Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis in the UK
Badgers are among the most iconic of the UK's wild mammals, but their future is under threat from official plans to slaughter them en masse in a misguided attempt to control tuberculosis in cattle. Measuring up to a meter long, weighing in
Building Bomas to Protect Lions
A boma is a specially designed lion-proof barrier made from strong posts, spiny shrubs, and chain-link fence, with sturdy metal doors which allow herders to secure their animals inside at night. Humane Society International has teamed up with the Born Free Foundation
Shark Finning and the European Union
Update: On 6 June 2013, the Council of the European Union completed the final step to close loopholes in EU shark finning ban. By adopting a "fins naturally attached" policy without exception, the EU has now effectively ended the practice of shark
Tips to keep pets safe during the summer
With summer upon us, Humane Society International reminds people to start thinking about how the warm weather will impact pets. Whether taking a walk, a drive or just hanging out in the backyard, there are extra precautions that people can take to
Rescued Gorillas Find Hope
The endangered Grauer’s gorilla is now found only in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa and continues to be threatened by clear cutting of forests, disease transmission, and poaching. Encroaching human activity leaves the animals' habitat fragmented and their populations even
International Whaling Commission 63
The 63rd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will take place from July 11-14, 2011 in the UK Channel Islands. As we do every year, HSI will have our policy team at the conference to advance whale protection and to
On the Mend: An Update on the Survivors of the Dog Meat Trade in China
by Peter Li In April, we reported that more than 400 frightened, apparently abused dogs in China had been rescued from a slaughterhouse-bound truck that was part of the culinary sub-culture of dog eating in the country. The animals were freed after
Fur Trade in Europe
Humane Society International campaigns throughout the United Kingdom and Europe to raise awareness of the cruel and unnecessary fur trade. Every year, more than 50 million animals are raised and slaughtered on industrial factory farms or trapped in the wild so that
Fur Farming in the European Union
The European Union is one of the world’s largest producers of factory farmed fur. In 2015 alone, around 42.6 million mink, 2.7million foxes, 155,000 raccoon dogs, and 206,000 chinchillas were killed for fur in the EU. More than a dozen countries across
Working toward a Humane World
"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.
Jean Chung/HSI