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Meatless Monday: Learn How Your Organization Can Get Involved

The Meatless Monday campaign asks consumers to go meat-free one day per week—and it’s a great way to help reduce the environmental, animal welfare, and other social impacts of raising 77 billion land animals each year for food worldwide. Here are some simple ways your organization can help this growing movement:

Facebook it! Use social media to encourage support for Meatless Monday, for example:

  • Send out weekly tweets on Mondays (for six months or more), calling on people to leave meat off their plates;
  • Post recipes once a week (for six months or more) on Facebook, or place the link on Twitter;
  • Post HSUS’s award-winning Meatless Monday video on your organization’s YouTube channel and share via Facebook and Twitter.
  • Include a Meatless Monday story in your newsletter;

Send out a press release or post a web story or blog calling on your supporters to adopt Meatless Monday, explaining the alignment of Meatless Mondays with your organization’s work and/or mission, and including links to relevant guides, recipes, videos, or other content (such as the social media content listed above).

Create an action alert where your members can pledge to go meat-free on Mondays and to sign up to receive Meatless Monday-related emails.

Encourage local schools, restaurants, and governments to join the meat-free trend. Schools, for example, can adopt policies to offer meat-free meals once a week, while restaurants can offer special (or discounted) meat-free options on Mondays. Governments can use a variety of means to encourage individuals to make more meat-free choices.

Hang up banners with the Meatless Monday logo at events held by your organization. Please take photographs of this so we can help you promote it! You can also hold events to promote the campaign, including in conjunction with other global environmental action.

Promote our Meat-Free Guide, or make your own. You can also add simple meat-free meal tips and suggestions within other flyers or guides.  We have tons of easy tips here.

Encourage influential supporters of your organization—like celebrities, public figures, or celebrated restaurateurs—to participate in Meatless Monday and talk about why they’re involved on Twitter or to the media.

HSI is here to here to help. Please contact with any questions and to discuss campaign strategy. 

Check out HSI’s “Guide to Meat-Free Meals."