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Sobrevivientes del tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre extienden sus alas en reserva natural guatemalteca
PETEN, Guatemala—Un grupo de 41 loros de diferentes especies (Amazona autumnalis y Amazona alfibrons), icónicas para el país y la región latinoamericana, fueron liberados en la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, luego de haber sido rescatados y decomisados del tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre. La
Survivors of the Dog Meat Trade
In April 2013, more than 2,000 dogs were intercepted and seized as smugglers attempted to ship them out of Thailand via Laos. They were bound for Vietnamese restaurants, victims of the illegal dog meat trade. Overwhelmed and at risk Our local partner organization, Soi Dog Foundation, put out a call
Survivors of Yulin
by Peter Li In June, a dog meat festival was held as planned in June in Yulin, Guangxi, southwest China despite worldwide condemnation. This year, however, the festival was uncharacteristically quiet, low-key and subdued. A protest in front of Yulin government offices helped send a strong message to
Swim-with-the-Dolphins Attractions
HSI is strongly opposed to captive swim-with-the-dolphins attractions and believes these programs, even if strictly regulated, pose an immediate threat to the safety of both human and dolphin participants. Life in the wild HSI opposes the capture of all marine mammals from the wild for any type of
Swim-with-the-Dolphins Attractions in the Caribbean and Elsewhere
In 2004, The HSUS published a web article that examined the current global situation regarding the growth of dolphinariums and swim-with-the-dolphins (SWTD) attractions. At that time, we knew of at least 14 operational SWTD exhibits in the Caribbean, with seven or eight more in the planning stages
Switzerland bans trade in commercial seal products
Just a month ahead of the 2017 Canadian seal hunt, Switzerland has concluded a multi-year process of prohibiting its trade in products of commercial seal hunts with a decision adopted by the Swiss Federal Council on March 3, 2017. As of April 2017, trade in products of commercial, non-indigenous
T K MAXX, Boohoo, Not On The High Street Among Online Retail Giants Caught Selling Real Fur Advertised As ‘Faux’
London—British consumers are being misled into buying real fur from fox, rabbit, chinchilla and mink, falsely advertised as fake fur, an investigation by Humane Society International UK and Sky News has revealed. The investigation found trusted online retailers such as Boohoo, Amazon and Not On The
Taft Gardens & Nature Preserve joins Humane Stewardship Alliance
One of the Humane Stewardship Alliance’s newest members is the 264-acre Taft Gardens & Nature Preserve in Ojai, California. A bit northwest of LA and Lake Casitas, Ojai is nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Topatopa Mountains. This hidden gem includes both exotic gardens and extensive natural
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn and more star in Humane Society International’s animated short film Save Ralph in aid of global campaign to ban cosmetic testing on animals
WASHINGTON—Hollywood filmmakers and movie stars have joined forces with Humane Society International to produce a powerful stop-motion animated short film, Save Ralph, calling for an end to cosmetic testing on animals around the world. Although banned in 40 countries, the practice is still perfectly
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn spielen die Hauptrollen im animierten Kurzfilm #RetteRalph von Humane Society International zugunsten der globalen Kampagne für ein Verbot von Kosmetiktests an Tieren
LONDON/BERLIN—Hollywood-Filmemacher und Filmstars haben sich mit Humane Society International zusammengetan, um den eindrucksvollen Stop-Motion-Animationskurzfilm #RetteRalph zu produzieren, der sich für ein Ende von Kosmetiktests an Tieren auf der ganzen Welt einsetzt. Obwohl diese Praxis in 40
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn e altri nel cast del cortometraggio animato di HSI “Save Ralph”, a sostegno della campagna globale per vietare i test cosmetici sugli animali
ROMA—Registi di Hollywood e star del cinema hanno unito le forze con Humane Society International (HSI) per produrre il toccante cortometraggio animato in stop-motion “Save Ralph”, con l’obbiettivo di fermare i test cosmetici sugli animali a livello globale. Anche se vietata in 40 paesi, questa
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn i inne gwiazdy wystąpiły w krótkometrażowym filmie animowanym Humane Society International pt. „Save Ralph”, będącym częścią globalnej kampanii na rzecz wprowadzenia zakazu testowania kosme
WASHINGTON—Hollywoodzcy twórcy filmowi i aktorzy połączyli siły z Humane Society International przy produkcji krótkometrażowej animacji poklatkowej „Save Ralph”, wzywającej do zaprzestania testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach na całym świecie. Choć praktyka ta jest zakazana w 40 krajach, w
Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn and more star in Humane Society International’s animated short film Save Ralph in aid of global campaign to ban cosmetic testing on animals
LONDON—Hollywood filmmakers and movie stars have joined forces with Humane Society International to produce a powerful stop-motion animated short film, Save Ralph, to end cosmetic testing on animals around the world. Although banned in 40 countries, the practice is still perfectly legal in most of
Take Action to Improve Animal Services
In the wake of a recent exposé (click on "Regardez l'intégrale" just below the broadcast date) involving Quebec’s largest for-profit animal control facility, Humane Society International/Canada is calling on provincial and municipal governments to ensure more humane and effective animal control
Ten Lemurs, four macaques and other animals removed from poor conditions in two Puerto Rico facilities are now thriving at a Texas sanctuary
MURCHISON, Texas—Ten lemurs, four macaques, two llamas, two coatis, three emus and an ostrich have made remarkable recoveries and living their best lives at Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas, after being removed from a now-shuttered zoo and a holding facility in Puerto Rico where they were
Tension in protecting farmed animals put wolves at risk
BRUSSELS—Following a concerted campaign by lobby interests seeking to decrease EU legal protections for large carnivores, the European Parliament has adopted a Resolution on the issue of the protection of livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe at its Plenary session in Strasbourg