Found 3902 results
Campagna #EUforAnimals, associazioni: “Una firma per far sentire in Europa la loro voce”
ROMA—Per tutelare gli animali, il loro benessere, i loro elementari diritti è necessario che questi temi abbiano maggior rilievo in Europa, nelle istituzioni comunitarie che sulla materia prendono le decisioni più importanti. Lo scopo della campagna #EUforAnimals, cui aderiscono oltre trenta
Sodexo Canada announces plans to transform its menus to be plant-based at more than 200 locations nationally, in partnership with HSI/Canada
MONTREAL—Sodexo Canada and Humane Society International/Canada are excited to announce a new development in their national partnership: Sodexo Canada has signed onto the Forward Food Pledge, committing to transition 20% of its protein purchases across Canada to plant-based. To achieve this goal, HSI
HSI/Canada Applauds Holt Renfrew’s landmark decision to end the use of fur and exotic animal skins
MONTREAL—Holt Renfrew has announced an impressive suite of new sustainability commitments, joining the rapidly growing collection of retailers and fashion labels who are opting for sustainably and ethically sourced materials. Rebecca Aldworth, executive director of Humane Society International
Humane Society International praises Canada Goose’s decision to end the use of fur
MONTREAL—Canada Goose has today announced that it will end the use of all fur in its products. The brand will end the purchase of fur by the end of 2021 and end manufacturing products with fur by the end of 2022. Rebecca Aldworth, Humane Society International/Canada’s executive director, responds: “
Humane Society International elogia la decisione di Canada Goose di porre fine all'uso delle pellicce
ROMA/MONTREAL—Canada Goose ha annunciato che porrà fine all'uso di tutte le pellicce nei suoi prodotti. Il marchio fermerà l'acquisto di pellicce entro la fine del 2021 e terminerà la produzione di capi con pelliccia entro la fine del 2022. Rebecca Aldworth, direttrice esecutiva di Humane Society
Celebrities join Stella McCartney and Humane Society International campaign to end fur cruelty in fashion
LONDON—A host of celebrities and influencers from the world of music, film, fashion and photography have joined forces with iconic British designer Stella McCartney and global animal protection organisation Humane Society International to call for a global end to fur cruelty. Launched as part of
Celebrities join Stella McCartney and Humane Society International campaign to end fur cruelty in fashion
LONDON—A host of celebrities and influencers from the world of music, film, fashion and photography have joined forces with iconic British designer Stella McCartney and global animal protection organisation Humane Society International to call for a global end to fur cruelty. Launched as part of
HSI Bericht: Deutschland importiert die meisten Jagdtrophäen geschützter Arten in der EU
BERLIN— Ein neuer Bericht legt offen, dass die Europäische Union nach den Vereinigten Staaten der weltweit zweitgrößte Importeur von Jagdtrophäen ist, wobei Deutschland mit fast 4.000 Importen der größte Importeur in der EU und sogar der zweitgrößte weltweit ist. Der von Humane Society International
European Union is the world's second largest importer of hunting trophies of internationally protected species, new report shows
BRUSSELS—A new report published in the week marking the six- year anniversary of the killing of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe by an American trophy hunter reveals that the European Union is the world’s second biggest hunting trophy importer after the United States. EU Trophy Hunting by the Numbers
España es el segundo mayor importador de la UE de trofeos de caza de especies protegidas internacionalmente
MADRID—Un nuevo informe publicado en la semana en la que se cumple el sexto aniversario de la muerte del león Cecil en Zimbabue a manos de un cazador de trofeos estadounidense, revela que la Unión Europea es el segundo mayor importador de trofeos de caza del mundo después de Estados Unidos, siendo
La France est exhortée d’interdire les importations de trophées de chasse d'espèces protégées au niveau international, après qu’une récente étude révèle que le pays est le sixième plus gros importateur de l'UE
PARIS—Un nouveau rapport, publié lors de la semaine marquant le sixième anniversaire du massacre de Cecil le lion au Zimbabwe par un chasseur de trophées américain, révèle que l'Union européenne est le deuxième importateur mondial de trophées de chasse après les États-Unis, la France étant le
Appello all’Italia per vietare l'importazione e l'esportazione di trofei di caccia di specie protette a livello internazionale—nuovo sondaggio mostra che l'86% degli italiani è contrario alla caccia ai trofei
ROMA— Un nuovo rapporto, pubblicato nella settimana che segna il sesto anniversario dell'uccisione del leone Cecil in Zimbabwe da parte di un cacciatore di trofei americano, rivela che l'Unione Europea è il secondo importatore di trofei di caccia al mondo, dopo gli Stati Uniti. "I numeri della
Europa drugim największym eksporterem trofeów łowieckich na świecie
KRAKÓW—Nowy raport opublikowany w szóstą rocznicę zabicia lwa Cecila w Zimbabwe przez amerykańskiego myśliwego dowodzi, że Unia Europejska jest drugim największym importerem trofeów łowieckich na świecie po Stanach Zjednocznych. Publikacja “Polowania dla trofeów w liczbach. Rola Unii Europejskiej w
Species factsheets
Read our factsheets about trophy-hunted species. African leopard African lion Black rhino European brown bear European grey wolf Giraffe
Informacje o gatunkach
Przeczytaj więcej o gatunkach, na które poluje się dla trofeów. Słoń afrykański Lampart afrykański Lew afrykański Nosorożec czarny Niedźwiedź brunatny Wilk szary Żyrafa
Leading animal protection NGOs call for EU ban on hunting trophy imports
BRUSSELS—Marking the sixth anniversary of the killing of Cecil the lion by an American trophy hunter, animal and nature protection NGOs, members of the European Parliament, and conservation experts from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya are calling on the EU to ban the import of hunting trophies. In
Wiodące organizacje ochrony zwierząt wzywają do zakazu importu trofeów łowieckich
WARSZAWA, Polska—Humane Society International/Europe, Pro Wildlife, Born Free Foundation, Eurogroup for Animals i Pan African Sanctuary Alliance przedstawiły nowy raport dotyczący polowań dla trofeów. Raport dowodzi, że zabijanie zagrożonych i chronionych gatunków zwierząt podważa unijne wysiłki na
La Commissione UE annuncia un impegno storico a vietare le gabbie per gli animali d'allevamento
ROMA/BRUXELLES —Oggi, in una giornata storica per la protezione degli animali, la Commissione UE si è impegnata a eliminare gradualmente le gabbie negli allevamenti di animali in tutta l'UE entro il 2027. La Commissione prevede di vietare le gabbie per galline, scrofe, vitelli, conigli, anatre, oche
Viet Nam’s first commercial cage-free barn has been launched by Nam Huong with technical support from Humane Society International
HO CHI MINH CITY—Viet Nam is joining other Southeast Asian countries in the movement to promote cage-free eggs with the opening of the country’s first cage-free barn. Most of the more than 8 billion eggs that are produced in Viet Nam annually are laid by hens kept in wire, battery cages, which are
HSI report: Trophy hunting by the numbers
Trophy hunting by the numbers: The European Union's role in global trophy hunting Trophy hunting by the numbers: The European Union's role in global trophy hunting (summary) Trophäenjagd in Zahlen: Die Bedeutung der Europäischen Union bei der Trophäenjagd im globalen Kontext Polowania dla trofeów w