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Press Releases
A Humane Society International defende o uso do termo livres de gaiolas no Brasil

SÃO PAULO— A Humane Society International (HSI), organização global líder em proteção animal, pede que o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) reverta sua decisão administrativa

Humane Society International defends the use of the “cage-free” label on eggs in Brazil

SÃO PAULO—Humane Society International, a leading global animal protection organization, urges the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) to reverse its administrative decision

Walmart é parabenizado por se comprometer a vender exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas no Brasil

SÃO PAULO – A Humane Society International (HSI) aplaude a recente decisão do Walmart, terceiro maior varejista do Brasil, em se comprometer com o bem-estar animal assumindo o compromisso de vender

Walmart praised for pledge to sell exclusively cage-free eggs in Brazil

SÃO PAULO—Humane Society International applauds a recent decision by Walmart, Brazil’s third largest retailer, to make a new commitment to animal welfare by pledging to sell exclusively cage-free eggs

Premier Pet becomes the first pet food company to announce a cage-free egg policy in Brazil and Latin America

SÃO PAULO—Premier Pet, one of the largest pet food companies in Brazil, has announced it will switch to exclusively cage-free eggs in its entire supply chain by 2025, becoming the first pet food

Premier Pet se torna a primeira empresa do ramo de pet food a anunciar uma política de ovos livres de gaiolas

SÃO PAULO – A Premiet Pet, uma das maiores empresas de pet food no Brasil, anunciou que utilizará exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas em toda a sua cadeia de abastecimento a partir de 2025, tornando

Humane Society International provides veterinary care and reunites pets with their owners after massive landslide in Bolivia

LA PAZ—In the aftermath of a landslide that swept away dozens of homes last week, leaving hundreds of people without a place to live, a team from Humane Society International is in La Paz to provide

Farmed animal welfare Juan Valdez joins the global cage-free egg movement

BOGOTÁ—Juan Valdez, with approximately 300 locations in Colombia, announced a new policy to improve animal welfare in its supply chain, committing to sourcing only cage-free eggs. The company worked

Unilever apoia esforços global da Humane Society International para proibir testes em animais para cosméticos

BRASILIA–A gigante dos cuidados pessoais Unilever anunciou seu apoio à campanha #BeCrueltyFree (#Libertesedacrueldade) liderada pela Humane Society International, Humane Society dos Estados Unidos e o