Found 3889 results
Humane Society International/Mexico provides relief to animals affected by fuel tanker explosion in central Mexico
Aguascalientes, MEXICO — Humane Society International/Mexico provided relief to animals after a fuel tanker crash sparked a huge blaze in Aguascalientes, Mexico, on Wednesday, Oct. 26. The accident produced a giant fuel fire engulfing dozens of homes and sparking the evacuation of 1,500 people
Humane Society International México brinda ayuda a los animales tras la explosión de una pipa de combustible en Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, MÉXICO—Humane Society International México brindó ayuda a los animales después de que el choque de una pipa de combustible causara una enorme explosión en Aguascalientes. El accidente produjo un gigantesco incendio del combustible que envolvió a docenas de casas y desembocó en el
Sodexo Canada and Humane Society International/Canada launch plant-based dining concept “Verde” at Confederation College
MONTREAL —On this World Vegan Day, Sodexo Canada and Humane Society International/Canada are excited to announce another milestone in their national collaboration : the launch of Verde, a 100% plant-based dining concept. The first ever Verde location has just opened at Confederation College in
Sodexo Canada et Humane Society International/Canada lancent « Verde », un concept centré sur les repas à base d’aliments d’origine végétale, au Confederation College
MONTRÉAL — En cette Journée mondiale du véganisme, Sodexo Canada et Humane Society International/Canada sont ravis d’annoncer une autre étape importante dans leur collaboration à l’échelle nationale : le lancement de Verde, un concept de restauration 100 % végétale. Le tout premier établissement
Dogs who were saved from death on South Korea dog meat farms are arriving in the US for adoption
WASHINGTON—This week, 34 dogs are arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport from South Korea where they were rescued from the dog meat industry by Humane Society International/Korea and its partners. Romeo, Nuri, Daisy, Phoenix, Brown Bear and the other dogs coming to the U.S. will be
Le drammatiche condizioni degli allevamenti di quaglie: una nuova investigazione documenta animali spiumati in gabbie sovraffollate
ROMA— Una nuova indagine , realizzata dal team investigativo di Essere Animali e diffusa dalla coalizione italiana End the Cage Age, documenta le condizioni di due allevamenti di quaglie situati in Lombardia e Veneto, le regioni italiane con il maggior numero di allevamenti di questa specie
Capsicum Culinary Studio and Humane Society International/Africa collaborate to train lecturers and students in plant-based cooking
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—In honour of World Vegan Month this November, Capsicum Culinary Studio has announced a collaboration with Humane Society International/Africa. With growing numbers of South Africans reducing their consumption of meat, eggs and dairy and embracing a more plant-centric diet
Trophy hunting resources
Trophy Hunting by the Numbers: The European Union’s role in global trophy hunting Import and Export of CITES listed species between 2014 and 2018 /sites/default/files/uploads/2021/06/Trophy-hunting-numbers-eu-report.pdf Summary from Trophy Hunting by the Numbers report /sites/default/files/uploads
Young Koreans feel pressured to eat dog meat by their elders despite concerns about animal cruelty and hygiene, new survey finds
SEOUL, South Korea—More than half of South Koreans in their 20s who have consumed dog meat in the past year, felt social pressure to do so from influential seniors such as their father or senior colleagues at work, a new survey finds. While the majority of respondents in this age group did not
EU gets serious about combating illegal wildlife trade with new action plan
BRUSSELS— The European Commission today adopted the revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, a few days before the 19th Conference of the Parties for CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) kicks off in Panama. The new Action Plan recognises the role played by
Wildlife campaigner and TV GP Dr. Amir Khan speaks out for an end to cruel trophy hunting
LONDON—Animal advocate and much-loved TV regular Dr. Amir Khan has joined with animal protection organisation Humane Society International/UK to front a short film exposing the cruelty of the trophy hunting industry. In the film, Khan explains why the UK’s proposed ban on hunting trophy imports—due
Ending Viet Nam’s dog and cat meat trades
The dog and cat meat trade in Viet Nam Every year in Vietnam, an estimated five million dogs and one million cats are captured, stolen, trafficked and brutally slaughtered for their meat. This trade is not only marked by extreme animal cruelty but also involves significant criminal activity. To
Dog slaughterhouse and restaurant in Viet Nam that had killed thousands of animals in recent years closes in country’s first Models for Change program to end the dog meat trade
HANOI, Viet Nam—The owner of a dog slaughterhouse and dog meat restaurant in Viet Nam, which killed thousands of dogs for human consumption over the past five years, has become the first in the country to take part in a new Models for Change program by animal protection group Humane Society
È ora che dall’estero si mandino cartoline, non trofei di caccia!
ROMA—Humane Society International/Europe ha consegnato più di 4.000 cartoline firmate da cittadini e cittadine italiani/e al Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica, che esortano il Ministro Gilberto Pichetto Fratin a vietare l’importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione, verso e dall
Food was on the table at COP27, but there is still much more work to be done
SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt—Humane Society International is encouraged by the long overdue recognition among climate talk negotiators that food systems not only contribute to the ever-worsening climate crisis but can also serve as a key to mitigating it. For the first time ever, this year’s climate talks
Humane Society International/UK appoints Nick Jones as executive director
LONDON—Animal protection organisation Humane Society International/UK has today announced that it has appointed Nick Jones as its new executive director. The move will help HSI to develop and deliver even greater change for animals, both in the UK and around the world. Jones has a wealth of
Tension in protecting farmed animals put wolves at risk
BRUSSELS—Following a concerted campaign by lobby interests seeking to decrease EU legal protections for large carnivores, the European Parliament has adopted a Resolution on the issue of the protection of livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe at its Plenary session in Strasbourg
Große Erfolge und eine tragische Niederlage für 348 Tierarten: Vertreter aus 184 Ländern schließen die internationale Konferenz in Panama ab
PANAMA—Die 19. Tagung der Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen - bekannt als CITES – ist zu Ende gegangen. Die Delegierten aus den 184 Mitgliedsländern haben in den vergangenen zwei Wochen in Panama 42 Vorschläge zur Verstärkung oder Verringerung des Schutzes von
Big wins and one tragic loss for 348 animal species as representatives from 184 countries wrap up international conference in Panama
PANAMA—The 19 th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora—known as CITES—is concluding today. Delegates from the 184 member countries considered 42 proposals to increase or decrease protections for 356 species of
Grandes victorias y una derrota para 348 especies de animales silvestres, al concluir conferencia internacional en Panamá
PANAMÁ—Al concluir la 19ª reunión de la CITES (Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres), animales como las ranas de cristal y los tiburones resultaron favorecidos con una mayor protección del comercio internacional, mientras que las partes de los