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Südkorea bringt Gesetz zum Verbot der Hundefleischindustrie ein HSI/Korea begrüßt dies als "historischen Tag für den Tierschutz"
SEOUL/BERLIN—Die Abgeordnete der Demokratischen Partei Südkoreas, Jeoung-ae Han, haben gestern einen Gesetzesentwurf eingebracht, der darauf abzielt, die Hundefleischindustrie abzuschaffen, indem die Zucht und Schlachtung von Hunden für den menschlichen Verzehr verboten wird. Dazu gehört auch das
South Korean lawmakers join with HSI/Korea and Animal Welfare Forum at National Assembly exhibition for a ban on the dog meat industry
SEOUL—South Korean lawmakers gathered at the country’s National Assembly today for the opening of an exhibition in support of a legislative ban on the dog meat industry, co-hosted by the Animal Welfare Forum, Humane Society International/Korea and National Assembly members Young-ho Tae and Jeong
South Korea’s capital city declared free of dog slaughtering after dog meat shops work with Seoul mayor to end city-wide killing
SEOUL—Seoul’s last three dog meat shops have agreed to end dog slaughter on-site, following over a year of campaigning from Seoul’s Mayor Park Won-soon and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The initiative has been welcomed by leading animal charity Humane Society International/Korea which has been
South Korea’s dog meat ban taskforce announces short delay in deliberations
SEOUL—The South Korean government taskforce deliberating a ban on the country’s dog meat industry has announced a delay of two months in publishing its recommendations. Humane Society International/Korea, which has rescued more than 2,500 dogs from South Korea’s dog meat industry, says opinion polls
South Korea’s Ministry of Environment sets out new Chemical Safety and Animal Welfare Vision to switch from animal tests to non-animal science
SEOUL—South Korea’s Ministry of Environment introduced its “2030 Chemical Safety and Animal Welfare vision” last month with the aim of vastly increasing the use of non-animal test methods in what animal protection NGO Humane Society International/Korea welcomes as a leap forward for both animals and
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널, 환경부 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’ 도입 환영
- 사람과 동물 모두를 위한 과학계 발전에 큰 도약 기대 동물보호단체 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, 이하 HSI)은 환경부가 소개한 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’ 발표에 대해 환영의 입장을 28일 밝혔다. 앞서 지난 9월 환경부는 온라인 토론회를 개최하여 동물대체시험법 활용을 크게 확대하기 위한 계획을 담은 화학안전과 동물복지 실현 정책을 소개했다. 이는 HSI를 포함해 국내시험기관, 독성 전문가, 화학물질 컨설팅 기업 등으로 꾸린 TF팀이 모여 각
Southeast Asia's first workshop on cage-free egg production attracts dozens of farmers from the region
SURABAYA, Indonesia–Humane Society International, in conjunction with the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, recently hosted Southeast Asia’s first technical workshop on cage-free egg production in Surabaya, Indonesia, bringing together food industry leaders, technical specialists, egg
Spanish Balearic Islands votes to eliminate bullfighting
The Parliament of the Balearic Islands has voted in favour of legislative measures to make it impossible to hold bullfights or bull fiestas in this autonomous community. This legislation comes in lieu of an explicit ban because the Spanish Constitutional Court has previously ruled that regions do
Street Dogs in Bhutan
In September 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Department of Livestock of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) and Humane Society International (HSI) formed a unique partnership. With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, the two entities embarked on a first-of-its kind
Street Dogs in Mexico
Of all the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas, Mexico has by far the greatest number of animal welfare organizations actively seeking the support of the government and the community to pass stricter laws against animal cruelty. The current state of affairs in Mexico reflects various degrees
Stressed tigers forced to perform at Minnesota fair
Waconia, MINNESOTA—On Aug. 10, the Humane Society of the United States attended the Carver County Fair Tiger Encounter exhibit to witness firsthand how the animals were being treated in a show that claims to raise awareness about the plight of tigers in the wild and their rapid rate to extinction
Stronger Legal Protections for Animals in Labs
In September 2010, the European Union voted to adopt a new law for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, which replaces its nearly 25-year-old predecessor. Humane Society International has been at the forefront of the animal welfare lobbying effort throughout political negotiations
Stunning portrait exhibition of South Korea’s dog meat trade survivors debuts in Seoul amid political debate on a dog meat ban
SEOUL―Stunning portraits of dogs rescued from South Korea’s dog meat trade will have their Seoul debut in an exhibition called Beyond Prejudice by award-winning French photographer Sophie Gamand and Humane Society International/Korea. The 30 dogs featured in the portraits—including Juliette, a
프랑스 사진작가 소피 가먼드 한국 첫 전시회: 구출견 사진전 ‘편견을 넘다’
동물보호단체인 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(대표 채정아, 이하 한국HSI)은 프랑스 사진작가 소피 가먼드의 구출견 사진전을 진행한다고 밝혔다. 이번 전시는 ‘편견을 넘다’라는 주제로 한국의 개 농장에서 구조된 개들의 해외 입양 이후 변화한 모습을 사진으로 담았다. 사진전에서는 배우 다니엘 헤니가 입양한 골든 리트리버 ‘줄리엣’을 포함한 구출견 17마리의 구조 후 사진과 구조 전 그들이 지내던 개 농장의 모습을 볼 수 있다. 이들은 한국HSI가 구조하여 해외로 입양을 보낸 개들이다. 작품에서 이 구출견들은 작가 소피 가먼드가
Support Strong for an End to Wild Animal Acts in British Circuses
The number of circuses touring with wild animal acts in Britain has declined significantly in recent years, from 20 in 1997 to three as of December 2011. Among them, the three circuses are thought to use in the region of 40 wild animals, including lions, tigers, zebras, camels and various reptiles
Supreme Court maintains Amazonas ban on cosmetic testing on animals following industry challenge
BRASILIA—The Brazilian Supreme Court decided today that the State of Amazonas was within its rights to promulgate Law 289/2015 banning cosmetic tests on animals in its territory. The law, passed in 2015 by the State Assembly of Amazonas to end these cruel and unnecessary tests, was challenged by the
Surprising number of vegan restaurants in Cape Town— and other great places to find vegan options
CAPE TOWN—Considering that South Africa is one of the highest per capita meat-consuming countries in Africa, one might be surprised to discover that there are 14 fully vegan restaurants in Cape Town alone. Humane Society International/Africa and ProVeg South Africa have partnered to create a My
Surviving the Dog Meat Trade in China
by Peter Li Having heard of the interception of a truck loaded with 480 dogs bound for northeast China's dog meat markets, hundreds of animal advocates converged on the Beijing-Harbin Expressway, where they found the dogs crammed into a four-layered deck on the vehicle. Rescuers worked immediately
Survivors of illegal wildlife trafficking spread their wings in Guatemalan nature preserve
PETEN, Guatemala—A group of 41 parrots of different species (Amazona autumnalis and Amazona alfibrons), iconic in the Latin American region, were released in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve after they were rescued and confiscated from illegal wildlife trafficking. The release of these birds into their