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One-year paralysis and missed opportunities: European Commission urged to act now to end animal testing

BRUSSELS— Just one year following the adoption of a groundbreaking resolution by the European Parliament to reduce the use of animals in scientific experiments asking the European Commission “to set

Anche gli animali votano

Roma—I punti programmatici delle tredici organizzazioni promotrici del manifesto Anche gli Animali Votano, sottoscritti interamente da cinque forze politiche e ripresi in parte e per singoli obiettivi

Liz Truss urged ‘Don’t Betray Animals suffering for fur and foie gras’ in 300,000-signature petition led by Chris Packham 

LONDON —A week after a senior Conservative MP told Politico that the government intends to drop plans to ban cruel fur and foie gras, campaigners from animal NGOs Humane Society International/UK, 

Nuova indagine sotto copertura getta luce sulle terribili condizioni dei cincillà negli allevamenti di animali da pelliccia in Romania, scatenando le richieste per un divieto nel paese

BUCAREST, Romania—Dopo la diffusione di un’ indagine sotto copertura di Humane Society International/Europe, che ha portato alla luce gravi problemi di benessere animale, la Romania potrebbe diventare

Geheimes Filmmaterial zeigt Chinchillas in grausamen Pelzfabriken in Rumänien und führt zu Forderungen nach einem Verbot der Pelztierzucht

BUKAREST, Rumänien—Rumänien wird aufgefordert, das 20. Land in Europa zu werden, das die Pelztierzucht verbietet, nachdem eine verdeckte Untersuchung von Humane Society International/Europe

Nagrania ze śledztwa ukazują okrutne realia rumuńskich hodowli szynszyli na futra, wywołując apele o wprowadzenia zakazu

BUKARESZT, Rumunia—Po opublikowaniu śledztwa przeprowadzonego przez Humane Society International/Europe na rumuńskich fermach szynszyli, które ujawniło poważne problemy związane z dobrostanem zwierząt

Filmări cu camera ascunsă arată stive de cuști cu șinșile în ferme mizerabile din România, generând apeluri pentru interzicerea fermelor de animale de blană

BUCUREȘTI, România—României i se solicită să devină cea de-a 20-a țară din Europa care interzice creșterea animalelor pentru blană, în urma unei investigații sub acoperire a organizației Humane

Secret filming shows rooms stacked full of caged chinchillas in Romania’s filthy fur factory farms, sparking calls for a ban

BUCHAREST, Romania—Romania is being urged to become the 20 th country in Europe to ban fur farming following revelations from an undercover investigation by Humane Society International/Europe which

Italy's largest hunting fair no longer welcome in Vicenza

VICENZA, Italy —Martina Pluda, director for Italy at Humane Society International/Europe, states the following regarding the announcement by IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA to discontinue HIT Show

Working toward a Humane World

"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.

Jean Chung/HSI