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Humane Society International helped more than 6,200 animals in areas affected by the deadly Mexican earthquakes

Veterinary team wraps up earthquake response efforts in Chiapas State this week

Veterinarians and volunteers with Humane Society International/Mexico provided food, vaccines and emergency treatment to 2,645 animals, including companion and farm animals, in Chiapas State this week.

To date, HSI’s veterinarians and volunteers have helped care for more than 6,200 animals in Mexico in Mexico City and the states of Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla and Chiapas (the five entities affected by the earthquakes). In Chiapas, the teams visited Villaflores, Jiquipilas and Arriaga among other municipalities. over seven days.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, DVM, HSI/Mexico programs director, said: “Despite the geographical and transport issues facing many of the state’s residents, the people of Chiapas responded to our veterinary clinics. We are thankful for the support of 25 volunteer veterinarians from the Chiapas Veterinary College and veterinary students who helped people and their animals. It is sad to see so much devastation after the earthquakes, but it’s also very inspiring to see this amount of solidarity and eagerness to help. On the last day a little girl rushed towards me, gave me a big hug and said: ‘thanks so much for all you do for animals.´ It was so rewarding!” 

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The earthquakes response since mid-September was a joint effort supported by Let’s Help Mexico (Ayudemos a Mexico, a platform through which various organizations collected food and supplies), IFAW, Mexico City Environment General Attorney and the Chiapas Civil Protection Agency. Several local organizations also supported the efforts, including Defensoría Animal, Koncientizando, Presencia Animal, Proyecto Nenuki, Centro de Rehabilitación para Perros y Gatos, Totem Animal, El Croquetón, AFAD, PRODAN, Cultura Perrona, Alianza Hope Mx, Adopciones AntyMob, Topos K9, Amigos Pro-Animal, independent activists, and volunteers from Guadalajara University, the Veterinary School of Chiapas Autonomous University and Chiapas Veterinary College (CONVEPECH), among others.

Since the powerful September 7 earthquake shook Oaxaca and the subsequent September 19 earthquake hit Mexico City, HSI/Mexico set up temporary veterinary clinics in cities and towns throughout the affected areas that had the highest need for emergency veterinary care. Petsy, Mars and Cargill donated 14 tons of animal food, which HSI distributed in the affected areas. Salud y Bienestar Animal, CEVA, BIOFARVET, PISA, MERIAL and APALCHEM donated veterinary supplies. Bimbo and Estafeta helped with transportation of both animal food and vet supplies.

The geographical distribution of animals helped is:

  • Mexico City: 1,321
  • Oaxaca: 1,350
  • Puebla: 147
  • Morelos: 805
  • Chiapas: 2,645
  • Total since Sept. 16: 6,268

 Media Contact: Raul Arce-Contreras,, +1 240-620-3263