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Humane Society International/México honra a los animales en la celebración del Día de Muertos

Ciudad de México— Día de Muertos es una preciada tradición mexicana que celebra y honra la vida de los seres queridos que han fallecido. HSI/México reconoce la importancia de extender esta tradición

Oaxaca aprueba su primera ley estatal de protección animal

OAXACA, México—El día de hoy, Oaxaca aprobó por vez primera la iniciativa de ley de protección animal del estado. La nueva ley reconoce a los animales como seres sintientes, crea disposiciones para

La Cámara de Diputados aprueba una reforma histórica a la Constitución en favor de la protección animal

ACTUALIZACIÓN (20/11/26): Ya es una realidad! 17 Congresos Estatales ya aprobaron esta reforma histórica, lo que significa que el proceso legislativo ha culminado. La reforma había sido aprobada por

HSI veterinary team performing surgery in La Paz, Bolivia
HSI/Mexico and Aguascalientes Autonomous University offer groundbreaking spay/neuter training for veterinarians

AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico—Humane Society International/Mexico, in partnership with the Centro de Ciencias Agropecuarias at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (UAA), recently completed a

Mexican Chamber of Deputies passes historic Constitution change for animals

Update (11/26/24): 17 State Congresses have approved this historic amendment, which means the bill has passed, since it had already been approved by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. MEXICO CITY

Oaxaca passes its first state-wide animal protection bill

OAXACA, Mexico—Today, the state of Oaxaca passed its first animal protection bill. The new law recognizes animals as sentient beings, sets provisions to prevent and ban animal cruelty and abuse in its

Humane Society International Mexico and IBANQROO train professionals to strengthen animal rescue and cruelty prevention in Quintana Roo

QUINTANA ROO, Mexico—Humane Society International/Mexico and IBANQROO (Institute for Animal Welfare of Quintana Roo) have collaborated to train 77 professionals—including veterinarians, biologists

Humane Society International/Mexico honors animals in Dia de Muertos celebration

MEXICO CITY— Dia de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a cherished Mexican tradition that celebrates and honors the lives of loved ones who have passed. HSI/Mexico recognizes the importance of extending

Mexican authorities train for animal-related disaster needs

MEXICO CITY, Mexico—Thanks to a collaboration between Mexico City's Secretariat of Disaster Risk Management and Civil Protection and Humane Society International/Mexico, over 100 officials from