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Actor and animal advocate Tricia Helfer urges Canada to “have a heart” in Valentine’s Day plea to ban cosmetic testing on animals
MONTREAL–This Valentine’s Day the Canadian government received a very special video message from actress Tricia Helfer ( Van Helsing, Lucifer) on behalf of Humane Society International and the #BeCrueltyFree Canada campaign, calling for a federal ban on cosmetic animal testing and trade. “As a proud
Wildlife campaigners rejoice as Indian elephant, jaguar, great Indian bustard and threatened sharks win protections at Migratory Species Convention
Gandhinagar -- Representatives from more than 130 nations agreed to vital protections for migratory wild species at what’s being hailed as a landmark wildlife convention in Gandhinagar, India. Delegates agreed to increased or first-time conservation protection status for the endangered Mainland
83,000-strong petition against dog cloning delivered by Humane Society International to South Korean authority
SEOUL—Global animal welfare organization Humane Society International has presented a petition with 83,232 signatures against dog cloning to the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, urging the Ministry to permanently cease funding research to clone working dogs. HSI’s petition
China’s Shenzhen city could be first in country to ban dog meat eating
BEIJING-- The city of Shenzhen could become the first in China to ban the eating of dog and cat meat, after a food safety legislative proposal has been drafted in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The proposed law focuses mainly on prohibiting the consumption of wildlife such as snakes, turtles
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, 사역견 복제에 반대하는 8만 3천명 서명 농림부 전달
동물보호단체 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, HSI)은 사역견에 대한 복제 실험이 다시는 이루어지지 않도록 개 복제 실험에 반대하는 8만3천232명의 서명을 농림축산식품부에 우편으로 전달했다. 이 서명은 지난 해 비글구조네트워크에 의해 공개된 복제견 메이에 대한 학대 영상과 메이가 검역견 탐지견으로 활동하다 실험에 이용된 것으로 알려지며 시작되었다. 작년 비글구조네트워크에 의해 영상이 공개된 후, 해당 과제는 중지되었고 농림부는 어제까지 동물보호법 시행규칙 일부개정령안에 대한 의견을
Seven ways to be a wildlife warrior
Around the world, many thousands of wild animals are exploited for human entertainment, food, fashion and frippery, or killed or injured through poisons and traps, not only causing immense animal suffering but also threatening many species with extinction. According to a UN report, species
This Holi, HSI/India says colour your heart with compassion but be fair with your fun around animals
HYDERABAD—With the Holi festival around the corner on 9/10 th March, festive spirits are high and many people are ready to revel in the burst of colours. Unfortunately, the rainbow of coloured powder or gulal that is traditionally used to celebrate Holi can pose a risk to our pets and street animals
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, 척추동물대체시험 지원토록 하는
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널은 더불어민주당 한정애 의원이 대표 발의한 생활화학제품 및 살생물제의 안전관리에 관한 법률(이하 화학제품안전법) 일부개정법률안 통과를 환영한다고 밝혔다. 지난 6일 본회의를 통과한 이 개정안은 ▲척추동물시험의 최소화 원칙 규정 ▲척추동물대체시험의 개발・이용에 관한 정책 수립・시행 ▲기존 척추동물시험자료 확보 및 활용과 척추동물대체시험의 개발 및 보급을 위한 중소기업에 대한 지원 조항을 포함한다. 한정애 의원은 지난 2018년 화학물질의 등록 및 평가를 위한 법안 (이하 화평법) 개정을 통해
Humane Society International welcomes passage of biocidal law amendment promoting alternatives to animal testing in South Korea
SEOUL—Humane Society International congratulates Assembly member Jeong-ae Han on the National Assembly’s passage of her amendment to the Chemical Consumer Products and Biocides law, promoting alternatives to animal testing. Assembly member Han, who previously sponsored and helped to pass a similar
Landmark report sounds the alarm on barn fires in Canada
MONTREAL—Humane Society International/Canada has released a report, the first of its kind in Canada, detailing the scope of the preventable tragedy of barn fires and how the near total absence of mandatory safety measures has resulted in the deaths of countless farm animals. Barn fires happen
Ivory-Free Canada Coalition condemns Toronto Sportsmen’s Show for allowing South African outfitters to sell cruel, unsustainable elephant hunts
MONTREAL – At a time when African nations are contending with an elephant poaching crisis that has caused devastating population declines, it has come to light that the annual Toronto Sportsmen’s Show continues to allow three vendors to sell elephant trophy hunting excursions that further threaten
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ
Thank you for remembering animals during this difficult time. They still need our help and we are continuing our work worldwide as well as we can despite this crisis. As always, we are so grateful for your support. What is HSI doing during this crisis? With the aim of preventing pet abandonment and
Fast-food giants make first steps towards chicken welfare in Romania and Poland
BRUSSELS— The first-ever evaluation of chicken welfare among 16 fast-food brands in Poland and Romania reveals that the fast-food industry in Eastern Europe is taking its first steps towards increasing the welfare of chickens used for meat . The 2023 Pecking Order reports for Poland and Romania
Giganții din industria fast-food fac primii pași în direcția bunăstării puilor
BUCUREȘTI, România—Prima evaluare a bunăstării puilor realizată în rândul a 12 branduri de fast-food din România dezvăluie faptul că industria fast-food face primii pași în direcția creșterii nivelului de bunăstare a puilor folosiți pentru producția de carne. Raportul 2023 Pecking Order pentru