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Fast Facts on Veal Crates in Canada
So that they will constantly give milk, dairy cows are artificially impregnated every year. After a nine-month gestation, calves are routinely taken from their mothers days, or sometimes just hours, after being born. Male calves are sold to veal farms at auction and will be slaughtered at about five
Mark Simmonds
Mark Peter Simmonds is the Senior Marine Scientist for Humane Society International and a marine biologist and environmental scientist who has spent the better part of his career looking at the factors impacting marine mammals in the modern world. He is the author/co-author of over 200 scientific
A Détente in Whale Wars?
We’ve made more progress in our anti-whaling campaign in the last two days than in the prior two decades. Just 48 hours after the International Court of Justice called for a halt to Japan’s whaling program—declaring it in violation of an International Whaling Commission moratorium—Japan has
Adopting and transporting pets internationally
In response to requests for information on transporting a companion animal between countries, we provide the following information: Please be aware that costs for transport of a dog or cat can range from USD $150 to $2000 or more, based on accommodation and airline. In addition, some countries have
Cynthia Dent
Cynthia Dent is the Global Field Manager for Humane Society International. Ms. Dent, who joined HSI in 2004, was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the first initiatives of the office as a program coordinator. Eventually, she became responsible for the development and implementation of a wide
Primates as Pets
Several thousand monkeys and other non-human primates are believed to be in private ownership in the UK. The most commonly kept species, which include marmosets, tamarins and squirrel monkeys, don’t even need to be registered with the authorities. The keeping of these primates as pets, along with
Dallas Safari Club Has It All Wrong
On January 11, 2014, the Dallas Safari Club auctioned off a permit to hunt a black rhino in Namibia. The winner paid US $350,000. The black rhino is a critically endangered species, facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. About 1,700 black rhinos live in Namibia and fewer than 5,000
A Street Dog Strategy for Mauritius
This summer, with support from the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security and assistance from partner organizations Mauritius Society for Animal Welfare and PAWS, HSI conducted an island-wide survey to estimate the number of street dogs present in Mauritius. This survey was designed based on
Horse Slaughter: Importing Cruelty
What many European horsemeat consumers do not know is that, in addition to the 250,000 horses that are annually slaughtered for food in the European Union, huge quantities of horsemeat are also routinely imported to the EU from the other side of the globe. Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Uruguay and
Call for Bull Fiesta’s Tourism Status Award to be Revoked
Campaigners in Spain have called for a tourism award bestowed on the Toro de la Vega bull fiesta in 1980 to be removed. The event, which sees a bull chased, tormented and stabbed to death as part of an annual celebration, is listed as a “Fiesta de Interés Turístico” (Fiesta of Tourist Interest). An
DEFRA Appeals Ruling to Release Uncensored Humaneness Information
by Mark Jones Eleven months on, and our attempt to access information on how “humaneness” is to be assessed during the badger culls has been thwarted again after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) launched a last-minute appeal against an order to release the details
Rabbits: Blinded for beauty
The rabbit has become synonymous with cosmetics animal testing the world over and the image most often used on cruelty-free labelling. Rabbits are still widely used in eye and skin tests for consumer products and, alongside guinea pigs, rats and mice, endure untold suffering for the beauty industry
Be Cruelty-Free Friends
The following celebrities support Humane Society International's/The Humane Society of the United States' Be Cruelty-Free campaign, a global effort to end animal testing for cosmetics and personal care products. Join them at Ke$ha “True beauty doesn’t come from cruelty
Working with China on Wildlife Issues
by Dr. Peter Li Last month, HSI staff traveled to China with the mission of improving animal welfare in zoos and protection in the wild. Reaching zoo directors HSI invited world-renowned elephant researcher Dr. Joyce Poole and Vice Director of Houston Zoo David Brady to speak to 48 Chinese zoo
Plans to Protect Bullfighting in Spain
As the number of visitors to bullfights falls, Spain's politicians are considering a new law to sustain the cruel spectacles by declaring them cultural heritage, a move that would ensure additional public funds are spent on promoting and protecting the bloodsport across the country. We've teamed up
Whales in the courtroom
June 26, 2013 saw the opening of a landmark case about whaling at the International Court of Justice [ 1] in The Hague in the Netherlands. The case will ultimately be decided upon by the ICJ’s presiding judges and there is no appeal mechanism. Background In 1982, the International Whaling Commission
Jamshedpur, India: Working Towards an Animal-Friendly City
by Keren Nazareth The Sri Dorabji Tata Trust will invest USD $1 million over the next three years to make Jamshedpur, India an animal-friendly city. HSI is the lead implementing agency and has begun work on a project to raise community awareness. "HSI will build a model for humane animal birth
Factory Farming and Flu
Public health authorities say a pandemic of influenza, triggered by bird or swine flu, is inevitable, impacting millions around the globe. The influenza virus has existed for millions of years as a harmless intestinal virus of wild ducks. What turned it into a killer? In the last few decades, an
Because of Casper
by Keren Nazareth Casper is a boxer who was brought up with other animals in need and is now a seasoned rescuer and guardian to many in his owner’s house and neighborhood. In one instance, he befriended a few pups and their mother, who had birthed a litter on a construction site close to where
Shark Conservation: A Timeline
Humane Society International has been working to increase global awareness about the threats these vulnerable predators face, as well as the crucial role they play in maintaining healthy oceans. Much progress has been made, but the situation for most sharks remains dire. View a map of current shark