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Destino de 600 especies de vida silvestre se analiza en reunión de CITES, en Panamá
PANAMÁ—Representantes de 184 países determinarán el futuro de cientos de especies de animales y plantas silvestres en Ciudad de Panamá, con motivo de la 19 a Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres, conocida como
CITES: I rappresentanti di 184 paesi si incontreranno a Panama il mese prossimo per determinare il destino di 600 specie
WASHINGTON—La XIX riunione della Conferenza delle Parti della Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e fauna selvatiche minacciate di estinzione (CITES), si riunirà dal 14 al 25 novembre a Panama, dove i delegati dei 184 Paesi membri esamineranno 52 proposte per aumentare o
In time for World Egg Day on October 14, Sofitel Saigon Plaza implements its cage-free egg commitment
Update: As of May 2021, Sofitel Saigon Plaza has published that it no longer buys eggs from caged hens. HO CHI MINH CITY, Viet Nam—Humane Society International, a global animal welfare organization, congratulates Sofitel Saigon Plaza—one of Accor’s international hotel brands—for their efforts to
Tragedy as 370 dogs and cats die on board “death truck” in China headed for brutal meat trade
BEIJING—Chinese animal activists have released shocking footage of dead and dying dogs and cats on a truck crammed with 1,408 animals being trafficked for the meat trade in China. Three hundred and seventy dogs and cats perished on board, or shortly after removal from, what activists are calling the
Tierschutzorganisationen: Wildtiere sind keine Heimtiere!
BERLIN—Im Zuge eines Parlamentarischen Abends in Berlin haben gestern sieben Tier- und Artenschutzorganisationen ein neues Rechtsgutachten vorgestellt. Dieses zeigt auf, dass eine Positivliste für Heimtiere dringend notwendig ist und in Deutschland rechtskonform umgesetzt werden könnte. Die Tier-
Pellicce, associazioni: “Ancora nel limbo i 5.000 visoni riproduttori rimasti nelle gabbie dopo lo stop per legge agli allevamenti”
ROMA—Mercoledì 12 ottobre, la Conferenza Stato-Regioni è stata convocata per esprimere il proprio Parere allo schema di Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole, di concerto con i Ministri della Salute e della Transizione Ecologica recante “Criteri e modalità di corresponsione dell’indennizzo a
La Commissione Europea accelera sul benessere animale e sul divieto alle gabbie e per le ONG è “un buon auspicio"
BRUXELLES—La Coalizione italiana End the Cage Age accoglie con favore la decisione della Commissione Europea di anticipare la revisione delle norme europee per il benessere animale dal quarto al terzo trimestre del 2023, così come emerge dal programma di lavoro adottato il 18 ottobre. Un
A global plastics pollution treaty is one step closer as International Whaling Commission nations support proposal to tackle killer plastics in the ocean
PORTOROŽ, Slovenia —Nations gathered at the 68 th International Whaling Commission meeting in Slovenia have unanimously adopted a proposal to provide critical IWC support for international negotiations on a global plastics treaty. The treaty would tackle the serious threats to whales, dolphins and
Frasers Group pledges to go fur-free following discussions with Humane Society International/UK
LONDON—Frasers Group, owner of House of Fraser department stores, as well as luxury retail chain Flannels and retail brands including Sports Direct, has announced it has immediately informed its suppliers it will stop purchasing fur products, a move that will take effect on shop shelves this coming
Fireworks: how to keep animals safe
Fireworks can be fun for some, but terrifying and dangerous for others. Here is our advice for keeping companion animals and wildlife calm and safe during Bonfire Night and other festivities often celebrated with firework displays, such as Diwali and New Year’s Eve. Fireworks might bring some colour
Humane Society International welcomes European Commission’s commitment to delivering animal welfare proposals in 2023
BRUSSELS—Humane Society International/Europe welcomes the European Commission's decision to bring forward its legislative proposals to revise EU animal welfare rules from the fourth to the third quarter of 2023. This decision—outlined in the Commission’s work programme for 2023 presented earlier
Countries call for review of voting rules at International Whaling Commission to prevent pro-whaling nations from holding it ransom with ’undemocratic’ tactics
POROTOŽ, Slovenia—On the final day of the International Whaling Commission meeting in Slovenia, pro-conservation countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, India and Mexico united in calling for an urgent review of voting rules to prevent pro-whaling countries holding votes
Países piden revisar reglas de votación en la Comisión Ballenera Internacional para evitar que naciones a favor de la caza de ballenas la obstaculicen con tácticas "antidemocráticas"
POROTOŽ, Eslovenia—En el último día de la reunión de la Comisión Ballenera Internacional en Eslovenia, los países a favor de la conservación, incluidos Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, India y México, se unieron para pedir una revisión urgente de las reglas de votación y así evitar
RIU Hotels verpflichtet sich weltweit zu einer 100% käfigfreien Eierlieferkette
MEXICO CITY/BERLIN —Die RIU Hotels Group, mit 100 Standorten in über 20 Ländern, hat sich verpflichtet, bis Ende 2025 in allen ihren Hotels rund um den Globus eine vollständig käfigfreie Zulieferkette für alle Arten von Eiern einzuführen. Seit 2021 arbeitet das Unternehmen mit der Humane Society
RIU Hotels Group commits to a 100% cage free egg supply chain globally
MEXICO CITY, Mexico—RIU Hotels Group, with 100 locations in over 20 countries, announced its commitment to implement a fully cage-free procurement policy for all types of eggs utilized by its hotels around the globe by the end of 2025. The hotel group has been working with Humane Society
RIU Hotels Group apuesta por una cadena de suministro de huevos 100% libres de jaulas a nivel global
MEXICO CITY, Mexico—RIU Hotels Group, con hoteles en más de 20 países, ha anunciado su compromiso de implementar una política de adquisición de huevo totalmente libre de jaulas utilizados por sus hoteles en todo el mundo para finales de 2025. El grupo hotelero ha estado trabajando con Humane Society
The Animal Vigilance Brigade receives training on specialized first aid for dogs and cats
MEXICO CITY—To provide tools to adequately respond to reports of animal abuse as well as in cases of emergencies and disasters, Humane Society International/Mexico conducted a training session for members of the Animal Vigilance Brigade within the collaboration agreement signed with the Secretariat
La Brigada de Vigilancia Animal recibe capacitación sobre primeros auxilios especializados para perros y gatos
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO—Con el fin de brindar herramientas para responder adecuadamente a las denuncias de maltrato animal, así como en casos de emergencias y desastres, Humane Society International/México (HSI/México) llevó a cabo un curso de capacitación para los integrantes de la Brigada de Vigilancia
La caccia al trofeo torna sull’agenda politica italiana
ROMA—Il tema della caccia al trofeo è tornato sull’agenda politica italiana con la nuova presentazione, da parte dell’On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla (Gruppo Misto), della Parlamento europeo ha approvato una risoluzione che chiede di vietare in tutta l’UE l’importazione di trofei di caccia di specie
Trophy hunting is back on the Italian political agenda
BRUSSELS —The issue of trophy hunting is back on the Italian political agenda with the new presentation by Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla of a bill aimed at banning the import, export and re-export, to and from Italy, of hunting trophies obtained from animals who are protected by CITES (the