Kristin Lamy/Humane World for Animals
Spay/neuter saves lives. -
Kristin Lamy/HSI
Kristin Lamy/HSI
Humane Society International/Canada and Chiots Nordiques have just completed their 10th mass spay/neuter clinic together in the Atikamekw community of Wemotaci, Quebec. The groups set up a temporary clinic to sterilize 113 animals, with a total of 188 animals receiving essential veterinary care such as vaccinations.
Ewa Demianowicz, campaign manager for HSI/Canada, said: “Wemotaci was the first community HSI/Canada visited with Chiots Nordiques, in 2013, when we joined forces to bring essential veterinary services to remote locations in Quebec. It was heartwarming to be back, and to see the extraordinary improvements in the welfare of the animals and people of Wemotaci. The dedication of this community to humane methods of dog management and their commitment to animal welfare is inspiring.”
Support the efforts of HSI/Canada to prevent cruelty and save lives.
Éric Coïa, president of Chiots Nordiques, added: “We were thrilled to be back in Wemotaci, a community that loves their animals, but one which unfortunately doesn’t have access to veterinary services. We’ve travelled six hours to this location, with a team of 20 volunteers, to set up a three-day temporary clinic. The community was extremely grateful for our presence and we were happy to be able to help them humanely manage their dog overpopulation.”
Dogs hold an important place in First Nations communities, but the lack of access to veterinary services in these areas has led to overpopulation of stray dogs and neglect. Mass sterilization is an efficient and humane method to control the dog overpopulation crisis these communities face. These clinics not only help animals in need; they also contribute to these communities by reducing the incidence of dog bite injuries and zoonotic diseases.
The tragic death of a Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, woman underlines the urgency of managing canine populations to ensure harmonious interactions between people and dogs. Please read our statement here.
Media Contact: Christopher Paré, 514 395-2914 x 206, cpare@hsi.org