Our Impact in the U.S.
We’re there for animals who are suffering in the U.S. today. And we’re confronting the root causes of that suffering for a kinder tomorrow.
banned the extreme confinement of farm animals
ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals
enacted humane pet store laws to stop puppy mills
Our Results
Across the U.S., we’ve made significant progress, especially in recent years.
We work around the country to help protect animals. Led by our state directors, we partner with elected officials, law enforcement, volunteer advocates and a vast coalition of others to ensure that animal welfare legislation is put into place and enforced throughout the country.
After decades of work, all 50 states now have felony animal cruelty provisions. And the FBI now tracks animal cruelty in its crime reporting system.
In 2022, after years of effort, the Big Cat Public Safety Act banned keeping big cats as pets or letting the public interact with them.
As of 2024, over 40% of the egg-laying hens in the country are cage-free. We’ve also continued our work with 12 of the top 50 food service companies and self-operated dining programs to set—and meet—plant-based menu and meat reduction goals. Similarly, we’ve partnered with corporations, universities and other institutions to require that hens kept for egg production are not confined to cages and pregnant pigs kept for breeding are not confined to cages throughout their pregnancies. And we continue to defend attacks on state laws banning extreme farm animal confinement.
We’re also making progress at the state level. In 2023, California—which in 2017 made up nearly a quarter of all retail fur sales in the U.S.— implemented the first statewide ban on new fur sales.
Contact your state director
Our state directors work daily to advocate for animal protection laws in state capitols, local communities, and beyond. Through community organizing and direct lobbying efforts, our state directors fight the big fights to end suffering for all animals. Find the state director near you.
Latest news
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