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Dog-Friendly Palakkad
by Sally Kannan Given Kerala’s reputation as not being very friendly towards animals, I was surprised to be invited by the Animal Husbandry Department of the state’s Palakkad District to manage their Animal Birth Control program. The government wanted me to train the area’s dog catchers to handle
Timeline: Cosmetics Testing on Animals
For decades, animal welfare advocates have been working to end the testing of makeup and personal care products on animals. See how far we've come and how you can help support the Be Cruelty-Free campaign, our global effort to end cosmetics cruelty. 1938-1979 | 1980-1999 | 2000-2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Call for proposals: Progress in human disease research
Background BioMed21 is an initiative by Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States to support strategic scientific dialogue regarding the potential of extending the U.S. National Research Council vision of 21 st century toxicology to the wider field of biosciences. One
Across the globe, millions of people are giving their bodies a boost, helping to spare animals from the misery of confinement in factory farms, and contributing to a more sustainable future by making compassionate choices each time they eat. By reducing or replacing consumption of animal products
Get the facts about trophy hunting
Species factsheets Learn more about key trophy-hunted species: African elephants, leopards, lions, giraffes, black rhinos, European brown bears and grey wolves. Trophy Hunting by the Numbers report series Trophy Hunting by the Numbers: The United States’ Role in Global Trophy Hunting This report
Tiny Ruby stole his heart
We found Ruby in a barren cage on a dog meat farm in South Korea. When HSI’s Adam Parascandola first saw her, he feared she wouldn’t survive. But with a little time and a whole lot of love (especially from Adam, who has now adopted her), Ruby was able to shed her fear — and her terrible past. Here
Tips to Keep Pets Safe During Diwali
Whilst Diwali celebrations can be great fun for people, pets can be left trembling, shaking, barking more and injured by fireworks. Light, noise and color can be frightening and chaotic for animals. Thousands suffer burns every year from firecrackers. Moreover, animal shelters report a dramatic
Global Fur Farm Bans
Which countries have prohibited or restricted fur farming? For the latest updates, see the Fur Free Alliance website Country Legislation Additional information Austria Full Ban Came into effect in 2004 Brazil Area Ban (San Paolo) State of Sao Paolo introduced a fur farming ban in 2014 also an import
Animal Suffering in the Fur Trade
Although the fur industry does its best to keep the cruelty out of sight, suffering is a common ingredient in all methods of procuring fur, from fur factory farming to trapping. On fur factory farms around the world, millions of raccoon dogs, rabbits, foxes, mink, chinchillas, and other animals
HSI in Sri Lanka
Better laws will offer greater protection. HSI Cruelty to animals persists for many reasons, including ignorance, lack of laws and redundancy of existing laws. In Sri Lanka, the legislation that defines this issue—The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance No. 13 of 1907—falls short of its
Yulin Dog Meat Festival Provokes Global Fury
For the last two mornings, Adam Parascandola, director of animal protection and crisis response for Humane Society International, has woken up at 3 a.m. in China to bear witness to one of the most horrific scenes you can imagine: the slaughter of thousands of dogs—and cats—for the Yulin dog meat
Kittenish for Kathmandu!
When Gwen Cooper, mom of celebrity feline Homer the Blind Wonder Cat, heard that millions of animals had been injured or fallen ill as a result of the calamitous earthquakes in Nepal, she wondered how to help. Finally, she hit upon a brilliant idea. When she put it out to Homer's fans, they
Anton Aguilar
Anton Aguilar is the Executive Director of Humane Society International/Mexico, based in Mexico City. Mr. Aguilar holds an M.A. in Comparative Politics from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po Paris) and a B.A. in International Relations from El Colegio de Mexico. Mr. Aguilar had
Sea Turtle Conservation in India and Bali
In Odisha, India, where HSI is involved in a sea turtle conservation project, community volunteers, turtle guards, forestry personnel and technical experts came together last month for a training program coordinated by our local partner organization, Action for Protection of Wild Animals. The
Claire Bass
Claire Bass is the Executive Director of Humane Society International/UK. She oversees HSI’s campaigns in the UK, including work to champion the protection of wildlife and to challenge the sale of fur in the UK. She is also part of HSI’s global teams on whales and seals. Prior to joining HSI, Bass
Convincing Europe to "REACH" Beyond Animal Testing
The European chemicals law, REACH (short for Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals), includes a commitment that animal testing will only be carried out as "a last resort," as well as a legal obligation to regularly update testing requirements to reduce and replace the use of
Saving Olive Ridleys in India: Year Three
Thousands will have a better chance of survival. HSI Working by headlamp. HSI Keeping careful records helps measure success and inform planning. HSI Returning to the ocean after laying her eggs. HSI Off to begin their lives. HSI Now in its third year, an HSI/APOWA project to Save the Olive Ridleys
Canadian egg labels: What to eggspect?
The vast number of consumer labels affixed to egg cartons can leave a shopper feeling dazed and confused. One carton may label its eggs "Natural." Another carton may call them "Free Range," while yet another may claim its eggs are "Certified Organic." How are thoughtful consumers supposed to know
World Trade Organization Rules for Seals, Says Animal Welfare Counts
The World Trade Organization today issued a final decision in its ruling to the inhumane global seal trade, and gave a precedent-setting boost to our domestic and international efforts to prevent animal abuse. The international body that sets the rules of the road on global trade matters has upheld
Fast Facts on Veal Crates in Canada
So that they will constantly give milk, dairy cows are artificially impregnated every year. After a nine-month gestation, calves are routinely taken from their mothers days, or sometimes just hours, after being born. Male calves are sold to veal farms at auction and will be slaughtered at about five