Found 3907 results
More than 50 global NGOs call on COP26 to formally acknowledge animal agriculture as major climate change contributor at this year’s conference
LONDON—More than 50 animal protection, environmental and food justice organisations from around the globe have written to Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma MP, president of the COP26 climate change conference organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), calling on the UNFCCC
Luxury German online fashion retailer Mytheresa pledges to go fur-free from Spring/Summer 2022
MUNICH—Luxury German online fashion retailer Mytheresa has announced it is going fur-free. The platform of more than 200 international designers will be phasing out existing fur inventory by the end of 2022. The ban will cover fur from factory-farmed animals such as mink, fox, chinchilla, muskrat
More than 100 cross-party MPs and Peers call on UK Government to ban fur sales and imports in Britain
LONDON—A group of more than 100 cross-party MPs and Peers has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Rt Hon George Eustice MP calling on the UK Government to cut Britain’s ties with the cruel fur industry by banning the import and sale of animal fur. Humane Society
Dog meat farm which killed Korea’s “national breed” Jindo dogs for the menu at a local restaurant, closes following cruelty charges
SEOUL—A dog meat farm on South Korea’s famous Jindo Island, which for more than 20 years bred and slaughtered Jindo dogs for human consumption despite them being the country’s national dog breed, has closed its doors for good after coming to an agreement with Humane Society International/Korea and
Chiuso allevamento che macellava cani della razza nazionale coreana Jindo per il menu di un ristorante locale
SEOUL—Un allevamento di cani da carne sulla famosa isola di Jindo, in Corea del Sud, ha chiuso definitivamente i battenti dopo aver allevato e macellato cani dell’omonima razza, destinati al consumo umano, per più di 20 anni, nonostante si trattasse della razza canina nazionale del paese. La
Humane Society International i LIFE ratuje 65 psów z okrutnej hodowli klatkowej
SEUL—Aż 65 psów udało się uratować z psiej farmy w Korei Południowej na wyspie Jindo, znanej jako rzeźnia psów zabijanych na mięso. Dzięki akcji organizacji zajmujących się ochroną praw zwierząt Humane Society International/Korea i koreańskiej grupy obrońców praw zwierząt LIFE, psy czeka bezpieczna
Dove und The Body Shop fordern gemeinsam mit den weltweit führenden Tierschutzorganisationen die EU auf, tierleidfreie Kosmetik in Europa zu schützen.
BERLIN—Dove und The Body Shop haben sich PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals und ECEAE (die insgesamt 100 Mitgliedsorganisationen aus 26 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten* vertreten) angeschlossen. Schnellstmöglich werden eine Million europäische Bürger*innen
Dove and The Body Shop unite with the world’s leading animal protection groups and call on the EU to save cruelty-free cosmetics in Europe
Dove and The Body Shop have joined PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals and the ECEAE (representing a total of 100 member organisations from 26 EU member states*) to urgently mobilise 1 million European citizens and save cruelty-free cosmetics in
Dove e The Body Shop si uniscono alle principali organizzazioni mondiali per la protezione degli animali e chiedono all'UE di salvare i cosmetici cruelty-free in Europa
Dove e The Body Shop si sono uniti a PETA, Cruelty Free Europe, Humane Society International/Europe, Eurogroup for Animals e l’ECEAE (che rappresentano un totale di 100 organizzazioni di 26 stati membri dell'UE*) per mobilitare urgentemente 1 milione di cittadini europei e salvare i cosmetici
HSI donates more than 16 tons of food to help dogs and cats during pandemic lockdown
SANTIAGO, Chile—Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared worldwide in 2020 more than 3,900 animals and counting have been fed and assisted thanks to donations made by Humane Society International. This effort was made possible by generous aid provided by Mars, Incorporated to HSI to help communities
