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Importanti vittorie, ma anche una tragica sconfitta, per 348 specie animali: i rappresentanti di 184 paesi concludono la conferenza internazionale a Panama
PANAMA—Si è conclusa la XIX riunione della Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e fauna selvatiche minacciate di estinzione, nota come CITES. Nelle ultime due settimane a Panama, i delegati dei 184 Paesi membri hanno esaminato 42 proposte
Karnataka Forest Department publishes manual for better management and rescue of snakes
KARNATAKA, India—In a move that will standardize and certify humane and responsible snake rescue in the state, the Karnataka Forest Department on Monday published an operational manual for certified snake rescuers. The guidelines titled “Effective Human-Snake Conflict Management and Mitigation: An
Senza gabbie è possibile, per tutti gli animali
ROMA— “La transizione verso allevamenti senza gabbie per tutti gli animali è fattibile, oltre che doverosa” è ciò che hanno affermato Animal Equality, CIWF Italia Onlus, Essere Animali e H umane S ociety I nternational /Europe nell’evento organizzato per la coalizione italiana End the Cage Age, al
Trophäenjagd wieder auf der Tagesordnung des Europäischen Parlaments
BRÜSSEL—Humane Society International/Europe hat gestern dem Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments eine Petition übergeben, die von weltweit 48.226 Bürger*innen unterzeichnet wurde und die EU auffordert, Maßnahmen gegen den Jagdtrophäenhandel zu ergreifen. Ikonische Tierarten wie Löwen
New petition puts trophy hunting back on European Parliament’s table
BRUSSELS—Yesterday, Humane Society International/Europe handed a petition signed by nearly 50,000 citizens from all over the world to the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions, urging the EU to take action against the trade in hunting trophies. The petition offers concrete interim policy
La caza de trofeos vuelve a la agenda del Parlamento Europeo
BRUSELAS—Ayer, Humane Society International/Europa entregó a la Comisión de Peticiones del Parlamento Europeo una petición, firmada por cerca de 50.000 ciudadanos, instando a la UE a adoptar medidas contra el comercio de trofeos de caza. La petición contiene recomendaciones políticas concretas y
Remise à l’agenda de la chasse au trophée pour le Parlement Européen
BRUXELLES—Hier, Humane Society International/Europe a remis à la Commission des pétitions du Parlement européen une pétition rassemblant près de 50 000 signatures de citoyens du monde entier appelant l’Union européenne à lutter contre le commerce de trophées de chasses. La pétition propose des
Third outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 on a fur farm in Italy, in the municipality of Galeata (FC)
GALEATA, Italy—The World Organisation for Animal Health has announced Italy’s third outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 on a mink fur farm, located in the municipality of Galeata (FC). The farm has been closed since Italy’s national fur farming ban came into force on 1 January this year, with 1,523 minks
Over 30 organizations and experts renew call for BC government to end wildlife killing contests in open letter
VICTORIA, Canada—A broad coalition of non-government organizations, scientists, environmentalists, eco-tourism operators and notable British Columbians, including Robert Bateman, have signed an open letter calling on the British Columbia government to end wildlife killing contests in the province
HSI/Mexico congratulates the state of Tlaxcala for recognizing animal abuse as a crime
MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International/Mexico congratulated the LXIV Legislature of the Tlaxcala State Congress members for recognizing and punishing animal abuse as a crime unanimously. Dr. Claudia Edwards, programs director for HSI/Mexico, said: "We applaud the decision of legislators to combat
HSI/Mexico felicita al estado de Tlaxcala por reconocer el maltrato animal como delito
MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International México (HSI/ México), organización con liderazgo a nivel mundial en protección animal, felicita a los integrantes de la LXIV Legislatura del Congreso del Estado de Tlaxcala por aprobar de manera unánime tipificar el maltrato animal como un delito. La Dra
Hotel Verde commits to a 100% crate-free pork supply chain
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—Hotel Verde has committed to exclusively source pork from suppliers who do not confine soon-to-be mother pigs in crates. With this announcement, Hotel Verde joins the growing list of global companies that have pledged to procure only crate-free pork. This announcement follows
Legge di Bilancio 2023: segnalato emendamento per reprimere i combattimenti tra animali, non ammesso quello per vietare import/export di trofei di caccia, assenti fondi per la transizione cage-free
ROMA—Due emendamenti alla Legge di Bilancio 2023, sostenuti da Humane Society International/Europe, sono stati presentati dall’On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla (Gruppo Misto) a nome dell’Intergruppo parlamentare per i diritti degli animali. Solo il primo emendamento che riguarda i combattimenti tra
Denmark’s plan to restart mink fur farming by importing mink is branded contemptible by Humane Society International/Europe
BRUSSELS—Animal protection charity Humane Society International/Europe strongly condemns Denmark’s plan to import 10,000 mink from Iceland, Norway, Spain, Poland and Finland to start a new breeding programme for fur farms once the country’s temporary mink breeding and farming ban is lifted from Jan
Healthy Pets, Healthier Community program launches in Struisbraai and Bredasdorp, helping hundreds of dogs and cats
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—Animal protection organization Humane Society International/Africa has launched its Healthy Pets, Healthier Community pilot program in Struisbraai and Bredasdorp, Cape Agulhas, to improve the welfare of roaming and owned community cats and dogs. As part of the launch, HSI
Rumänischer Senat stimmt für einen Gesetzesentwurf zum Verbot von Pelzfarmen
BUCHAREST/BERLIN— Der rumänische Senat hat mit großer Mehrheit für einen Gesetzesentwurf gestimmt, der ein Verbot von Chinchillas und Nerzen in Pelzfarmen vorsieht. Vorausgegangen war eine Untersuchung von Humane Society International/Europe, die schockierendes Leid auf den Pelzfarmen des Landes
The Romanian Senate votes to support a draft bill to ban chinchilla and mink fur farms
[inline-slider align="alignleft"][/inline-slider] BUCHAREST, Romania—The Romanian Senate has voted in favour of a draft bill to ban chinchilla and mink fur farming, following an investigation by Humane Society International/Europe that exposed shocking suffering on the country’s fur farms. Andreea
Il Senato rumeno vota a favore di una proposta di legge per vietare gli allevamenti di cincillà e visoni da pelliccia
BUCHAREST, Romania—Il Senato rumeno ha votato a favore di una proposta di legge per vietare l’allevamento di cincillà e visoni, in seguito alla diffusione di un’indagine di Humane Society International/Europe che ha rivelato le scioccanti sofferenze negli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia del
Rumuński Senat poparł projekt ustawy zakazującej hodowli szynszyli i norek
BUKARESZT, Rumunia—Rumuński Senat zagłosował za projektem ustawy zakazującej hodowli szynszyli i norek na futra, po tym jak zostały ujawnione szokujące wyniki dochodzenia przeprowadzonego przez Humane Society International/Europe na rumuńskich fermach futrzarskich. Andreea Roseti, Dyrektorka HSI
Humane Society International/Korea earns Outstanding Contribution to Society award
SEOUL—Humane Society International/Korea has won an “Outstanding Contribution to Society” award, given by the Korean Society for Alternative to Animal Experiments. The award is sponsored by KSAAE every year to recognize individual academics and institutions and entities that contribute to the