca Breeding
In a sign that the humane economy is an unyielding force, exerting its influence on companies in all sectors of commerce, SeaWorld announced in cooperation with The HSUS today that it will end all breeding of its orcas and it won’t obtain additional orcas from other sources—policies sought by animal
South Africa's Dark Side
by Marcie Berry Update: In November 2010, a Supreme Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the South Africa Predator Breeders’ Association regarding the hunting of captive-bred lions. This is sad news for lions in South Africa and it is unfortunate that this horrific industry will be allowed to continue
Rescued from a South Korean dog farm
Twenty-three dogs rescued by Humane Society International from a dog meat farm in Seoul arrived in Washington, DC, in early January, 2015. (Thanks to United Petsafe airline for helping us get them here!) HSI worked with the farmer to remove the dogs from miserable conditions and close the doors of