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Legge di bilancio: arriva il sì dalla Commissione Bilancio per vietare e chiudere gli allevamenti di visoni in Italia
ROMA—È stato approvato oggi dalla Commissione Bilancio del Senato una versione riscritta dell’ annunciato il 16 novembre scorso dall’On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, Presidente dell’Intergruppo e della Lega italiana per la Difesa degli Animali e dell’Ambiente (LEIDAA), durante la presentazione
110 dogs saved from slaughter on dog meat farms in South Korea will arrive in Canada in search of happy homes
TORONTO – As the government in South Korea considers a ban on the dog meat industry, more than 100 lucky dogs who were rescued from the country’s dog meat farms last year will arrive in Canada to continue their journey to find forever homes. Many of the dogs were saved from a dog farm on Jindo
110 chiens sauvés de l’abattage dans des élevages de viande canine en Corée du Sud arriveront au Canada en quête de foyers où ils pourront être enfin heureux
TORONTO — Alors que le gouvernement sud-coréen envisage d’interdire le commerce de la viande canine, plus de 100 chiens ayant eu la chance d’être sauvés l’année dernière des élevages du pays arriveront au Canada pour poursuivre leur quête d’un foyer stable. De nombreux chiens ont été sauvés d’une
Seoul city council proposes bill to ban dog meat consumption
SEOUL — Humane Society International/Korea is encouraged to see reports that Yang Min-gyu, a Seoul city municipal council member, has proposed a bill calling on Seoul's mayor to create a city-wide plan to ban the consumption of dog meat and promote a dog-friendly culture in Seoul. Nara Kim, dog
Sinaloa becomes fifth state in Mexico to ban bullfighting
MEXICO CITY - Humane Society International/Mexico applauds the Congress of Sinaloa for unanimously approving an initiative that bans bullfighting in the state, classifying it as animal cruelty. Sinaloa now becomes the fifth state in Mexico to ban bullfighting after Sonora, Guerrero, Coahuila and
Sinaloa se convierte en el quinto Estado en México en prohibir las corridas de toros.
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO - Humane Society International/México aplaude al Congreso de Sinaloa por aprobar por unanimidad una iniciativa que prohíbe las corridas de toros en el Estado, calificándolas de crueldad animal. Sinaloa se convierte en el quinto estado de México en prohibir las corridas de toros
Wildlife experts remind public to avoid interaction with African clawless otters around the Western Cape
CAPE TOWN, South Africa—In light of increasing sightings of African clawless otters around the Western Cape’s public shores and water masses, wildlife experts from animal protection organisations are seeking to remind residents that although these near-threatened animals are endearing, like all wild
Al via il programma formativo per prevenire e contrastare i combattimenti clandestini tra cani: in “cattedra” esperti internazionali da FBI, Università e Associazioni
ROMA – Sei incontri online con alcuni tra i maggiori esperti italiani e internazionali per inquadrare il fenomeno dei combattimenti clandestini tra animali, imparare a intercettarne i segnali sul territorio, intervenire e riabilitare gli animali maltrattati sia dal punto di vista fisico che
환경부 인터뷰 “동물대체시험 기술, 2030년까지 선진국 수준 확보”
2021년 9월 환경부는 동물대체시험법 활성화 실행계획 토론회를 온라인으로 개최했다. 환경부는 지난해 초 한정애 장관 취임 이후로 ‘화학안전평가에 있어 동물대체시험법 활성화 논의를 위한 태스크포스(TF)’를 꾸린 데 이어, 이번 토론회에서 ‘2030 화학안전과 함께하는 동물복지 실현 비전’을 소개했다. 해외에서는 첨단기술을 이용해 비동물 연구 지원에 관한 정책 발표를 한 사례가 있지만 한국에서 중앙정부가 동물대체시험 활성화 비전을 발표한 것은 이번이 처음이다. 동물대체시험연구 활성화를 위한 정책·입법 활동을 하고 있는 ‘한국 휴메인
Humane Society International petition to European Commission demands course-correction on animal testing
BRUSSELS— Last week at a virtual meeting with cabinet representatives of several European Commissioners, Humane Society International handed over a 155,000-strong petition demanding action by the EU executive to phase animal use out of European science and chemical safety regulations . The HSI
Consegnate alla Commissione Europea le firme della petizione di Humane Society International per un cambio di rotta sulla sperimentazione animale