HSI dona más de 16 toneladas de alimento para ayudar a perros y gatos durante el confinamiento por la pandemia
SANTIAGO, Chile — Desde que la pandemia por COVID-19 fue declarada a nivel mundial en el 2020 más de 3.900 animales y contando, han sido alimentados y asistidos gracias a donaciones hechas por la Humane Society International. Este esfuerzo fue posible gracias a la generosa ayuda proporcionada por
Mexico becomes first country in North America to outlaw animal testing for cosmetics
MEXICO CITY—Mexico’s Senate today gave its final and unanimous support to a federal bill to ban animal testing for cosmetics, making it the first country in North America and the 41 st country globally to do so. The new law also bans the manufacture, import and marketing of cosmetics tested on
México prohíbe las pruebas cosméticas en animales
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO—La organización con liderazgo global en protección animal, Humane Society International (HSI), dio la bienvenida a la decisión del pleno del Senado de la República de prohibir las pruebas cosméticas en animales, así como la fabricación, importación o comercialización de cosméticos
South Korea to host multi-stakeholder forum, discussing challenges and visions to promote alternatives to animal testing
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA—The National Assembly and Humane Society International/Korea have organized a biomedical research multi-stakeholder forum called Alternatives to Animal Testing with Scientific Approaches. Co-hosting the event are the chair of National Assembly’s Health and Welfare Committee
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널-남인순 국회의원, 동물대체시험법 활성화 위한 현장 간담회 개최
국회 보건복지위원장 김민석 의원, 남인순 ·신현영 의원, 동물복지국회포럼 공동주최 참여 동물실험 대체 기술 발전 위한 산.학.연.병.관 의견 수렴 동물보호단체 한국 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(이하 HSI)과 남인순 국회의원 주관으로 2일 ‘과학적 접근으로 동물 희생 줄이는 대체시험법, 어떻게 가능한가?’ 현장 간담회가 개최됐다. 이번 간담회는 국회 보건복지위원장 김민석, 국회의원 남인순, 신현영, 동물복지국회포럼이 공동주최하고 식품의약품안전처와 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단이 후원했다. 간담회에서는 국제적인 OECD 표준 시험 방법으로
MEPs underline support for moving away from industrial animal farming, increase in plant-based protein and tax on climate-damaging foods
Brussels—MEPs have backed the revision of EU animal welfare legislation, an accelerated transition away from intensive animal agriculture, greater support for plant-based proteins and zero tax for climate-friendly foods with higher tax on climate-damaging foods like meat. The European Parliament’s
HSI/Liberia helps empower law enforcers to combat wildlife crime
Humane Society International/Liberia, in collaboration with Liberia’s Forestry Development Authority (FDA), recently convened a two-day wildlife law enforcement training for members of the country’s security sector and judiciary. Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Bomi County Inspector Jumah E
Viet Nam’s first certified cage-free egg brand launched by V.Food in consultation with HSI
HO CHI MINH CITY—One of the largest egg suppliers and processing companies in South Viet Nam, Vinh Thanh Dat (V.Food), has joined the global cage-free movement by launching their first certified cage-free egg brand in the country. The project is freeing thousands of hens from cages in the first year
HSI/Europe startet Kampagne für Einfuhrverbotvon Jagdtrophäen gefährdeter Arten nach Deutschland
BERLIN—Humane Society International/Europe (HSI) setzt sich mit einer neuen internationalen Kampagne für die Abschaffung der Trophäenjagd ein. Die Tier-und Artenschützer*innenwollendie Öffentlichkeit für dieses Thema sensibilisieren und die Entscheidungsträger*innen der Europäischen Union drängen
Images of bloodied dead rhinoceros shot, stuffed and delivered to the EU appear in hard-hitting campaign to ban hunting trophy imports
BRUSSELS—With the European Union the world’s second largest importer of hunting trophies after the United States, animal protection group Humane Society International/Europe is stepping up its fight with a new hard-hitting campaign. Its striking HSI/Europe research reveals that nearly 15,000 hunting