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Don't be fooled: the person or pet store you’ve picked to buy your puppy from might be supporting the notorious puppy mill industry. Puppy mills are breeding businesses that raise dogs in shockingly poor conditions. “Breeding stock” animals are caged and continually bred for years, without human
Fast Facts on Animal Transport in Canada
Overview Approximately 700 million animals are slaughtered for food every year in Canada. During their journey to slaughter, animals are often forced to endure long periods in extreme temperatures without access to food or water and without being afforded an opportunity to rest. Standards for
Meatless Monday: Learn How Your Organization Can Get Involved
The Meatless Monday campaign asks consumers to go meat-free one day per week—and it’s a great way to help reduce the environmental, animal welfare, and other social impacts of raising 77 billion land animals each year for food worldwide. Here are some simple ways your organization can help this
Help stop shark finning
Every year, in oceans around the world, tens of millions of sharks are condemned to a slow and painful death from the cruel and wasteful practice of shark finning. Most of these animals are killed specifically to meet the demand for shark fin soup—often having their fins removed while they are still
Horse Slaughter in Canada
With nearly 72,000 horses slaughtered in 2013 alone, Canada’s horse slaughter industry is among the largest in the world, and a shameful betrayal against our loyal companions. Horses are slaughtered in Canada primarily to provide horse meat to European and Asian countries. Horses are brought to
Marine mammals and noise
In recent years, whale strandings associated with nearby naval sonar use have increased public concern about the impacts of human-caused noise on marine mammals, especially sound-sensitive whales and dolphins. Whales and dolphins rely heavily on their sense of hearing to navigate, locate prey, avoid
Rhino Horn Trade
Rhino horn is a highly valued commodity, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine in East Asian communities around the world. Made of keratin, the same substance in human hair and nails, the horn has no proven medicinal value. However, it has been used for centuries as a treatment for various ailments
Threats to Rhinos
Although habitat loss is an important consideration when evaluating the decline in rhino populations, the main threat comes from poaching. Rhino horn is a highly valuable commodity, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, Vietnam and other parts of East Asia. Recent years have been disastrous
Toro de la Vega Fiesta
Update, December 15, 2016: The Spanish Constitutional Court unanimously confirmed the prohibition of the public killing of El Toro de la Vega (and all bulls used fiestas apart bullfights). The Court rejected the City Council’s challenge of the ban on the basis that the Region had allegedly exceeded
Eating for Your Health
With each passing year, more people around the world suffer from obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure. Choosing vegetarian options over meat, eggs and dairy products not only helps animals and the environment—it helps our health, too. Many of the chronic diseases
Flex Appeal: Eating Humanely Doesn't Have to Be All-or-Nothing
For many, the idea of overhauling a lifetime of dietary habits can be intimidating. Not everyone is willing to switch from eating meat every day to becoming a vegetarian overnight. But it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Whether your primary incentive is helping the environment
Fur Farming in the European Union
The European Union is one of the world’s largest producers of factory farmed fur. In 2015 alone, around 42.6 million mink, 2.7million foxes, 155,000 raccoon dogs, and 206,000 chinchillas were killed for fur in the EU. More than a dozen countries across the EU have full or partial bans on fur farming
How Your Donation Saves Seals
Read the latest news on Canada's seal slaughter Canada's seal slaughter is a gruesome annual event where men armed with rifles and clubs invade the harp seal nursery to kill seal pups for their fur. Ninety-eight percent of the seals killed are less then three months old at the time of slaughter
Immunocontraception in African Elephants
African elephants are threatened with extinction. At the same time as they are being poached for their tusks, they are also being squeezed into smaller and smaller areas by the growing human population and activity. In many African countries, elephants are confined unnaturally to protected areas or
Makalali Private Game Reserve
The Makalali Private Game Reserve was established in 1994 in South Africa’s Limpopo Province, near the world-famous Kruger National Park. It consists of several privately owned properties, where the owners have joined forces and their land to form a reserve of 26,000 hectares. Makalali is home to
More About Immunocontraception
Immunocontraception uses the body's immune response to prevent pregnancy. Wild female mammals are vaccinated annually, just like we receive vaccinations. A syringe and needle are attached to a dart that is shot into the female from a dart gun, either from the ground or from the air. How it works The
The Economics of the Commercial Seal Hunt
The true economic value of Canada's commercial seal hunt stands in sharp contrast to the high level of financial and other support it receives from the Canadian government. As the following government statistics show, the commercial seal hunt is an economically marginal activity, and its negligible
Myths and Facts: The Truth About Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt
Myth: It is illegal to kill baby seals in Canada. Fact: Baby seals are the primary target of the commercial seal slaughter. In Canada, newborn "whitecoat" harp seals are protected from hunting. But as soon as they begin to shed their white coats—as young as 12 days of age—these baby seals can be
Programa de Bienestar Animal de Perros y Gatos
La situación de los perros y los gatos varía de una cultura a otra. En algunos lugares, se les trata bien, se les dan restos de alimento, incluso se consideran parte de una familia, aunque puedan deambular por el vecindario y permanecer en la calle sin supervisión. A veces sirven para proteger
Fire Bull Fiesta
Many thousands of animals are tormented and killed at local fiestas held across Spain every year. At fire bull fiestas, bulls have flaming torches attached to their horns and are goaded as they attempt to escape the flames licking above their heads. Watch a video of such an event. The bulls used in