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HSI renews anti-cruelty program in Quintana Roo, Mexico

Humane Society International signs agreement with state Biodiversity Institute

Darren Mower/istock

CANCUN, Mexico—Humane Society International, a leading animal welfare organization, signed an agreement with the Biodiversity Institute of Quintana Roo State in Mexico to enhance anti-cruelty training programs and capacity to respond to reports of animal cruelty.

Anton Aguilar, director of HSI/Mexico, said: “This agreement shows that Quintana Roo State authorities are prioritizing the fight against animal cruelty. They continue and expand on a series of programs that we are developing to work with local authorities in Mexico, to create a culture of respect and care towards animals. We thank Secretary of Ecology and Environment Josefina Hernández and Lourdes Souza, director of Biodiversity and Animal Welfare at IBANQROO, for their commitment to animal care.”

Collaboration with the Biodiversity Institute of Quintana Roo will include trainings on animal welfare legislation, animal behavior, response to animal cruelty cases, and preparedness and response to natural disasters, particularly hurricanes, which are frequent in the area. HSI/Mexico also participates in the Animal Welfare Council of Quintana Roo, which is in charge of helping strengthen animal protection policies across the state.


Media contact: Anton Aguilar: