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European Commission fails to deliver death blow to fur farming despite huge public support for an EU-wide ban on fur farming
BRUSSELS—Animal protection group Humane Society International/Europe has called “inexcusable” the European Commission’s failure today to recommend an EU-wide fur farming ban in response to the 1.5 million signature-strong European Citizens’ Initiative petition. Despite overwhelming evidence that
Komisja Europejska nie zamyka hodowli zwierząt na futra pomimo ogromnego poparcia społecznego dla ogólnounijnego zakazu
BRUKSELA—Międzynarodowa organizacja ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International/Europe określa „niewybaczalnym” niepowodzeniem zalecenia przyjęte właśnie przez Komisję Europejską w zakresie wprowadzenia zakazu hodowli zwierząt na futra w całej UE w odpowiedzi na petycję złożoną w ramach
Flight to freedom! 27 South Korean dog meat farm rescues travel to the United States in search of loving homes
SEOUL—One month after the South Korean government announced a bill to ban the dog meat industry, 27 dogs rescued from a dog meat farm in Asan, Chungcheongnam-do have flown to the United States in search of loving homes. At the time of rescue in March this year by animal charity Humane Society
Food retailer commits to higher animal welfare in Viet Nam
HO CHI MINH CITY, Viet Nam—Safe Food, a food retailer in Ho Chi Minh City, announced it will only use cage-free eggs by 2028 through a recent collaboration with Gia Vien Farm, an egg producer set on a fivefold expansion of its cage-free systems. The initiative, backed by the global animal protection
Wolves in Europe under threat as European Commission seeks to downgrade legal protections
BRUSSELS—Today the European Commission has announced that it will be taking steps to reduce legal protections for wolves in the EU. To achieve this, they will propose the downgrading of the wolf’s protection status under the Bern Convention. At present, wolves are listed under Appendix II, which
Chile outlaws cosmetics testing on animals
SANTIAGO, Chile—after a multi-year campaign by Humane Society International and ONG Te Protejo, cosmetic animal testing as well as the manufacturing, import and marketing of cosmetics tested on animals elsewhere in the world has been officially banned in Chile. This followed a unanimous vote by the
Chile zakazuje testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach
WARSZAWA, Polska—Po wieloletniej kampanii prowadzonej przez międzynarodową organizację ochrony zwierząt Humane Society International (HSI) i ONG Te Protejo, w Chile oficjalnie zakazano testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach, a także produkcji, importu i reklamy kosmetyków testowanych na zwierzętach w
Workshop empowers egg producers to shift to cage-free systems for hens
SÃO PAULO—Last week, producers raising hens for their eggs gathered in the countryside of São Paulo state, the largest egg-producing state in Brazil, to boost their knowledge of the scientific foundation behind cage-free housing systems. The workshop, which was hosted by global animal protection
Kingdom of Bhutan is first country in the world to achieve 100% street dog sterilization and vaccination after 14-year project with Humane Society International
THIMPHU, Bhutan—The Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan has become the first country in the world to declare its entire street dog population fully sterilized and vaccinated following years of investment in a humane dog management program with global animal charity Humane Society International. At the formal
EILMELDUNG: Südkorea verbietet die Hundefleischindustrie nach historischer Abstimmung im Parlament. Tierschützer sind überglücklich.
SEOUL—Das südkoreanische Parlament hat heute ein Verbot der Hundefleischindustrie erlassen. Die Tierschützer von Humane Society International/Korea sprechen von einem "historischen Schritt". In Südkorea werden jährlich bis zu 1 Million Hunde für den menschlichen Verzehr gezüchtet und getötet. Das
BREAKING: South Korea bans the dog meat industry with historic vote at National Assembly as animal campaigners ‘overjoyed’
SEOUL—South Korea’s National Assembly has today voted through a ban on the dog meat industry in what animal campaigners at Humane Society International/Korea have called “history in the making.” Up to 1 million dogs a year are factory farmed and killed for human consumption in the country. The ban
ULTIMA ORA: con il voto storico dell’Assemblea Nazionale la Corea del Sud ha deciso di vietare il business della carne di cane; è un trionfo per gli attivisti
SEUL—Oggi, con un voto dell'Assemblea Nazionale della Corea del Sud, è stato messo al bando il business della carne di cane. Un evento definito “storico” dagli attivisti di Humane Society International/Corea. Nel Paese, fino a un milione di cani vengono allevati e uccisi ogni anno per il consumo
Południowokoreańskie Zgromadzenie Narodowe poparło zakaz handlu psim mięsem
SEUL, WARSZAWA— Zgromadzenie Narodowe Korei Południowej zagłosowało za zakazem hodowli psiego mięsa, co Humane Society International/Korea nazywa „wydarzeniem bez precedensu”. Zakaz zostanie wprowadzony w kraju, w którym hoduje się i zabija dla mięsa nawet milion psów rocznie. Zakaz wejdzie w życie
New year, new life in America for 24 dogs saved from Indonesia’s brutal dog meat trade at Tomohon ‘Extreme’ market
JAKARTA, Indonesia—Twenty four dogs rescued from a slaughterhouse at Indonesia’s Tomohon “Extreme” Market in North Sulawesi province have flown from Indonesia to the United States in search of loving families. Poppy, Romeo, Wendy, Mia, Rocky and friends were saved by animal charities Humane Society
Nowy rok, nowe życie w Ameryce dla 24 psów ocalonych z indonezyjskiej rzeźni na targu Tomohon
DŻAKARTA, WARSZAWA— Dwadzieścia cztery psy uratowane z rzeźni na indonezyjskim targu Tomohon „Extreme” w prowincji Północne Sulawesi przyleciały z Indonezji do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie trafią do kochających rodzin. Poppy, Romeo, Wendy, Mia, Rocky i przyjaciele zostali uratowani przez organizacje
New publication exposes Europe’s failure to uphold legal requirement of chemical testing on animals as a ‘last resort’
BRUSSELS—A new paper published this month in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology by Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Innospec and other members of the Animal-Free Safety Assessment Collaboration has exposed numerous concrete examples of acceptance barriers to companies’ good-faith attempts to honour
Besorgniserregender Anstieg von Jagdtrophäenimporten nach Deutschland
DORTMUND— Entgegen den Beteuerungen der Regierung, die Importe von Jagdtrophäen zu reduzieren, sind die Einfuhrvorgänge in Deutschland seit 2021 um über 30 % angestiegen. Auch auf Europas größter Jagdmesse „Jagd & Hund” in Dortmund vom 30. Januar bis 4. Februar 2024 werden wieder Trophäenjagdreisen
Breaking News: Belgien verbietet die Einfuhr von Jagdtrophäen
BRÜSSEL—In einem bedeutenden Triumph für den Schutz von Wildtieren und den Tierschutz hat das belgische Parlament gestern Abend eine bahnbrechende Entscheidung getroffen, indem es einstimmig für den Gesetzentwurf der Ministerin für Klima, Umwelt, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Green Deal, Zakia
Breaking: Belgium bans the import of hunting trophies
BRUSSELS—In a momentous triumph for wildlife conservation and animal welfare, Belgium’s Parliament sealed a landmark decision today by voting unanimously in favour of the Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Zakia Khattabi's bill prohibiting the import of
La Belgique interdit l'importation de trophées de chasse
BRUXELLES—Dans une victoire mémorable pour la conservation des espèces sauvages et le bien-être des animaux, le Parlement belge a pris une décision historique aujourd'hui par un vote unanime en faveur du projet de loi de la Ministre du Climat, de l'Environnement, du Développement durable et du Green