BRUXELLES—In un incontro virtuale con i rappresentanti di gabinetto di diversi commissari europei, Humane Society International (HSI) ha consegnato 155.000 firme per chiedere un’azione, da parte dell'esecutivo dell’Unione Europea, per eliminare gradualmente l’uso degli animali nella ricerca
Animal protection charity slams toothless animal welfare report adopted by European Parliament
Brussels – Yesterday , the European Parliament voted in favour of a retrograde report from its Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the implementation of on-farm animal welfare, disregarding science and uncritically supporting the continuation of intensive animal agriculture
European Parliament advocates meat reduction and investment in non-animal research to fight cancer, the EU’s second biggest killer
BRUSSELS—The European Parliament has adopted a resolution which calls for the EU Commission and Member States to help consumers eat a more healthy, plant-based diet and reduce overconsumption of meat to reduce cancer risks. It also calls for greater investment in non-animal biomedical test methods
Ukrainian refugees with their pets should be allowed into EU Member States without paperwork delay, says EU Commission in ‘precedent setting’ compassionate decision
BRUSSELS—Animal charity Humane Society International/Europe applauds the European Commission for advising all EU Member States to relax veterinary paperwork requirements for the dogs, cats and other companion animals travelling with refugees seeking safe passage in EU Member States. In a
Ucraina, rifugiati e animali domestici possono essere ammessi negli Stati Membri dell'UE senza ritardi burocratici—lo ha deciso la Commissione Europea creando un precedente di compassione
BRUXELLES—L’organizzazione per la protezione degli animali Humane Society International/Europe, applaude la Commissione Europea per aver consigliato a tutti gli Stati Membri dell'UE di allentare i requisiti in merito alla documentazione veterinari di cani, gatti e altri animali da compagnia che
Ukraińscy uchodźcy ze swoimi zwierzętami będą wpuszczani do państw członkowskich UE bez zbędnej zwłoki informuje Komisja Europejska
BRUKSELA—Organizacja prozwierzęca Humane Society International/Europe z zadowoleniem przyjęła zalecenie Komisji Europejskiej adresowane do wszystkch państw członkowskich UE, które dotyczy złagodzenia wymogów dotyczących dokumentacji weterynaryjnej dla psów, kotów i innych zwierząt towarzyszących
South African government increases trophy hunting quotas, sacrificing vulnerable leopard, endangered elephant and critically endangered black rhino “as conservation tool(s)”
Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA—The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment announced this weekend that South Africa will allow the hunting of 10 vulnerable leopard, 150 endangered elephant and 10 critically endangered black rhino in 2022. This concerning news precedes World Wildlife Day
Italy: First bill to ban the import, export of hunting trophies of protected species presented to the Chamber of Deputies
ROME—Today, in honoring World Wildlife Day, the Honorables Vittorio Ferraresi and Francesca Flati (M5S) presented a bill at the Chamber of Deputies to ban the import and export of hunting trophies of endangered species, the first of its kind in Italy. The bill was presented in partnership with
Italia: presentata alla Camera dei Deputati la prima proposta di legge per vietare l’importazione, esportazione e ri-esportazione dei trofei di caccia di specie protette
ROMA—L’inserimento di un divieto formale e un adeguamento sanzionatorio della Legge nr. 150/1992 che regola il commercio di animali appartenenti a specie minacciate di estinzione per porre fine all’importazione, esportazione e riesportazione di trofei di caccia verso e dall’Italia, al fine di
Leading NGOs urge greater cooperation between EU and Vietnam to tackle trafficking of African wildlife
BRUSSELS —Animal protection campaigners have urged the European Commission to increase its cooperation with the Vietnamese authorities to tackle the illegal trade in African wildlife species. At an online conference, hosted by the Belgian Green MEP Saskia Bricmont, a report from the Environmental