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Ultima Ora: il Belgio vieta l’importazione di trofei di caccia. Una decisione storica che garantirà maggiore protezione a elefanti, leoni, rinoceronti e altre specie
BRUXELLES—Si tratta di un trionfo epocale per la conservazione della fauna selvatica e per il benessere animale quello realizzato ieri sera dal Parlamento belga che ha votato all’unanimità a favore della proposta di legge presentata da Zakia Khattabi, Ministro del Clima, dell’Ambiente, dello
Ważne: Belgia zakazuje importu trofeów łowieckich
BRUKSELA—Belgijski parlament zagłosował jednomyślnie za przyjęciem projektu ustawy Zakii Khattabi, Ministry Klimatu, Środowiska, Zrównoważonego Rozwoju i Zielonego Ładu, zakazującej importu trofeów łowieckich pochodzących z gatunków chronionych międzynarodowym prawem do Belgii. To historyczna
Belgia interzice importul de trofee de vânătoare
BUCUREȘTI—Într-o victorie majoră pentru conservarea faunei sălbatice și bunăstarea animalelor, Parlamentul Belgiei a adoptat o decizie importantă, votând în unanimitate proiectul de lege al Ministrului pentru Climă, Mediu, Dezvoltare Durabilă și Afaceri Verzi, Zakia Khattabi. Noua lege interzice
Dichiarazione su sospetti addebiti non autorizzati
ATTENZIONE: Abbiamo ricevuto diverse segnalazioni da persone residenti in Italia le cui carte Postepay sono state addebitate indebitamente da terze parti che si presentano con nomi come Humane Society Intl WE WASHIN, HUMANE SOCIETY INTL WE o similari. Gli autori degli addebiti stanno agendo sotto
Animal lovers rally outside Indonesia’s parliament in Jakarta calling for a national dog and cat meat trade ban
JAKARTA―Indonesia’s animal-loving public rallied outside the House of Representatives in the capital Jakarta today to deliver a letter calling on the government to introduce a nationwide ban on the cruel dog and cat meat trades. More than a million companion animals are stolen, trafficked and
HSI’s animal rescuers are deploying to help animals injured and impacted by the wildfires in Chile
VIÑA DEL MAR, Chile—A disaster relief team from animal charity Humane Society International will deploy to Chile this weekend to help hundreds of animal victims of the devastating wildfires. Thousands of people have been affected in central and southern Chile, including hundreds who are missing or
Support Strong for an End to Wild Animal Acts in British Circuses
The number of circuses touring with wild animal acts in Britain has declined significantly in recent years, from 20 in 1997 to three as of December 2011. Among them, the three circuses are thought to use in the region of 40 wild animals, including lions, tigers, zebras, camels and various reptiles
About the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary
For more than 20 years, SanWild has been rescuing orphaned, injured, neglected and abused wild animals and then, once their health is restored, releasing the animals into the large sanctuary to spend the rest of their life in settings largely free of adverse human impacts. Each of the residents has
Join Us on a Humane Travels Tour
At this time, we are no longer offering trips to SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa. Please still consider donating to help the animals at SanWild. If you are interested in Humane Travels with HSI, please email us at Read about a recent trip we offered to Ecuador
Don't Buy Wild
Illegal wildlife trade generates more than USD $10 billion annually, third behind only the illegal drug and arms trades. While many people knowingly contribute to such trade, unsuspecting customers can easily buy items like ivory trinkets and turtle shell products in stores or online, thereby
Don't Buy Wild Guide
The global trade in wildlife parts and products is hugely detrimental and many travelers unknowingly participate in this trade. Wildlife and wildlife products may be legal to sell in certain countries, but bringing these items home with you may be illegal or require special permits. If you suspect
Top Five Reasons to Use a Community Ecotourism Operator
In HSI’s Wildlife Ecotourism section, we work with local NGOs in developing countries to help communities create ecotourism products that are unique, exciting, and beneficial for people, animals, and the environment. To find out the five most compelling reasons to try this unique kind of tourism
Stronger Legal Protections for Animals in Labs
In September 2010, the European Union voted to adopt a new law for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, which replaces its nearly 25-year-old predecessor. Humane Society International has been at the forefront of the animal welfare lobbying effort throughout political negotiations
Street Dogs in Mexico
Of all the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas, Mexico has by far the greatest number of animal welfare organizations actively seeking the support of the government and the community to pass stricter laws against animal cruelty. The current state of affairs in Mexico reflects various degrees
Intensive Confinement of Farm Animals in Brazil
Do you know where the eggs that you consume come from? Although we tend to believe that animals raised for food roam freely on pastures or on small outdoor farms, this is far from reality for most farm animals. The majority of eggs in Brazil are produced by birds who spend almost their entire lives
Rebecca Regnery
Rebecca Regnery is the Senior Director of Humane Society International’s Wildlife Department. She is responsible for overseeing wildlife programs and campaigns, and represents the organization at international treaty and trade agreements including: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Sara Shields, Ph.D.
Sara Shields earned her B.S. in Zoology from Colorado State University and her Ph.D. from The University of California, Davis in Animal Behavior in 2004. She worked in a postdoctoral capacity at the University of Nebraska, in the Animal Science department, as a researcher and lecturer. She
Troy Seidle
Troy is Vice President, Research and Toxicology at Humane Society International. In this role, he leads a HSI’s global team of campaigners, lobbyists and scientists working to end animal testing for cosmetics and replace other inhumane and obsolete uses of animals in laboratories with advanced non
Teresa Telecky, Ph.D
Teresa Telecky, Ph.D. is Vice President of the Wildlife Department for Humane Society International. She is an expert on the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and serves as the Executive Director and Vice President of the Species
Rebecca Aldworth
Rebecca Aldworth is the Executive Director of Humane Society International/Canada. For more than a decade, she has been a firsthand observer of Canada's commercial seal hunt, escorting more than 100 scientists, parliamentarians and journalists to the ice floes to witness the slaughter. Aldworth has