Found 3891 results
Saving Olive Ridley Turtles
by Keren Nazareth Orissa, India is one of the most important breeding grounds for Olive Ridley turtles in the Indian Ocean. In the past few years, due to bad weather, increased trawlers, construction of ports, and predators such as feral dogs and pigs, many nests have not reached maturation and
Minister Rejects Calls for Close Season to Protect Hares
by Mark Jones Environment minister Richard Benyon has rejected calls from us and our partners for a meeting to discuss the need for a statutory close season for hares, in order to protect pregnant and nursing does and their leverets (young) during their sensitive breeding season. Instead, the
The Dolphin-Safe Label
A pod of free-swimming dolphins. Friedman/iStockphoto For reasons still unknown, schools of adult yellowfin tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean frequently swim beneath large groups of dolphins. Since 1959, tuna fishermen have used this association to target tuna schools. Collateral damage
Nuggehalli Jayasimha
Nuggehalli Jayasimha is the Managing Director of Humane Society International / India based in the city of Hyderabad. Jayasimha manages HSI’s programs in India related to farm animal welfare, wildlife, and animals used in research, as well as several country-wide campaigns. Jayasimha has previously
Campaign Supporters
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Non-Animal Tests
Modern non-animal tests represent the very latest techniques that science has to offer to ensure the safety of new cosmetic products and ingredients. These alternatives tests are often quicker, cheaper and more reliable than outdated animal tests, producing results that are more relevant to humans
Companies, Politicians and Celebrities from Around the World Are Pledging to Be Cruelty-Free
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Intensive Confinement of Farm Animals in Latin America
As of 2013, there has been increased global attention to the treatment of farm animals, especially the welfare of breeding pigs and egg-laying hens. Pigs are intelligent, highly social animals, yet many female breeding pigs in Latin America are treated as piglet-producing units at factory farms that
Protect the Great Bear Rainforest
British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest is one of the last tracts of temperate rainforest on Earth. It is home to thousands of species of plants, birds, and animals—including black bears, grizzlies, and spirit bears. One might think that here, the bears could live and thrive in peace. But trophy
Victory for Dolphins: India Moves to End Captivity
Update, May 8, 2013: Indian Environment and Forest Minister Jayanthi Natarajan told Hindustan Times, “We will not allow dolphinariums.” HSI is cautiously optimistic, but we stress that the minister’s words must still be put into action with legislation. As part of HSI’s campaign to end captive
Farming Sea Turtles
A sea turtle farm opened in the Cayman Islands, an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, in 1968 to breed green sea turtles for local consumption. Today it is also a major tourist attraction, but it appears to have some significant animal welfare issues. A myriad of problems An undercover
Accomplishments for Seals
With the help of our hundreds of thousands of caring supporters, the HSI/HSUS Protect Seals campaign grows ever closer to ending Canada's commercial seal slaughter forever. Some recent victories: April 2018: India banned the import of seal fur and skins. March 2017: Switzerland banned trade in
Horsemeat Consumption in Europe
In addition to the 250,000 horses slaughtered annually for their meat in the European Union, horsemeat is imported to the region, mostly from Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Uruguay and Brazil. Smaller quantities are also imported from Australia and New Zealand. This combined trade results in hundreds of
Horse Transport and Slaughter
The European horsemeat industry centres around Italy and Spain, where nearly half of all European horses slaughtered for meat are killed [PDF]. Each year, many tens of thousands of equines are transported to Italy from elsewhere in Europe to be butchered. Almost half of those animals are killed in
Polar Bears Under Threat: We Must Act Now to Protect Them
by Mark Jones We all know that polar bears are under threat, that their habitat is melting, that they are suffering from the effects of climate change. But did you know that it is still legal to commercially trade these magnificent, but vulnerable, animals? Six hundred polar bears are shot every
Horse Slaughter and the Horsemeat Trade in Japan
Since 2009, Japan has imported almost 9,000 tons of horsemeat from North America, the majority of which originates from U.S. horses slaughtered in Canada. In addition, during the same period, nearly 15,000 live horses have been shipped to Japan from North America, making the long, often overcrowded
For the Badgers' Sake, Let's Ensure This Stay of Execution Becomes a Permanent End to the Cull
by Mark Jones Members of Parliament debated the badger cull on Thursday 25 October and voted overwhelmingly, by 147 votes to 28, against it. The vote followed a five-hour backbench debate on a motion put to MPs by Green MP Caroline Lucas in the House of Commons chamber. The motion read: That this
Costs of Animal and Non-Animal Testing
Some animal tests take months or years to conduct and analyze (e.g., 4-5 years, in the case of rodent cancer studies), at a cost of hundreds of thousands—and sometimes millions—of dollars per substance examined (e.g., $2 to $4 million per two-species lifetime cancer study). The inefficiency and
The Long Road to Freedom: Wildlife Trade Victims in Nicaragua Get a Second Chance
by Karen E. Lange The man with the plastic mesh bag is looking for a sale. Hanging out in the well-worn dirt strip on the edge of one of Managua’s main intersections, he eyes each vehicle, searching for customers—or police. He’s surrounded by other vendors, shirts hung with multiple pairs of cheap
Pesticide Animal Testing
Pesticides, from weed killers and rat poison to insect repellant and cleansers that claim to "kill germs," are among the most heavily animal-tested products in existence. Government regulations sometimes require dozens of different animal-poisoning tests to assess the safety of a single new