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About the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary

For more than 20 years, SanWild has been rescuing orphaned, injured, neglected and abused wild animals and then, once their health is restored, releasing the animals into the large sanctuary to spend the rest of their life in settings largely free of adverse human impacts.

Each of the residents has a story that illustrates both woe and hope. Among SanWild’s thousands of inhabitants are two giraffes, Kariba and her mother Sindisa, who were saved after Sindisa was discovered caught in a poacher’s snare where she’d suffered for 10 days before being freed. Nine elephant residents were saved from certain death when the owners of the land they inhabited wanted them removed. There is also a pack of rambunctious wild dogs rescued from a deficient zoo, and two hippos rescued from a travelling circus. And a pride of 15 lions rescued from a canned hunting operation are receiving care thanks to HSI supporters.

Not only is the SanWild sanctuary dedicated to the animals in their care, but they are also an active voice against wildlife abuse in South Africa, such as the canned hunting of lions. This horrific industry, with an average of 1200 lions shot as trophies every year, continues to operate despite promises by the government to shut it down.

HSI has been working with the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary for several years. Our Australia office has provided funding for the rehabilitation and release of 20 ex-captive Vervet monkeys into the sanctuary, and for their anti-poaching ranger program. In addition to feeding SanWild’s rescued lions, we have also worked with them to raise awareness about the canned lion hunting industry in South Africa, motivating our supporters worldwide to take action against this egregious practice.

You can help

Donate to help the animals at SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary.